How to use "nature" in a sentence


Again, if the United States be not a government proper, but an association of States in the nature of contract merely, can it, as a contract, be peaceably unmade by less than all the parties who made it? One party to a contract may violate it - break it, so to speak; but does it not require all to lawfully rescind it?

The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.

Cosette, not a nervous girl by nature, smiled to herself and thought no more about it.

The poor man, unable to understand the kindness and gentle nature of the man he had spent his whole life hating, had taken his own life by jumping from a bridge

Helen was by nature everything that poor Charlie struggled to be: impeccably well mannered, sophisticated, graceful, at ease and confident in any situation

He's been drinking pretty regularly, but he's so deep in a trance that he can completely ignore the call of nature until - bingo! - He has a bladder spasm

It could tell her each man's preferred brand of liquor, each wife's favorite flower and perfume, the make of car they drove, the names and ages of their children, the nature of any illnesses or other medical conditions they might have, their favorite foods, their favorite colors, their tastes in music, their political affiliations, and scores of other facts both important and trivial

If you want to purchase a false passport, a counterfeit driver's license, or anything of that nature, you can pick and choose from several of the best document-forgery artists in the world, because this is where a lot of them live

Most of the questions were concerned with how much Tina knew about the true nature of the Sierra accident, how much she had told Elliot, how much she had told Michael, and with how many people she had discussed it

"I know human nature," Alexander said, though he was one of the least observant and least analytical men that Kennebeck had ever known.

They traveled an additional quarter of a mile before Luciano Bellicosti's home and place of business came into sight on the left, beyond a black-bordered sign that grandiosely stated the nature of the service that he provided: FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND GRIEF COUNSELOR

in positions of that nature, a man was appreciated and respected.

Only bureau chiefs, their immediate staffs, station chiefs in major cities, and senior field officers who had proved themselves and their loyalty - only those people knew the true nature of their employers and their work

All of his life, for reasons he had never been able to fully ascertain, he had been fascinated by death, intrigued by the form and nature and possibilities of it, enthralled by the study and theory of its meaning

"Don't they publish terrain maps of the wilderness areas? Backpackers and other nature lovers would need them

Dombey said, "According to the computer-assigned analysis, the growth is consistent with the nature of normal brain tissue."

When he discovered the nature of the maps, when he realized that one of them was missing, and when he discovered that the missing map was the one Stryker would need in order to find the Project Pandora labs, Alexander felt his face flush with anger and chagrin

The plateau was basically the work of nature, but man's hand was in evidence

I would not be surprised to learn that one of the network-approved writers is in prison for crimes of a particularly perverse nature committed against small woodland animals - and I know that at least a couple of them are no longer in the business

A few minutes earlier there had only been three things in my mind: the great size of the night and space and nature, my own weakness and unhappiness, and the near approach of death

We wanted to camp out in the middle of nature.

You feel that you are part of nature