How to use "moves" in a sentence


"Then goodbye, Mr Hastings," Robin says, and he moves the gun, but...

He moves a little closer.

He raises his gun and is about to shoot when the dark shape moves again, and he laughs.

They both stand up, but before Nick moves into the crowds, Jake stops him

He moves out into the crowds of people

He moves slowly

He sees two policemen in the distance and he moves the other way

He grabs the bag and moves away

So he moves into the crowds like Nick does

Just look at the view out there." And from the large glass windows they can see the majestic figure of the Statue of Liberty as the ship slowly moves away from the port of New York and heads into the deep of the ocean.

Eleanor smiles shyly and moves the elegant white silk scarf that lies around her neck above her black dress

He moves towards another door and then hears someone else enter court.

For a second he does not know what to say, but he knows what to do, and he pulls his hand away and moves to the door

So, he moves back to his desk, and he sits down in the seat and feels defeated.

The car is big and old, but it is a classic, and it moves along the road like a shark, the evening sun reflecting off the red paint.

But then he moves

He wants to sit down to look at them and moves closer to the edge.

Then the woman turns and moves back into the trees

The old woman two seats away from her does not look happy and she moves to sit in the seat next to Sarah.

"And then, when everything is attached, the pod moves into a horizontal position, so you're lying down."

When he does finally stand up, he moves too fast

Some of our clients made smart moves and were carried right to the top by the explosive growth of the gaming industry and the Vegas real-estate market, and we just sort of shot up there along with them, hanging on to their coattails."

I know how it works - the rules, the moves

A decontamination crew moves in swiftly to clean up whatever mess you've made in the lab

Mitch moves to Anna's table

He moves further up the sands, but the car is parked safely away from the sea, and the rising water cannot reach its tyres.