How to use "moving" in a sentence


It's just a small animal moving in the rock

6.00 pm My second night in the canyon is moving closer

Elliot, another friend of his, was moving into the house after Leona had gone

Things were now moving fast.

And it's moving

Suddenly, we saw others moving through the forest.

The night was not very dark; there was a full moon, hidden from time to time by large clouds moving quickly across the sky

Valjean stood for some time gazing emptily around him at the sunset and the shadows moving in on him

In the light of a lamp above a doorway, he saw four men moving along the street in his direction

Seven or eight soldiers were moving slowly along the lane in his direction.

Marius looked up from the letter and watched the girl moving fearlessly around his room, studying the furniture and the mirror on the wall

The next evening, as she was walking in the garden, she was sure that she heard someone moving in the trees

Sounds of chains and of heavy wheels moving along the stone streets could be heard, and then soldiers came into view at the end of the street, pulling a large cannon

Then, moving to the gate, he shook it fiercely with both hands, trying to bend the bars with the last of his strength

Valjean told him his name and stood, without moving, as Javert approached and stared into his eyes.

As he spoke, Valjean's breathing became more painful and he had difficulty moving his arms

It seems like the ground is moving slowly up, and I believe that this is right

I try not to think of anything but the direction I am moving in, but I am starting to remember things now

Then he feels hands on him, pushing him and moving him

There is another shout from behind him, but Jake keeps moving

Something moving against the door of the confessional

He thinks there is someone or something moving, and it is big: bigger than a rabbit or a hare, but he does not think it can be a person

To get home quickly, they stepped onto one of the fast-moving walkways that stretched in all directions across the city.

Cautiously, she tried moving her arms and legs, and found that it came naturally

Any kind of rebellion had to keep moving so that no one could discover it."

They all stared at me without moving

The train is moving fast.

She closed her eyes and imagined herself lying beside him, reaching for him in the dark, touching, touching, moving against him, into the shelter of his arms

By ten-thirty most of the audience had left and those who hadn't gone yet were in line, moving up the steps toward the rear doors of the showroom

Tina mingled, moving back and forth, upstage and downstage, through the crowd, thanking everyone for his contribution to the show's success, complimenting each member of the cast and crew on his dedication and professionalism

But an image of crimson eyes, yellow skin - the leering face of death - flashed through her mind, and she kept moving.

"We'll be moving fast and loose."

"We better get moving

They hurriedly retraced their path, moving away from the funeral home

A white Ford sedan had just turned the corner, moving slowly

"We've gotten this far because we've kept moving and we've been aggressive," Tina said

On paper, they were still moving along the border of the map, with a large expanse of blues and greens on their left

Now they were on a narrow county road, moving steadily higher as the valley sloped toward its northern end

"Don't keep me in suspense," Zachariah said, moving over to the table to examine the tests.

The guard stopped halfway to the Explorer and turned toward the gate when he saw it moving, unable to believe his eyes.

"Supposed to be a new storm moving in," Hensen said

What I'm going to do is make an indirect approach to the plateau, moving with the wind instead of across it

It would mean the end of all ways of moving things from one place to another - not only things but also people

He did not answer, but I heard him moving around

I heard Andre moving behind the door, then it opened

I heard Andre moving in the next room, and then a strange sucking noise, as though he had trouble drinking his milk.

But suddenly I heard someone else moving very close to me

'I am sleeping very badly just now, and at about three o'clock this morning I thought I heard someone moving about the house

Its air is much thinner than ours, its oceans have become smaller until they cover only a third of its surface, and from its far north and south the ice is steadily moving forwards

Thick clouds of smoke or dust, which looked like little grey, moving spots through a powerful telescope on Earth, spread through the clearness of the planet's atmosphere and hid its more familiar features.

'It's moving,' he said to me as he passed, '- unscrewing and unscrewing

But, looking, I soon saw something grey moving within the shadow, then two shining circles - like eyes

Then I saw a round object moving up and down

All this happened so quickly that I stood without moving, shocked by the flashes of light

I went into my garden and stood listening, but towards the common there was nothing moving.

