How to use "off" in a sentence


I chip at the rock for another hour and remove as much as the piece that came off before

I take it off and use a carabiner to make it tight

I didn't tell anyone where I was going, I didn't go with Kristi and Megan to the west canyon, and I didn't get off the boulder when it moved.

I turn off the machine

I take off the tourniquet and go back to waiting.

Sunlight shines off the bottom of thin clouds high above me

By 6.00 pm, I have taken off more of the boulder in three hours than I did in four days

As the nurses take off my shoes, I ask Steve to let my mother know that I'm OK and to arrange for someone to collect all the things I left at Horseshoe Canyon.

"You listen to me! You let us off this ship or..."

The lights went on and off, and the engine stopped.

He said yes, so we put our suits on and off we went.

He never took his eyes off the window

He cut off some of its tentacles

Captain Nemo saw this, cut off the squid's tentacle and saved Ned Land.

The waters off the coast of Norway were famous for this

'I'm going to vanish!' She quickly took the hat off.

'The Duchess! The Duchess! She'll be angry! They'll cut off my head, I know! Oh, where is it? Where did it fall?'

Then she went to the Caterpillars mushroom and broke off some of it with her right hand

She'll be very angry and cut off our heads

She looked at Alice and shouted, 'Cut off her head! Cut-'

'Cut off their heads!'

'They're not going to cut off your heads.'

'Are their heads off?' shouted the Queen.

'They're going to cut off her head!' he said.

Suddenly, the Queen shouted very loudly, 'Cut off their heads!'

'Cut off its head!' she shouted loudly

'How can I cut off its head?' asked the man with the knife

'It's got a head, so you can cut it off.'

'Do something now, or I'll cut off everybody's head!' said the Queen angrily.

'Cut off her head! Cut off his head!' she shouted, every two or three minutes.

'Will they cut off your head?' Alice asked the Duchess.

'Oh no, they never cut off anybody's head

'Cut off his head!' cried the Queen.

Then he said to the Mad Hatter, 'Take off your hat.'

'Don't be afraid or I'll cut off your head!' said the King.

'You have to remember,' the King said, 'or I'll cut off your head.'

'Take his head off outside!' shouted the Queen

'Cut off her head!' shouted the Queen

'Cut off her head!' shouted the Queen.

'She left school and went off with a group of people who were against the war,' he said.

Then we watched while our men moved off the hill and came down into the valley.

There were about two thousand people waiting for us at San Francisco airport when we got off the plane! What a surprise! A lot of them had beards and long hair

He tried to clean it off and not look angry, but I didn't want to wait for them to start throwing things at me! No sir! I started running.

The music sounded like a plane that was taking off! But the students loved it.

Some American soldiers planned to take off their Vietnam medals and throw them away in front of the crowds of people.

Somehow, when I was helping Miss Welch to escape from the jungle, her dress came off and I had to run into the trees to hide her

Honest Ivan fell off his chair, and everybody started screaming and running everywhere

The train got into Mobile station about three o'clock in the morning, and Sue and I got off

Sue and I got off the bus at Savannah, then I went and got a cup of coffee and sat outside the bus station

He put his arms round me for a second, then went off to play with Sue again.

This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism

And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual

To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge - to convert our good words into good deeds - in a new alliance for progress - to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty

Then he sat on some stone steps and took off one of his boots, which was hurting his toe

Berner Street, off Commercial Road, was quiet

He got off his cart and struck a match

Then one of them went off to bring a doctor

Then they went off to look for the killer.

'The man who came last night! He's run off with our silver!'

With a little laugh, she jumped off her mother's lap and ran to play with the two girls on the swing.

'Now I can pay off all my debts and stay out of prison

'Then cut it off.'

Madeleine set off on the long journey to Arras

They left the doll on the floor and went off to play with a baby cat

'Excellent,' her father smiled, tearing a piece off his shirt and using it as a bandage

'They may have to cut off her arm.'

Taking off his boots, he quietly climbed on to the cupboard and looked through the hole in the wall

Marius, however, who had been going to fire the gun as a signal for the police to arrive, shook so much that he almost fell off the cupboard.

The boy scratched his head, thought for a moment, and then, with a sudden movement, took the letter and ran off into the night.

'You can wear these.' Enjolras pointed to the National Guard uniforms that had been taken off the dead soldiers.

Javert buttoned his coat, straightened his shoulders and, with a puzzled look on his face, began to walk off in the direction of the market

As the two friends moved back towards the door, fighting off the soldiers, a bullet hit Marius in the shoulder

Finally, the group of men moved off along another passage, and Valjean was left in total darkness once again.

