How to use "lonely" in a sentence


One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity

But different, separate, and kind of lonely

'An empty house, even a very beautiful one, can be lonely,' de Winter said.

The truth is he's lonely by himself at Manderley

I tried to smile but suddenly I felt lonely and afraid

'What do you think of it? Aren't you lonely living here?'

I missed Maxim now and felt lonely without him

He was lonely and afraid

If you put a secret installation in the middle of all that lonely land, you have a pretty easy job maintaining security."

That's why he lived a lonely life and locked all his doors so carefully

'He just said he was a bit lonely in the evenings

I was a lonely man, and they were very kind to me

My home was a lonely place

I sit in my study writing by lamplight, and suddenly I see the valley below on fire again, and feel that the house around me is empty and lonely

I stood up quickly, feeling the same sudden fear I had felt when that hand touched my arm at the lonely crossroads

Six lonely months have passed, and I am with dear Laura once more, but we now live at Blackwater Park, Sir Percival's house in Hampshire

She looked so lonely as she said those words that my eyes filled with tears