How to use "might" in a sentence


This might take away enough of the rock to free my hand

If I can throw the rope around this, it might hold everything in the right position.

The first person to think something might be wrong was Aron's boss, Brion

I think something might be wrong

He also said he might hike in Utah

He might call the police and report me missing

If I'm very lucky, they might search the Robbers Roost area first

'No, just that he might hike somewhere in the Canyonlands area of Utah,' explained Brion

It might take longer to search

There might be some at the Big Drop Rappel, but first I need to get there.

Ned Land lost his temper, and I thought Captain Nemo might listen to me and let us go.

Again, in any law upon this subject, ought not all the safeguards of liberty known in civilized and humane jurisprudence to be introduced, so that a free man be not, in any case, surrendered as a slave? And might it not be well at the same time to provide by law for the enforcement of that clause in the Constitution which guarantees that "the citizen of each State shall be entitled to all privileged and immunities of citizens in the several States?"

If by the mere force of numbers a majority should deprive a minority of any clearly written Constitutional right, it might, in a moral point of view, justify revolution - certainly would if such a right were a vital one

I will venture to add that to me the convention mode seems preferable, in that it allows amendments to originate with the people themselves, instead of only permitting them to take or reject propositions originated by others not especially chosen for the purpose, and which might not be precisely such as they would wish to either accept or refuse

Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with, or even before, the conflict itself should cease

If I hurry, I might be able to catch him

The soldiers might discover the grille by the barricade at any moment, and come down in search of him.

And Detective, you might think that I'm crazy, but I know what this man wants..."

"No, because then he might escape

"Wait," Mrs Dawson says, and she looks like she might cry

Yes, I think I might have a lot more to confess tomorrow

"Be honest now, or there might be trouble for you."

"Well, we might need to talk to you again at another time," Smith says and turns to go back to the courtyard

We don't want to carry a deer back to the car: someone might see us."

For one awful moment, she thought Gran might even fall over.

I just thought you might be annoyed with me, and I didn't want to ruin our day."

"You might be this time." Cham hesitated

How wonderful to think that there might still be a different world out there - a world where you could do all those things for real!

"But who knows what there might he under the water!" laughed Cham."

They were so close to the pod center that she was worried there might be government agents nearby

Wow! Imagine that: thinking your brother might be alive after all that time."

People who still have relations on the other side, and who might risk trying to leave."

It might take a while to find the right time, but..

You know, I'm starting to think I might stay in for a while longer."

"I'll think about it," said Sala, suddenly afraid of what else he might say.

"I'm not sure he'll agree to leave the pod anyway, but if he does, they might still want him to stay

he said he might want to stay in the pod, after the two years," she said

This might be easier than she'd imagined

It might be the last real moment with him she'd have.

He might be cross with poor old Danny.'

They might make trouble.'

We might have to stay overnight in London

And if that were the case, then he might have ended up in a foster home, in a new life

She would be sufficiently tough on herself to stay in touch with reality - as unpleasant as reality might be

Of course, if the production was a flop, if it failed to please the audience, she might be back working the small lounges again, on her way down

Her obsessive fear of intruders in the house, her disquieting dreams about Danny, her renewed grief - all of those things might grow from her concern about Magyck! If that were the case, then those symptoms would disappear as soon as the fate of the show was evident

She needed only to ride out the next few days, and in the relative calm that would follow, she might be able to get on with healing herself.

She certainly couldn't share with him her appraisal of the situation: Danny, sweetheart, don't worry about anything you might have heard through the wall

If the audience at this evening's VIP premiere reacted enthusiastically, she might have to buy lead weights to keep herself from floating off the floor when she walked.

"Smooth as I might be, I'm no match for these two."

If she phoned for them and then ran out of the house, they might not find an intruder when they came

Elliot supposed that other people might find flaws in her face

Her nose was so straight that some might think it was severe

Others might say that her mouth was too wide, her chin too pointed

Nevertheless, it might be a good idea for Tina Evans to get rid of the boy's belongings at last.