With Marius in the back seat, Valjean and Javert side by side in the front, the carriage drove off quickly through the dark and strangely empty streets of Paris.

"Does she live far off?" said the wolf.

Little Red Riding Hood took off her clothes and got into bed

We take our uniforms off and put them in the bag.

As she takes her coat off, Branwell watches her

I see him at the train station sometimes; then he's there again when I get off the bus in the town centre here in Howarth

The car is big and old, but it is a classic, and it moves along the road like a shark, the evening sun reflecting off the red paint.

Soon he can stop, find a quiet area off the road and push back the chair and sleep

The doors of the carriages open, a few people get off, and Sarah and the commuters get on.

After a few more minutes she feels the train stop and she is aware of the kids getting off.

No one gets off apart from her, she is sure.

Her arm hurts, so she takes her jacket off, and in the mirror she can see a small drop of blood on her skin.

"Fantastic," said Sala, taking off her wet boots

Your whole body lay inside the pod and it was like your normal life was turned off

Sala and Cham stepped off the walkway near their apartment blocks, and as they did so, someone knocked Sala's elbow, then held her arm for a second.

Well, just off the walkway, really

She got up and returned to her tomato plants, taking off the dead and dying leaves from the bottom of each one

One wall of the apartment was just plain white, with a hologram you could turn on and off

But as she stepped off the walkway, she felt a hand touching her back.

Sure enough, the dolphins set off, their smooth, strong bodies sliding through the ocean

The attachments came off and she walked out of the pod, her knees trembling

At last, she knew she couldn't put off her decision any longer, and when she'd finished her studies on the day after the pod experience, she invited Cham to her apartment.

"Shhh!" In one quick, smooth movement, the woman pushed the note between Sala's fingers, nodded at her, and then set off rapidly toward the walkway

After another ten minutes, the woman stepped off her machine

In one corner, the woman was taking the yellow hag off her back

"We turned it off," said the woman

She set off along the busy walkway, checking her ultranet connection as she went

The lights had been turned off; soon she was in complete darkness, so she turned on the lights on her virtual interface to guide her

We set off together across the lawns to the woods

I turned away as he helped me off with the raincoat

I cut the string excitedly and tore off the dark brown paper

Ben smiled again and went off down the beach to the sea

'Go and take off that dress! It doesn't matter what you wear

'Help me take off this dress

'My dear,' she said, 'are you all right?' I put a hand up to my head and took off the wig

The lights had been turned off

'They want to see if they can get the ship off the rocks.'

Maxim went off and left me sitting there

She takes off The Cat's mask

She whispered her son's name, as if she would frighten off this beloved apparition if she spoke any louder.

The police and the morticians had advised her that Danny was so badly torn up, so horribly mangled, that she was better off not looking at him

She listened intently, prepared to throw off the covers and slip out of bed

She took time off to carry and give birth to Danny, then to spend uninterrupted days with him during his first few months of life

This year had passed in a blur of twelve- and fourteen-hour days, with no vacations and rarely a weekend off.

She flicked off the two safety catches.

As long as she left his things undisturbed, she could continue to entertain the hope that Danny was not dead, that he was just away somewhere for a while, and that he would shortly pick up his life where he had left off

She'd be able to relax and take a few days off

You worked your butt off

If the audience at this evening's VIP premiere reacted enthusiastically, she might have to buy lead weights to keep herself from floating off the floor when she walked.

No use putting it off until Thursday, as she had planned

She had given Danny permission to go on the field trip, and as far as Michael was concerned, that had been equivalent to driving the bus off the cliff

They didn't hike all the way into the true wilderness, just a reasonable distance off the beaten path, and they planned for every contingency

They made pleasant small talk for the next fifteen minutes, and none of it had to do with Magyck! Tina was aware that they were trying to take her mind off the show, and she appreciated their effort.

She wiped the counters and the appliances, sponged off the slats of the Levolor blinds, and mopped the Mexican-tile floor

This afternoon, however, she'd been playing a pair of lucky slot machines at the Mirage Hotel, and she hadn't wanted to walk away from them while they were paying off so generously

No one was near them, yet suddenly two photos began to rattle violently against the wall, and then both flew off their mountings and clattered to the floor behind the beige, brushed-corduroy sofa.

