How to use "mom" in a sentence


"My mom says the packing equipment is broken," said Sala

Her mom was a scientist in the laboratory

Their mom was still out at work.

You can earn a lot of money for it - a real salary, like your mom's."

"You've read the messages, you've thought about it, you've even talked to your mom -"

Her mom was a food scientist in the meat-growing laboratory, developing different kinds of meat from just a few animal cells

Sala's mom looked uncertain

"My mom is really upset," Cham carried on

Not even your mom and dad."

Cham's mom and dad took the screen, looking first at each other and then at Cham.

Cham's mom Dani went first

The whole family went to the pod center, with Cham's mom telling his sisters to be brave, and his dad pale and quiet

"My mom and dad are waiting to speak to me," said Cham

But let's try to stay calm." She looked at Sala's mom

Sala stood by the recognition screen and waited until Cham's mom Dani came to the door.

"I think your mom and dad would miss you," Sala said to his sister

"What about your studies?" asked his mom.

How is everything? Your mom and gran? Is Apat behaving himself?" Sala was surprised

My mom proved it in the laboratory