Sooner or later word of her ranting's about poltergeists might get back to her daughter in Sacramento, and then the pressure to move to California would become unbearable

It might be wise, however, to go to church on Sunday

"In the middle of dinner, I might be seized by a desperate need to dash over here and act like a producer."

He might even be a desperately sick man

Every player at the table groaned, and they all had comments to make about the unlikely possibility that they might win anything from this dealer.

It's not usually dangerous, except if he has a mouthful of food when he faints, because then he might choke to death.

Her original intention had been to accuse him of ripping apart Danny's room; she had been prepared to come on strong, so that even if he didn't want her to know he'd done it, he might be rattled enough to reveal his guilt

These last few days, as your show's been getting ready to open, I've had the feeling you might finally realize you need something more in life, something a lot more emotionally satisfying than whatever it is you can get out of just producing stage shows."

"Michael-" she began, intending to tell him that she was going to stage another show within the next year, that she didn't want to be represented by only one production at a time, and that she even had distant designs on New York and Broadway, where the return of Busby Berkeley - style musicals might be greeted with cheers.

She was crying for all the things that might have been, and for what could never be again.

It could tell her each man's preferred brand of liquor, each wife's favorite flower and perfume, the make of car they drove, the names and ages of their children, the nature of any illnesses or other medical conditions they might have, their favorite foods, their favorite colors, their tastes in music, their political affiliations, and scores of other facts both important and trivial

She probably wouldn't get the answers she needed, and she would only be acknowledging her presence to whomever might be out there at another workstation

She took a step toward him, but then she realized that he might have come here straight from a computer in one of the other third-floor offices

I wondered if you might still be at your desk

"It might," Tina said

Right? Who knows what might make a person like that reveal himself? If he finds out there's going to be an exhumation, maybe he'll react strongly, give himself away

While Tina and Elliot had been joking in the kitchen, even before dinner had been completely prepared, she had begun to think they might go to bed together

The exhumation of Danny's body would be good for her, regardless of the horror that she might have to confront when the coffin lid was raised

Certainly, the unknown person who was harassing Tina might have violent intentions

Although a judicial purist might have disapproved, prosecutors and public defenders and tax attorneys and criminal lawyers and corporate counsel were mingling and getting pleasantly drunk with the judges before whom they argued cases most every week

In freshly pressed slacks, a crisp blue shirt, a patterned tie, and a gray sports jacket, he might have been a professional hit man uncomfortably gotten up for the baptism of his Mafia don's grandchild

While he was still under the influence of the drug, they might be able to make him write a suicide note and sign it in a legible, identifiable script

Gas might be leaking under the concrete slab and building up down there, in which case it's possible you wouldn't detect it right away, but you'd still be sitting on top of a bomb."

Vince would survive, although he might need hospitalization, and he wouldn't be able to swallow without pain for days to come.

By the time he called the police and managed to explain the situation, they might be too late to help Tina.

They think there might be a leak in this neighborhood."

"The latch might cause a spark," Elliot said

But now that they know we're on to them, they might panic, might do anything

The door rumbled down, concealing them from anyone who might drive past.

Smiling, Tom said, "I think the deposit might not turn out to be as refundable as you thought."

"The cops might be a part of it, at least to the extent that Vince's bosses can put pressure on them

He might as well have saved his breath

And now, just when I'm beginning to think I can face up to it and put it behind me, I discover he might not have died accidentally after all

"I thought we might make some quick allies out of those other parents

If they hadn't seen their kids' bodies, they might have just gone through a year of doubt like you did, might be easily persuaded to join us in a call for the reopening of all the graves

That might be just what Vince's bosses are expecting us to do

"That might be enough

But a bunch of hard-nosed security men might not have seen it that way."

People might have discounted most of what the boys said about it, but they'd have believed Jaborski and Lincoln

We might eventually have to talk to him, but first we should pay a visit to the mortician who handled the body

There might be a lot he can tell us

They might track us when we use the cards, but not for a couple of days."

