How to use "meal" in a sentence


The innkeeper, who was also the cook, was busy with his pots and pans, preparing a meal for a group of travellers who were laughing and joking in the next room.

'A meal and a bed,' said the stranger.

'When will the meal be ready?' the stranger asked.

That evening, Mme Magloire was chatting with Mile Baptistine before serving the meal.

The next morning they gave him the bill, charging him three times the usual price for a meal and a bed for the night

Finally he left the Gardens in the mad hope of seeing her in the street, but instead he met Enjolras, who invited him to a meal.

To her surprise, Gran wasn't in the kitchen preparing their meal as usual

She finished her meal as quickly as possible

'When you see Mr de Winter, Madam, please tell him there will be a hot meal ready for the men at any time.'

Anyway, when he finally gets hungry and realizes he hasn't eaten, he gulps down a huge meal, and the blood rushes from his head to his stomach, and he passes out in the middle of the restaurant

"I don't need much time to plan a meal

She wanted to be enjoying an ordinary meal, on an ordinary evening, in the middle of a blissfully ordinary life, with every reason to expect a long, comfortable, ordinary future

We had a special dinner to celebrate and at the end of the meal, when the servant brought in the bottle of champagne, Andre took it from her.

There was food available, although the prices were very high, and the three of them had a meal.

We sat in the kitchen in the dark and had a meal of cold food, and just before midnight there was a blinding flash of green light followed by the loudest bang I have ever heard

Neither of us wanted to start digging again, and when he suggested a meal I was quite happy to agree.

We put up our tent and cook a simple, healthy meal

We all sit around a warm fire and eat our meal.

'How do you know if I work, Harris? You're always sleeping, except at meal times

Have you ever seen Harris awake, except at meal times?' George asked me.

We went directly to the restaurant and had a small meal