How to use "new" in a sentence


I have a new idea

Saying goodbye to things from our past is also a new beginning.

I had enough information to write a new book

We were so excited by this new adventure that we forgot where we were walking

'Goodbye, feet! Who will put your shoes on for you now? I can't do it! I'll give you some new shoes for Christmas

'Please, can you help me? I want to go somewhere new,' said Alice.

The man in the car took me and Mom to the new high school

After about a hundred hours on a bus, me and a lot of other new young soldiers arrived there

The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny

And this will be the day - this will be the day when all of God's children will be able to sing with new meaning:

For instance, why may not any portion of a new confederacy a year or two hence arbitrarily secede again, precisely as portions of the present Union now claim to secede from it? All who cherish disunion sentiments are now being educated to the exact temper of doing this."

Is there such perfect identity of interests among the States to compose a new Union, as to produce harmony only, and prevent renewed secession?

Such of you as are now dissatisfied, still have the old Constitution unimpaired, and, on the sensitive point, the laws of your own framing under it; while the new administration will have no immediate power, if it would, to change either

Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention, and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented

I shall presently urge upon a new Congress in special session detailed measures for their fulfillment, and I shall seek the immediate assistance of the 48 States.

Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny

To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge - to convert our good words into good deeds - in a new alliance for progress - to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty

To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support - to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective - to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak - and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.

And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.

I liked to study the faces of new customers before I spoke to them.

This was a new, unknown type of murder, which they could not understand

In Victorian times the East End was also violent, but the Ripper murders were something new

The Ripper murders were the first of a new kind of crime: serial killings, savage, without an obvious motive, no clues, and very difficult to solve.

The Thenardiers wrote her a frightening letter in which they told her that Cosette had no clothes, and that they needed ten francs immediately to buy her a new dress

Within a few months of his arrival, thanks to his new idea, the glass-making factory in Montreuil was making enormous profits

Madeleine built two new factories, which provided the town with hundreds of new jobs

He became a very wealthy man but lived a simple life, using most of his money to build new hospitals and schools

When Cosette came downstairs, the old man gave her new clothes to wear: a black woollen dress, black stockings, scarf and shoes

He rarely bought new clothes, but he was proud of the fact that he had never been in debt

Buy yourself some new clothes.'

The new king, Louis-Philippe, was a brave and clever man who loved his country

He folded the letter, wrote Cosette's new address on the back and called over a young boy.

In their new house, they went to bed in silence

He was suddenly filled with new energy at the sight, at last, of his way of escape from the sewers

It was arranged that the couple, who could not believe their sudden, new-found happiness, would live with M

I know that your wife is dead, but take the money and start a new life in America with your daughter

The jeans are new, but now they are dirty: muddy stains cover the legs from the wet grass

For five minutes Oliver rows, and soon the jetty and the hotel look much smaller, while the attendant is almost impossible to see in the half-light of the new evening.

But just to be safe he pulls his new gun from the bag and checks it

"How dumb are you?" his new friend says, and he looks annoyed

You do what I say, no problem." And Nick looks at him for a moment: "You look okay now: these new clothes aren't bad."

The new clothes are not new, Jake knows: not really

Her young, new friend only smiles

"It's fantastic," Eleanor says, and again Carolina is very happy to have a new companion.

"Gentlemen, let me introduce you to my new friend Miss Eleanor Chance."

"No, I can't, I must find the captain: he promised to tell me all about the new people on board today; you know how I must know who I am sailing with." She looks at the men

Yes, a lovely, new companion, she thinks as she leaves.

And there is no birdsong to let you know that the sun and the new day are nearly here.

My new computer.

If there is someone in the next room trying to steal your new computer

You hear your new computer fall to the floor and break, and the burglar shouts again.

But he can get a new shirt, and the whiskey will help the pain.

"He doesn't like our new music teacher, Mr Cliff

Outside they can see the renovation work: there is scaffolding on the face of the old building, a new wall on the side of it, and three or four workmen are sitting on a bench eating lunch.

They cross the courtyard, and Smith stops to pick up a school tie on the floor by the new wall

And somewhere in the dark Mr Fletcher stops hammering his foot against the new wall

And they lifted him up and carried him to the new wall, which was nearly finished

"I heard the government has a new idea - about people living in pods."

What was going on? Was it some kind of game? Sala wondered whether to tell Gran, but there was nothing new to say

"Mom, I've been wondering what you think of this new thing, Pod Life

They've brought in a new design instead

"They've put in new nanobots that stay inside the equipment and check everything, every day

"After one month, new passengers will be brought here."

"You're going on a journey: an excursion to a new world

And we don't like it when the government develops new kinds of control."