At the same time, she knew this wasn't a rational thought; the explanation, whatever it might be, was not that simple

Jaborski, Lincoln, and all the other boys might have died in the Sierras, but Danny didn't

Those might not be the precise circumstances, but they're pretty damn close to the truth."

"It might be imaginative, but it's not a theory

She was no longer afraid of facing the awful truth that might be waiting in Reno

What had happened to Danny might still prove to be terrible, shattering, but she didn't think it would be as hard to accept as his "death" had been

The only thing that scared her now was the possibility that they might find Danny - and then be unable to rescue him

In the process of locating the boy, she and Elliot might be killed

The Network badly wanted to eliminate everyone who might press for the exhumation of Danny Evans's body, and the agents targeted against Elliot Stryker and Christina Evans had thus far failed to carry out their orders to terminate the pair

He had thought Evans might be keeping a vigil at the demolished house, while the firemen sifted through the still-smoldering debris, searching for the remains of the woman they thought might be buried there

It might have been a bitter divorce.

"Well, he still might pop up here

If he's aged as well as he seems to have done, then he might even be sharper these days."

"But we might get lucky

Meanwhile, we're checking out Stryker's associates in his law firm, his friends, the woman's friends, anyone with whom they might have taken refuge."

In which case, both he and you might be dead

"We've got less than an hour, so there might not be time

He might not understand it himself

We might both be killed before we even get close to him."

Risky as it might be to express doubt to any colleague on the project, Dombey could not control himself: "Clean? This whole thing was never clean

If there's any trouble, you might get in the way of it."

"Then you might need my help," she said

The rear windows were blank, black; a sentry might be standing behind any of them, invisible in the darkness.

If we stop for more than a couple of seconds, it'll show up on their receiver, and they might get suspicious."

I might even take a certain pleasure in it

George liked to believe that they might even find it in their hearts to forgive him for having pulled the trigger himself.

And if it does exist, they might not be holding him there anyway."

She felt almost as if she had him in her arms again, and she didn't want anyone to tell her that he might be a hair's breadth beyond her grasp.

Elliot had suggested a change in the color of ink, so they would be able to tell the difference between the meaningless scribbles that were already on the map and any new marks that might be made.

We might get to this place and find we can't slip around its defenses."

"Going to war, you might prefer a tank."

They might find us by then."

Elliot said, "Billy, you might be better off not knowing."

And foolhardy as that might be, it does a lot for a person's self-respect."

Coming back to the car might be it

But it might."

Perhaps the lateness of the hour and the fading light would work against them, but approaching in the night might actually be to their advantage

"What - you think the boy might be responsible for the changes in air temperature?"

"What if Danny didn't have anything to do with it? They might just be letting us in so they can trap us inside."

"He might not want to go

"But we might find a use for that coil of rope," Elliot said

But if you agitate the wound, you might tear a bruised vessel, and then you'll bleed to death."

If they were discovered and confronted by a squad of angry security men, Elliot's one pistol might not be enough to discourage an assault

Zachariah regarded her as he might have done if she had been dead on the floor and then miraculously risen.

Her tears might upset him

Both Jaborski and the other scout leader decided they might have a dangerous character on their hands

What sort of research do you think they might do then?"

They might pretend to close us down, but they won't

She agreed that it might not be wise to let anyone know what powers Danny had acquired

They might have been talented folks who, in the past, had produced works to rival those of Shakespeare and who, in the future, might produce thousands of pages of sheer genius

I received a death threat by phone the night before the arbitration - I can't say for certain that it was from the writer; the voice was so deep that it might have been his mother - and the next morning the law firm handling the studio's case assured me that they had taken extra security measures for the meeting

By this time, we had passed the one-year mark in the development process, and I knew we were not going to wind up with a usable script, so I didn't insist on discussing whether the rubber tires would melt off the vehicle within two hundred yards or three, or ponder at what point the gasoline tank might explode

I long ago wore out the three pairs of shoes that I was able to buy with my after-expenses and after-tax income from the project which, had it come to fruition, might have been titled I Think There's a Rat Chewing My Foot in Dean Koontz's Theater

It was lucky that he was staring at the wine glass and not at me, or something in my expression might have frightened him.

