How to use "names" in a sentence


He always helps me to organise the names and places of the wonderful strange sea creatures that we find in the oceans of the world

But there was a boy in the cafe who started calling me names, and saying things like, 'How's Stupid?'

Then Curtis ran after me, and called me all kinds of terrible names.

'My names Fantine,' the young woman said

Remember your jobs, and remember: no real names

The paging system blared names

Hundred-foot-long signs-five - hundred-foot-long signs - towered five or even ten stories above the street, glittering, winking, thousands of miles of bright glass tubing filled with glowing gas, blinking, swirling, hundreds of thousands of bulbs, spelling out hotel names, forming pictures with light

A lot of our regular junketeers and high rollers couldn't make it to the VIP opening of Magyck! I'd like you to get their names from the computer, plus a list of the wedding anniversaries of those who're married."

It could tell her each man's preferred brand of liquor, each wife's favorite flower and perfume, the make of car they drove, the names and ages of their children, the nature of any illnesses or other medical conditions they might have, their favorite foods, their favorite colors, their tastes in music, their political affiliations, and scores of other facts both important and trivial

She scanned the list of VIP customers who hadn't attended the opening of Magyck! Using a red pencil, she circled those names that were followed by anniversary dates, trying to ascertain how large a promotion she was proposing

She had counted only twenty-two names when she came to an incredible message that the computer had inserted in the list.

Between the names of two high rollers were five lines of type that had nothing to do with the information she had requested:

She found it after another twenty-six names.

She scanned another forty names and cringed when she saw what else the computer had printed.

The names and addresses of VIP customers who had missed the opening of Magyck! - Along with the wedding anniversaries of those who were married - began to appear on the screen, scrolling upward

The laser whispered through twenty names, forty, sixty, seventy, without producing the lines about Danny that had been on the first printout

Tina waited until at least a hundred names had been listed before she decided that the system had been programmed to print the lines about Danny only one time, only on her office's first data request of the afternoon, and on no later call-up.

If they had intended to let him live, they wouldn't have used their real names in front of him

We'll get names

As a result, Network agents routinely posed as FBI men, with counterfeit credentials in the names of actual FBI agents.

'Watson!' he said, 'I know the names of Openshaw's enemies! And now I'm going to send them a surprise! This will frighten them!' He took five pips from an orange and put them in an envelope

'Oh, but I mustn't mention names

'I can't say his name; it upsets me too much! Tell me the names of the aristocrats you know.'

I said to Percival, 'We'll simply exchange their identities: Lady Glyde and Anne will exchange names, places, and destinies

One of the big names of the 20th century was a woman from Poland named Marie Curie

Their names were Sarah Attar and Wojdan Shaherkani