I ran because I realized that soon everyone on this side of the hill would be moving

In another moment we were clear of the smoke and the noise, and moving quickly down the opposite side of Maybury Hill.

I saw a line of green fire pass through the moving clouds and into the field to my left

At first I thought it was the wet roof of a house, but the lightning flashes showed that it was moving quickly down Maybury Hill

I turned my desk chair to the window and stared out at the country and, in particular, at the three enormous black Things that were moving around the common

A kind of arm held a complicated metal case, out of which the Heat-Ray flashed as it killed anyone who was still moving

Thick clouds of steam were pouring from the wreckage, and through it I could see its long legs and tentacles moving in the water.

Then I saw the four of them carrying the remains of the fallen one between them, now clear and then later faint through a curtain of smoke, moving away from me across a great space of river and fields

I saw an empty boat, very small and far away, moving down the river and, taking off most of my wet clothes, I swam to it

I used my hands to keep it moving, down the river towards Walton, going very slowly and often looking behind me

At about seven o'clock last night the Martians came out of the cylinder and, moving around in metal machines, completely destroyed Woking station and the houses around it, and killed around 600 soldiers

The Martians appear to be moving towards Chertsey

No one in London knew what the Martians looked like, and there was still a fixed idea that they must be slow: 'crawling', 'moving painfully' - words like these were in all the earlier reports

Then trains carrying large guns and many soldiers passed through the station, moving towards Kingston

Five of the machines had been seen moving towards the Thames and one, by a lucky chance, had been destroyed

Guns, including some very large ones, were moving in quickly

A closed carriage came up the street, quickly followed by a number of other fast-moving vehicles

Every moment brought more and more fast-moving people in vehicles.

They have poisoned our gunners, destroyed Richmond, Kingston and Wimbledon, and are moving slowly towards London, destroying everything on the way, It is impossible to stop them

I looked again at the Martian, and saw that it was now moving east along the river bank

From there we could see the searchlights on Richmond Hill and Kingston Hill moving in the sky, and at about eleven the windows shook, and we heard the sound of the large guns that had been put in position there

Still recovering, my brother found himself facing the man who had held the horse's head, and realized that the cart was moving away along the road

The robbers had had enough and were moving away.

It seemed that the whole population of London was moving north

It one had flown over London that morning, every road to the north or east would have seemed black with moving refugees, everyone a frightened and exhausted human being.

None of the wars of history had such an effect - six million people, moving without weapons or food or any real sense of direction

A number of people now, like my brother, were moving to the east, and some were even so desperate that they turned back towards London to get food

The little steamboat was already moving out to sea, when a Martian appeared, small and far away, moving along the muddy coast from the south

Looking to the north-east, my brother saw the long line of ships already moving away from the approaching terror

The Martian was thrown back by the violence of the explosion, and in another moment the burning wreckage, still moving forwards, had broken the Martian like something made of wood

All this time the steamboat was moving steadily out to sea and away from the fight, and when at last the steam cleared, the black cloud got in the way and they could see nothing of either the Thunder Child or the third Martian

But the other warships were now quite close and moving in towards the shore.

Then suddenly, out of the golden sunset, came the sound of guns and the sight of black shadows moving

There were signs of people in the next house on Sunday evening - a face at a window and moving lights, and later the closing of a door

We kept away from the road, moving through gardens and some areas full of trees

It is generally supposed that the Martians communicated by sounds and by moving their arms

I turned and saw an unhappy face and silent, moving lips

The whole scene was one of moving lights and shadows, difficult for the eyes

Then, through a sort of glass plate, I saw the large, dark eyes of a Martian, and one of its tentacles appeared, moving in through the hole.

The tentacle was now two metres or more into the room, moving backwards and forwards with strange, sudden movements

In the darkness I could just see the thing moving towards me and examining the wall and the floor

It was like a black snake moving its head from side to side.

Perhaps even now they were destroying Berlin or Paris, or maybe they were moving north.

He stood silently, watching me but not moving.

My imagination heard a thousand noiseless enemies moving

The river is moving along quietly

We saw the cover moving violently, but we thought this was the correct method.