A new life

How could Cham know anything new about the rebels, living inside the pod? Anyway, Gran was right: it was worth it

It's all new and exciting right now, but he'll get tired of it

Cham had a new virtual hobby now - riding - and he talked happily about going out on horses and competing in races with Ding and Palo

With her new strength of mind, she didn't think about the tears and hugs as she'd said goodbye

Then I saw that a new guest was sitting down at the next table

But for me, everything was new and strange

She could see that I was awkward and shy, and a little afraid of my new life at Manderley.

This sort of life is new to me

It was new for us to sit together quietly like this

And when I meet anyone new, I know what they are thinking: "How different she is from Rebecca." '

I decided to put my new books in the library and I said nothing about the cupid.

'Well, Danny,' the man said, 'aren't you going to introduce me to the new bride?'

After all, you are a new bride

Manderley took on a new beauty

This Ball was for me because I was a bride, the new Mrs de Winter

'I don't suppose your new bride wants to be known as the wife of a murderer.'

They gave me his new address

This was the start of a new day at Manderley

'And you want to be Brad's new stand-in?' Zak says to Nathan

'OK, but we need a new stand-in for Natalie

At six minutes past midnight, Tuesday morning, on the way home from a late rehearsal of her new stage show, Tina Evans saw her son, Danny, in a stranger's car

And if that were the case, then he might have ended up in a foster home, in a new life

Nevertheless, she knew that when she had the dream again, she would find new hope in it as she had so many times before.

When Danny was six months old, Tina went into training to get back in shape, and after three arduous months of exercise, she won a place in the chorus line of a new Vegas spectacle

The new show was titled Magyck! Because the variety acts between the big dance numbers were all magicians and because the production numbers themselves featured, elaborate special effects and were built around supernatural themes

Then the new dreams began, and they were far worse than the dream that she'd had immediately after Danny had been killed.

He helped her to discover new reserves of energy, new areas of competence in herself

The car was immaculate, in better shape than most new cars these days

an infinity of new opportunities made available to her because of this first smashing success..

and now the prospect of a new and exciting lover...

The only way she could have held on to her husband would have been to abandon her new career, and she had refused to do that.

happy new year, Tina."

"Happy new year."

This was a new thought: the possibility that his ultimate goal was to do something worse than torment and scare her.

I mean, there isn't any doubt about the cause of death, no court trial hinging on a new coroner's report

Smith, and other artists who made their homes in the western United States and who usually took their subject matter from either the old or the new West.

As an hour passed in front of the fire, and then another hour, Tina discovered that she liked Elliot Stryker more with each new thing she learned about him.

On Sunrise Mountain most of the big, expensive houses featured natural landscaping - which meant rocks, colored stones, and artfully arranged cacti instead of grass, shrubs, and trees - in acknowledgment that man's grip on this portion of the desert was new and perhaps tenuous

In China, in the new Russia, in Iran or Iraq - yes

Each time he glanced at her, she was either crouched forward, squinting at every new street they entered, or twisted halfway around in her seat, looking out the rear window

There'll be a demand for new autopsies, investigations

a new kind of energy you didn't have this morning."

"The only thing new about me is that I wasn't scared stiff this morning, and now I am."

"I just can't believe the government would murder a group of little children just because they accidentally got a glimpse of a new weapon or something."

She was filled with a new dread, a fear greater than the one that had burned within her during the past few hours

He seemed to find this new statement more outrageous than what she'd said before

A group had gone down a while ago and would be returning for their last stand at the tables before a whole new staff came on duty with the shift change

Our new friends the Russians

Welcome to the new Cold War

He swung right at the intersection and stopped in the middle of the new street.

It was Jacklin's job to conceive new welfare programs, convince the Secretary of Health and Welfare that those programs were needed, sell them to the Congress, and then establish convincing bureaucratic shells to conceal the fact that the programs were utterly phony; and as federal funds flowed to these false-front operations, the money was diverted to the Network

Then, six years ago, the Network had been formed, and the President had given George the task of developing a reliable South American bureau of the new intelligence agency

His taste for violence would not have been tolerated for long in the old FBI - perhaps not even in the new, thoroughly politicized FBI - or in many other congressionally monitored police agencies

Elliot had suggested a change in the color of ink, so they would be able to tell the difference between the meaningless scribbles that were already on the map and any new marks that might be made.

I do some comedy lines in the act, and I use the recorder to develop new material, correct problems with my timing."

A whole new series."

"It could be a new lump of brain tissue," Dombey told him.

"The brain doesn't all of a sudden start growing new little nodes that nobody's ever seen before."

The new track ran a hundred yards before rising and turning sharply to the right, around the blunt face of a ridge

"He's never seen us or the Explorer, and this isn't the sort of place where there's a lot of new or unexpected traffic."