What else could it do but go to others it loves, to Henri, to you - you who might know and understand what needed to be done!'

You remember the ashtray? Perhaps if you had put it through again, it might have come out with the letters turned back the right way.'

'Don't you think,' said my wife, 'that Miss Cram might just like having an interesting job?'

'Haven't you thought,' I asked, 'that Lettice might think that, too?'

'But if there was an argument,' I argued, 'the shot may have been fired in sudden anger, and Lawrence might have been very upset afterwards about what he had done.'

'Well, I thought she might,' said Miss Marple

'It might have been in her handbag.'

And then tell Mrs Protheroe that Mr Redding is innocent - well, then they might both tell you the truth.'

I can think of at least seven people who might be very happy to have Colonel Protheroe dead.'

'So, almost anyone might have taken it.'

She might know something.'

'You don't think it might be someone else wearing the gardener's boots?'

'I feel that someone might have seen or heard something, and I wondered if you could help me?'

Rose, if Gladdie overheard something - it might not seem important - I'd be so grateful to you.'

He was afraid that because of the murder we might search his rooms and find this silver

Just because you're much older than I am, you think that I might like other men more than you.'

'I thought it might be important, Mr Clement.'

'But the man might have been hiding in the bushes,' said Mrs Price Ridley

I've been trying to protect Mrs Lestrange from anything that might upset her

'Don't you think,' I said, 'that it might be better if Hawes didn't recover? We know the truth now and...'

And I began to think of other people who might want Colonel Protheroe dead.'

So perhaps the sneeze that Mrs Price Ridley's servant heard might have been the shot? But anyway, Mrs Protheroe and Mr Redding went into the studio together - and then realized, of course, that I would not leave my garden until I saw them come out again!'

And he thought that it might be useful, so he put it in his pocket.

'It was absolutely necessary for a shot to be heard because without it Mrs Protheroe might have continued to be a suspect

'We might be allowed to set a little trap.'

'He might do something stupid,' I said.

But afterwards I was frightened that the police might think she had killed father

I was afraid the police might recognize it

At most, people believed there might be living things on Mars, perhaps less developed than us and ready to welcome visitors

In fact, he compared it to the burning gases that might rush out from a gun.

He did not imagine that it might be hollow.

He remained standing on one side of the pit that the Thing had made for itself, staring at its strange appearance and thinking that there might be some intelligent design in its shape

I ran crying silently as a child might do

I was even afraid that the last shots I had heard might mean the end of our visitors from Mars

He had an idea that he might see me

Each of the Martians, standing in the great curve I have described, had used the tube he carried to fire a large cylinder over whatever hill, wood or other possible hiding-place for guns might be in front of him

So, doing it methodically, as a man might kill insects, the Martians spread this strange killing smoke over the country towards London

I took hold of his arm, afraid that he might cry out, and for a long time we remained still

The arrival of a second fighting-machine made us move back out of the kitchen into the hall, because we were afraid that from that height the Martian might see us through the hole

The Martians might only stay in this pit for a short time, then move on

Or if they stayed permanently, they might not think it necessary to watch it all the time.

I thought that it might not be long enough to reach me

I lit no lamps, afraid that a Martian might come through that part of London looking for food in the night

At any time the destruction that had already happened to the north-western borders of the city, that had destroyed Ealing, might strike among these houses and leave them smoking ruins

And as I looked at it, and realized that the shadows had been rolled back, and that people might still live in its streets, and that this dear city of mine might be once more alive and powerful again, I felt such emotion that I was very close to tears.

Every time the planet Mars comes near to us, I worry that they might try again

We can never know what unseen good or evil might come to us suddenly out of space

She explained Mr Hartright's concern that Sir Percival Glyde might be the aristocrat the woman in white had talked about