How to use "metres" in a sentence


Here, the canyon suddenly drops eighteen metres

The hardest part is 180 metres before this

It's only about three metres, so I won't need any equipment

The Big Drop Rappel is now only about 160 metres away

This one is about four metres down

About three metres from the edge of the drop is a boulder

It is just over eighteen metres to the canyon floor.

The walls must be over thirty metres high

About seventy metres ahead of me are a family of three people - a man, a woman and a young boy

Then we got orders to move the machine gun about fifty metres to the left of the big tree that was in the middle of the valley, and to find a safe place to put it before the enemy blew us all up.

The door opened to a passage about 7-8 metres long

The passage into the yard was about five metres long and extremely dark

It was only 4-5 metres square and the door banged against the bedside table

I do not even know where this is because the fog is so thick that I can only see for a few metres in any direction.

He is alone on the jetty, apart from the boat attendant at his chair twenty metres away, his feet on a boat and a cigarette in his mouth

The creek is twenty metres from the farm house, and the evening seems to be alive with insects and birds that live in the trees near the green water.

The uncovered part looked like an enormous cylinder, about thirty metres across each end

I turned and ran madly towards the first group of trees, perhaps a hundred metres away

Thirty metres high

The stones under my feet were muddy and slippery, and the river was so low that I moved perhaps seven metres before I could get under the surface

It was already raising the case which sent the Heat-Ray when the first shell burst six metres above its head.

The Heat- Ray came down to the water's edge less than fifty metres from where I stood

I have a faknee-int memory of the foot of a Martian coming down within twenty metres of my head, going straight into the loose stones

They were described as, 'great machines like spiders, nearly thirty metres high, as fast as an express train, and able to shoot out a beam of strong heat.'

When the smoke had begun to settle, it stayed quite close to the ground so that even fifteen metres up in the air, on the roots and upper floors of houses and in high trees, there was a chance of escaping its poison

She fired from six metres away, narrowly missing my brother

There was a sharp bend in the road, less than fifty metres from the crossroads

A great cloud of dust, white under the strong sun, made everything within five metres of the ground grey and unclear

They went back a hundred metres in the direction they had come

He got to his feet and saw to the right, less than a hundred metres away, the warship cutting through the water at full speed, throwing enormous waves out on either side.

It went straight towards a second Martian, and was within a hundred metres of it when the Heat-Rav hit it

The top of a Martian fighting-machine came into sight over the house tops, less than a hundred metres away from us

The tentacle was now two metres or more into the room, moving backwards and forwards with strange, sudden movements

'Stop!' he cried, when I was within ten metres of him, and I stopped

It was a passage about ten metres long, designed to reach the main drain on Putney Hill

Other people said she had to look after her husband and her children! But Fanny started the 1948 Games by winning two races - one of them was the 100 metres

Then she won the 200 metres race and the 4 x 100 metres relay race.

Sarah ran the 800 metres, and Wojdan was in the judo.