How to use "meetings" in a sentence


She couldn't tell them about Gran's letter, or the meetings with Wena

All I know is that during the fourteen or sixteen - or seven thousand - months that we worked together, through countless story meetings in the development executive's office, I was never sure that any of my writing confreres had read the complete novel that he or she was adapting - or understood what had been read

Indeed, these meetings were enlivened by colorful storytelling - although none of it had to do with developing my novel into a two-hour filmed entertainment

Ultimately, after months of interminable meetings, two of the scripts we developed were deemed filmable

I had spent more time in useless development meetings than I had required to write both of those screenplays.

After all those months and all those meetings and all those network-approved writers, we had too little material to launch a series, regardless of whether it was titled From the Tormented Mind of Dean Koontz or Sitting in the Dark with Dean and Roaches or just Deaniac

Considering the fearsome number of meetings I had to sit through, my per-hour wage penciled out at less than I would have made if I had taken a part-time job at McDonald's.