The remaining two photographs abruptly flung themselves off the wall

There were five photographs in addition to the one that had dropped onto the sofa; two were responsible for the noises that had drawn her into the living room, and the other three were those that she had seen popping off the picture hooks

The nerve-fraying sound bounced off the walls of the narrow passage, echoing and re-echoing.

A Vegas stage extravaganza could easily go off the rails

Trembling, Vivienne switched off the radio.

As soon as she took her finger off the push switch, the radio turned itself on again.

When she shut off the radio the third time, she kept her finger pressed against the ON-OFF bar

She refused to let a poltergeist scare her off.

"Eat takeout food at two hundred miles an hour in the Batmobile, and no matter how messy it gets - just hose off later."

Snippets of music and shards of voices crackled in an eerie audio-montage that echoed and re-echoed off the walls of the frigid room.

A disgusting cluster of maggots clung to the man's left cheek and to the corner of his eye, feeding off him

She wiped one hand across her face, sloughing off a film of perspiration

Back in bed, she didn't want to turn off the light

She yawned and turned over and drifted off to sleep

The action figures had been knocked off the headboard

She'd thought the sight of her would wipe the smile off his face

They stepped off the escalator, into the bustling shopping arcade

Lying their heads off

When the excitement wears off a little, they go to check out of the hotel, and they discover their three-day weekend somehow turned into five days

"We let the marriage go off the rails

Standing before her in the sunshine, his white shirt shimmering with squiggles of reflected light that bounced off the parked cars, he favored her with that self-satisfied, superior smile that made her feel as cold as this winter day ought to have been.

But now she vented some of the acid that had been eating at her for so long, cutting him off in midsentence.

Finished telling him off, she felt pleasantly wrung out, as if some evil, nervous energy had been drained from her.

But we get off at four today - New Year's Eve."

Angela had turned the light off

She switched the machine off, and the blue glow faded from the screen.

She snapped the computer off.

She started around Angela's desk, wanting nothing more at the moment than to get off her rubbery legs and onto a chair - and suddenly the door to the hall opened, and she cried out in alarm.

Jaborski had intended to drive the minibus off the main highway, onto an old logging trail, if conditions permitted

He seemed to know that she had to go through the whole story to get it off her mind.

"Somehow, for some reason, they drove the bus more than four miles off the main highway, four miles off and a hell of a long way up, right up to the damn clouds

The bus had run off the road

"In your condition, throwing off all that nervous energy the way you are, two small brandies won't affect you in the slightest."

We've just crossed you off the list of suspects

"Well, let's see if I can actually pull it off."

But she and Elliot left the outer office, flicking off the lights as they went, and the computer remained dark and silent.

Tina kicked off her shoes.

He quickly stripped off his own clothes and joined her on the bed, took her in his arms.

The vague, shadowy shape of her under the covers, in the darkness, was a talisman to ward off loneliness.

He switched off the bedside lamp and persuaded her to lie down again

He'd been trying to postpone her departure because he was afraid that he would never see her again after she drove off.

Unsuccessfully trying to shrug off the grim premonition, he went into the house.

The conversation had the disorienting quality of the off-kilter exchanges between Alice and the scrawny denizens of Wonderland.

The gun wavered, but it didn't move off target far enough to give Elliot a chance.

She closed the door long enough to slip off the security chain

Elliot dropped the measuring cup and seized the gun, but Vince reflexively squeezed off a shot that breezed past Elliot's face and smashed the window behind the sink

It was the tale of a boy, Kevin, who fell off a roof and took a bad knock on the head, thereafter slipping into a deep coma

I took it off the guy who tried to kill me."

She snatched her hand off the knob as if she had almost picked up a tarantula.

He was safe, close behind her, knocked off balance by the force of the shock wave, staggering forward, but unhurt.

"We've got to get off the street and out of sight," Elliot said.

He switched off the engine, scrambled out of the car, and ran to the big door

And even if he was deeper under than I thought, some of his people probably went in there and pulled him out while I was rushing off to you

Regulations on banks and real estate agents and on everyone else - except casino owners - are less troublesome here than in other states, which takes a burden off everybody, but which is especially attractive to people trying to spend and invest dirty cash

"We've got proof that something unusual is happening: the silencer-equipped pistol I took off Vince, your house blowing up..

When Elvira left the table and they were alone, Tina said, "Let's see the papers you took off that guy."

The pistol you took off that man..

"The only alternative is to give up, to back off and never know what really happened."

