How to use "minute" in a sentence


But my problems are getting worse every minute

Only three more kilometres to my truck, but I'm feeling weaker every minute.

'Alice, stop it this minute! Don't cry!' she said.

'Run home this minute and bring me a hat

It started to move away a minute later, it vanished behind a flower and Alice never saw it again.

Alice looked at the two mushrooms and thought for a minute

It thought for a minute or two

Then she said, 'Cheshire Cat, one minute you vanish and the next minute you're there again

She watched for a minute or two

In another minute, she could see its ears and eyes.

Alice thought for a minute

The Mad Hatter thought for a minute

Then everything went quiet again, and after a minute or two the rest of us climbed up out of the hole.

I could hear the music that was playing inside and, after a minute or two, I began playing with it

But the next minute we were kissing and making love! And when we finished, Jenny said, 'Forrest, where have you been all this time?'

A minute later, I had my arms round her and we were both crying

He didn't look up but, after a minute, he said, 'Perhaps you're right.'

'Can I see him for a minute or two?'

A minute later he climbed the garden wall and disappeared into the trees.

'Why don't you sit down for a minute? You look tired

'Just a minute,' her husband said

The girl looked hard at him for a minute.

She listened at the window for a minute, then ran up to her bedroom, opened the window and looked out

To which Cosette would reply, 'I love you more with every minute that passes.'

'Let me go home for a minute

"One minute!" says Little John.

She's only going to be one minute!" he shouts, and the attendant stops and gives him a long, hard look with his cold, blue eyes.

"Wait a minute," interrupts Peter

"Wait a minute, Son, you don't need that today."

"Wait a minute - you think your brother sent the fruit?"

"Slow down a minute."

Sala spent every possible minute with Cham

'He was by that rock a minute ago,' said Maxim.

Wait a minute - Jack Favell

I'll tell Maxim you'll be down in a minute, shall I?'

'Now, wait a minute, Max,' Favell answered

'Wait a minute,' said Colonel Julyan

Wait a minute..

It only takes him a minute or two to find them.

A minute later, he sees Natalie Nevons

Of course, if she and Michael were in bed right this minute, it wouldn't be like that at all

Wardrobe women mended tears and sewed up unraveled hems that had been discovered at the last minute

Minute by minute the cloud of cigarette smoke overhead thickened

Besides, the house hadn't shuddered just a minute ago; only the photos had been affected.

The voice faded after a minute, but the bed began to bang up and down.

It was a mentally and physically debilitating experience - it was hard -and I loved every minute of it! God willing, I'm going to do it again

"Now, wait a minute," he said, beginning to get angry

"Wait just a damn minute

"You already put it in a minute ago."

During the minute that he was away from her, she was afraid the spell was broken

As he and Elliot ambled along the sun-splashed street, Kennebeck mulled over the problem in silence for almost a minute

In silence, they walked back to the house, where the party was getting louder by the minute.

The Mad Hatter would be along any minute now.

Elliot had the awful feeling that this guy would reach for the button Tina had pushed less than a minute ago, and that the garage door would lift just as the black van was rolling slowly by in the street.

Elliot glanced in the rearview mirror, as he had been doing every minute or two since they'd turned onto Charleston Boulevard

"Wait a minute

Wait a minute."

For a minute or two neither of them spoke

They're going to ask him to describe the condition of the boy in minute detail."

"The temperature's dropped thirty-five degrees in there during the past minute and a half," Zachariah said worriedly

"Those guys'll spot the problem in a minute."

In addition, some reservations were canceled at the last minute, and there were always a few no-shows

"I don't believe for a minute it's going to work

A minute passed.

Another minute

After half a minute, she felt the power leave her hand again.

A minute passed, then another.

After half a minute, all of the unnatural movement stopped, and the room rapidly grew warm again.

After a minute of thought Tina said, "I don't know

That same traitorous bastard is also up there in the labs right this minute, ready to open the gates and doors to them

"Not a minute more than that."

And like syphilis, Wuhan-400 can't survive outside a living human body for longer than a minute, which means it can't permanently contaminate objects or entire places the way anthrax and other virulent microorganisms can

Jaborski didn't believe Bollinger's story for a minute, but he finally offered to take him to the wildlife center where a rescue effort could be mounted

Holmes stopped the young man for a minute

After what seemed a very long wait, but was probably only a minute or two, I saw a bright light through my fingers.

'How could I have thought for one minute that Anne did it? I met her in the studio that afternoon...' He paused.

As I sat there, I heard footsteps outside, they paused for a minute, then went away

'Come in a minute.'

He had brought several keys with him and in one minute, the suitcase was open

For a minute he hardly realized what this meant, and although the heat was great, he climbed down into the pit to see the cylinder more closely

As it passed it gave a deafening howl that was louder than the thunder - 'Aloo! Aloo!' - and a minute later it was with another one, half a kilometer away, bending over something in a field

I stopped for a minute in front of it to look for that strange face

Harris moved a bit and said, 'I'll be downstairs in a minute