How to use "miserable" in a sentence


When he sees how miserable we are, he'll give us a lot of money, you'll see.'

Cham looked desperately miserable

Strange faces surrounded her; everyone looked miserable and gray

It rained constantly, but Sala didn't really care; the dark, miserable skies matched her mood

Sala felt flat, and miserable

She was miserable because she couldn't think of a way to reach him

Tina gave her address to him, and then somehow they were talking about jazz and Benny Goodman, and then about the miserable service provided by the Las Vegas phone company, just chatting away as if they were old friends

Tina, wearing rubber-soled sneakers with canvas tops, was surely as miserable as he was

I was quite angry, but my husband was so miserable that I said nothing.

As I read it I became so angry that I insulted him out loud in front of Anne - I said he was a miserable impostor

Anne turned to him and said, 'You're a miserable impostor.' She had no idea what it meant - she was just repeating my words - but Sir P was terrified