"A tremendous sense of peace, of reassurance, came over me in the diner, just before you finally managed to shut off the jukebox

Michael Evans was the seventh dealer off the escalator

As Kennebeck turned away from the French frigate, beginning to wonder if he ought to get out from under the Network before it collapsed on him, George Alexander entered the study through the door that opened off the downstairs hallway

Not until he's absolutely certain the heat is off

"He'd have had to take off in the dark," Alexander said

"Stryker and the woman took off from McCarran International more than two hours ago

"I figure Elliot filed a false flight plan to throw you off his trail." He was perversely proud of Stryker's cleverness.

They don't know anything more about Project Pandora than what they picked up from that list of questions they took off Vince Immelman."

Then as he had signed for the rental car and picked up the keys from the night clerk, he had kept one hand in a pocket of his coat, gripping the handgun he'd taken off Vince in Las Vegas - but there was no trouble.

Perhaps the phony flight plan had thrown the hounds off the trail

He snapped off the overhead light and reached for the gearshift.

With a distant click, the light that he had just turned off now turned itself on.

He clicked off the light again.

The headlights flashed on and off so rapidly that, they created a stroboscopic effect, repeatedly "freezing" the falling snow, so that it appeared as if the white flakes were descending to the ground in short, jerky steps.

The radio switched off, and so did the overhead light.

The headlights blinked off and stayed off.

Although he was struggling to cast off the seizure of claustrophobia that had gripped him, was trying to pretend that the organic-looking ceiling wasn't pressing low over his head and that only open sky hung above him instead of thousands of tons of concrete and steel rock, his own panic attack concerned him less than what was happening beyond the viewport.

He parked at the curb, switched off the headlights, and cut the engine.

It skimmed crystals of snow off the ground and spun the stinging cold flecks at their reddened faces.

Instinctively he whipped the pistol in front of him and squeezed off four rounds

Two slugs ricocheted off the body of the car, each trailing away with a brief, high-pitched whine.

Elliot stood, extending the pistol in both hands, and snapped off three quick rounds

At the request of its casino manager, every hotel held a handful of rooms off the market, just in case a few regular customers - high rollers, of course - showed up by surprise, with no advance notice, but with fat bankrolls and no place to stay

As usual, he nodded off minutes after the aircraft lifted from the runway.

He finally nodded off around 7:00 A.M.

He ordered men pulled off other jobs and assigned to the manhunt.

She pulled the cap off the red felt-tip pen that Elliot had purchased at the hotel newsstand just before they'd caught a taxi to Sandstone's house

Sandstone was rubbing his hands up and down his arms to ward off the steadily deepening chill that had gripped the room

Elliot said, "Billy, you might be better off not knowing."

She and Elliot had turned off Interstate 80 a quarter of an hour ago, following the route Danny had marked, circling the edge of the wilderness

Shortly they would turn off the two-lane blacktop onto another road, which the map specified as "unpaved, nondirt," whatever that was.

Danny's instructions are to take a turn north, off this lane, after about five miles."

He steered off the plowed lane, onto the snowy trail

Stopping the Explorer, he picked up the pistol from the seat between them, and he flicked off both safeties

Tina raised her hands in an involuntary and totally useless attempt to ward off the bullets.

He took his foot off the brake and drove forward, through sheeting snow stained red by the strange light.

He parked beside a Jeep, switched off the headlights, and cut the engine.

Through sudden tears of pain, Elliot saw the young guard rushing him, and he squeezed off one whisper-quiet shot.

The intersecting hall began directly in front of them, across from the guardroom, and bored at least four hundred feet into the mountain; a long row of doors waited on each side of it, and other corridors opened off it as well.

She looked around, waiting for some sign from her child, and she and Elliot twitched in surprise when the overhead fluorescent tube winked off, then came on again

The corridor terminated in an airtight steel door similar to those found on submarines; the burnished metal glowed softly, and light gleamed off the big round-headed rivets.

Now park your ass in that chair before I blow your fuckin' head off."

He has been very infectious, off and on, but not at the moment

He has a natural antibody in his blood that helps him fight off this particular virus, even though it's an artificial bug

As his legs came out from under the covers, the hospital gown slipped off them, and Tina saw that his poor limbs were too bony and fleshless to safely support him

When she gingerly pulled off the adhesive tape, he whimpered, and she winced when she saw the rawness of his skin under the bandage

Tina removed an electrode from Danny's neck, carefully peeling the tape off his skin.