"Supposed to be a new storm moving in," Hensen said

they're now supposed to be our new friends, but they keep developing bacteriological weapons, new and more virulent strains of viruses, because they're broke, and this is a lot cheaper than other weapons systems

If they felt they had some terrific new bug that we didn't know about, something against which we couldn't retaliate in kind, they'd use it on us."

It was around then that a Chinese scientist named Li Chen defected to the United States, carrying a diskette record of China's most important and dangerous new biological weapon in a decade

"The current analysis says the new growth is consistent with the structure of normal brain tissue

And as far as Tina could see, it was the only thing that explained Danny's phenomenal new powers.

I explained my secret life as Leigh in the afterword to the new edition of Shadowfires

By this time, the head of the network got the boot, and a new head of network came aboard

After reviewing the chaos that he had inherited, the new head of network decided that even though Darkfall was an exciting script, he didn't want to make a movie "about little creatures living in the walls." He decided that we would film the other script I had done; for which I received primary credit but not sole credit because of Writers Guild rules virtually guaranteeing the first writer some kind of credit as long as that writer's drafts had been composed in one of the languages spoken on Earth.

A few days later, Andre had a new problem which made him fussy and bad-tempered for several weeks

The last experiment was a new disaster, my poor Helene

"Do you like my new hat?"

"I can buy you a new hat, Bernardo," Natalie says

"Can I buy you a new hat? Do you know a store near here?"

Hawes is our new curate, whom Colonel Protheroe dislikes.

Father's new wife, Anne, hates me.' She got up

When we reached her gate, she said, 'Please, come in and tell me what you think of my new home.'

We went up the path until we came to a new place where it looked as though someone had left the path on the right-hand side

She continued, 'You see, Len, I have something new coming into my life

The crowd around the pit seemed to grow as new people arrived

If, on that Friday night, you had drawn a circle at a distance of five kilometres from Horsell Common, I doubt if there would have been one human being outside it, unless it was a relation of Stent, whose emotions or habits were affected by the new arrivals

Maybe there was talk in the village streets, a new topic in the pubs - and here and there a messenger, or even an eye-witness of the later events, caused some excitement

Listen,' he said to my new friend, 'you'd better go to Weybridge and report to the highest officer.'

It seemed to him that they were surprised by this new enemy

And instead of rushing around blindly, we've got to change to suit the new situation

I learned nothing new except that already in one week the examination of the Martians' machines had produced amazing results

So, this man must like his pipe very much if he prefers to mend it instead of buying a new one with the same money.'

'"Oh, Jack!" she said, "I came here to see if our new neighbours needed anything

She ran away from him at last, and came back to England, where she changed her name and started a new life

They write to her and tell her to send them a hundred pounds, or they will tell her new husband everything

George said, 'Well, I don't want to try anything new

Harris said, 'If you never try anything new, you'll never discover things

The new pair of black shoes are more sensible than their owner, though

It was when Mercy got up to go to the bedroom that Connie noticed the new shoes.

Are they new?'

'Hmm, when don't I? With the baby coming in a couple of months and the government's new controls on pay

On top of everything, I have dependable information that James is running after a new girl.'

They feel a little small, but then all new shoes are like that.'

'Since every other girl she knows has ruined herself and made money out of it, why shouldn't she? Her friends don't earn any more than she does, but every day they wear new dresses, shoes, and so on, to work

'And maybe he would even agree to get us a new car from abroad

Mercy left her new place before anybody could throw her out

Connie's new baby was born

The arrival of the new baby has ended all the difficulties between James and Connie

'Nothing new

'What do you mean, nothing new?' said Connie

Are those shoes the old pair which were new a couple of months ago? Or are they the newest pair? And here she is herself, the pretty one

'You know, Sissie, you are a new mother

'I'm Marian Halcombe, one of your new students

Listen: "There is a new student at the village school, a little girl called Anne Catherick

Now she had a new reason to dislike her.

Count Fosco and the Countess will soon go to their new house in London, and I'll go to Paris

There was a new inscription written on it: 'Here lies Laura, Lady Glyde...' In the near distance I saw two women with veils over their faces

We have moved to a new house

Our new address is 5 Gower's Walk.

When I got to our new house, Marian and Laura were waiting for me

Marian had told Laura that we had moved to a new house because it was in a nicer part of London

But I prefer not to, because I don't want to cause you pain, Miss Halcombe." As soon as he left, I decided to take this new house.'

We lived quietly in our new house

Her ideas were very new at the time

Feminism is not new

Factories were making lots of new things, and this meant there were new jobs for women

She changed Ceylon a lot, and she gave it the new name of Sri Lanka.

Our new name is The Avengers!" says a young man