How to use "necessary" in a sentence


I am calm as I leave necessary instructions for my parents.

I do not consider it necessary, at present, for me to discuss those matters of administration about which there is no special anxiety, or excitement.

The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the government, and to collect the duties and imposts; but beyond what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere

Nobody knew that it was not necessary

I'm kidnapping you - by force, if necessary!'

'I wish an inquest wasn't necessary,' Colonel Julyan said, 'but I'm afraid it is

Then it became necessary to kill the kids to eliminate witnesses to the first two murders."

And I guess they were so sure of where we were headed, they didn't think it was necessary to keep a close watch on us

More shocking still to the sensibilities of patrician Easterners like them: on three occasions, in South America, Alexander had been in a position where it had been necessary for him to pull the assassin's trigger himself

"We don't want to walk farther than necessary

Inspector Slack said he was coming to see me this morning, but has just phoned to say it won't be necessary.'

'While you make the necessary arrangements.'

So first it was necessary for Colonel Protheroe to be removed.'

'It was absolutely necessary for a shot to be heard because without it Mrs Protheroe might have continued to be a suspect

It has air and water and all that is necessary to support living things.

Or if they stayed permanently, they might not think it necessary to watch it all the time.

'With a small boat, we can carry only necessary things

We thought they were some sort of Red Indian food, and, to cook them correctly, it was necessary to do special dances with magic words.

It was not necessary at all

"This pistol is necessary because you have many friends in this tavern