Tina had pulled the blanket off the bed and folded it in half, so she could wrap Danny in it for the trip out to the Explorer

In the event of accidental contamination, you immediately set off an alarm

He just went right off the rails," Dombey said, obviously embarrassed that one of his colleagues would lose control of himself under those circumstances

He tucked the snowshoes under his arm and took off down the mountain road, the same one I presume you came in on

That was just about the time that another researcher walked into his lab, saw the cultures of Wuhan-400 broken open on the floor, and set off the alarm

They were just about to move off the road, into the trees, so they would be away from any sign of civilization when they set up camp for their first night in the wilderness

As they drove off the plateau, around the burning wreckage of the helicopter, Danny said, "They were bad people

Your surgeon cuts off your left foot when it was your gangrenous right foot he should have amputated

This time, he cuts off your right hand

So let's pay him a third time and hope he doesn't cut off anything as important as your head.

Eventually, after a bad first draft, he was taken off the project when he missed several extensions of his contractual deadline

By this time, we had passed the one-year mark in the development process, and I knew we were not going to wind up with a usable script, so I didn't insist on discussing whether the rubber tires would melt off the vehicle within two hundred yards or three, or ponder at what point the gasoline tank might explode

Without a word, Andre rushed off to his laboratory

'Don't take your glasses off until I tell you,' he said.

'Now you can take off your glasses, Helene,' Andre said.

Opening the door, he lifted the bottle of champagne off the chair.

As he fell, the velvet cloth slowly dropped off his head and shoulders.

She came through the glass door, pulled off her little yellow hat and said, 'Is Dennis about?'

And I've told Dr Stone that I must have regular times off

Then we left the studio, and met Dr Stone, and I went off with him to the Blue Boar for a drink

I'll be off to Old Hall next

If the call had just been a joke, the fingerprints would not have been wiped off so carefully.'

'That old woman who cleans for him wiped them off yesterday morning

The Inspector hurried off.

Lucius was very well off and he left things equally divided between me and Lettice

'That was someone who wanted to confess, and we were cut off.'

Oh, sorry.' He rang off

Then suddenly, he noticed that some of the burnt skin was falling off the round edge at the end

A large piece suddenly came off with a sharp noise that brought his heart into his mouth

I found myself alone, and saw the people on the other side of the pit running off

After that I would leave him and turn off to reach Leatherhead.

I could hear people jumping off boats into the water.

I saw an empty boat, very small and far away, moving down the river and, taking off most of my wet clothes, I swam to it

By midday a cloud of slowly sinking Black Smoke had moved along the Thames, cutting off all escape across the bridges

The man he held pulled himself free and ran off down the road in the direction from which he had come.

My brother learned that the two women were the wife and younger sister of a doctor living in Stanmore, The doctor had heard about the Martians at the railway station, on his way home from seeing a patient, and had sent them off, promising to follow after telling the neighbour

And then a quick movement of the steamboat (which had turned to avoid being hit) threw him off the seat on which he had been standing

The guns of the Thunder Child were heard going off one after another, and one shot hit the water close by the steamboat.

We stayed there all Sunday night and all the next day - the day of the panic - in a little island of daylight, cut off by the Black Smoke from the rest of the world

I also saw some human bones, with all the flesh eaten off

They just used to rush off to work - I've seen hundreds of them, with a bit of breakfast in their hand, running to catch their train, frightened they'd be sacked if they didn't

When I passed streets that ran to the north it grew louder, and then houses and buildings seemed to cut it off again

The line on the London side of Woking station was still being repaired, so I got off the train at Byfleet and took the road to Maybury, past the place where I had seen the Martian fighting- machine in the thunderstorm

The man then took off his hat, and sat down on a chair.

"I promise that I will tell you everything some day, but if you enter now, you will cause great sadness." Then she held me tightly, and I tried to push her off.

Holmes, with a laugh, put his hand behind the ear of the little girl, and pulled off the mask, and there was a little coal-black girl

I cut myself off from my race to marry him, but I never regretted it for a moment

Then on Monday you're happy, because it's time to get off the boat.'

Harris sat up suddenly and Montmorency fell off the bed

The three old fishermen fell off their seats

The swans attacked Harris and tried to pull him off the boat

Both Connie and James cannot take their eyes off her

'Thank you!' she said, then the carriage drove off, and the woman in white was gone.

'She's escaped from my asylum!' the man replied, and he drove off.

I took off my dress and put on a simple cloak

The next day was my day off

'Goodbye, my lady!' I called, as the train moved off.

Then they had to get off and get on the bus again at the back door.

She said later, "When I was two or three hundred feet off the ground, I knew I had to fly."

Zorro takes off his black mask.