How to use "old" in a sentence


Some of them are more than five thousand years old

I guess they are about twenty-five years old.

It looked like an old cave

The Nautilus moved up over the mountain, and I saw that the light came from an old underwater volcano

Conseil, Ned and I were in the museum, looking out at old stone walls, 5,000 feet under the sea.

One old bird said, 'I really have to go home

Repeat, "You are old, Father William."'

'You are old, Father William,' the young man said,

'You are old, Father William,' the young man said,

'You are old and really quite fat;

She saw a tree, a big old tree

There, an old man with grey hair asked me lots of questions

The President was a great big old man who talked like somebody from Texas, and there were a lot of people standing round him in the flower garden.

'It's an old number,' he said, 'but perhaps she's still there.'

I was just walking out again when I saw a little old man who was playing chess with himself at a table near the door

It was time for me to get back to the bus station, but when I started to leave, the old man said, 'Why don't you sit down and finish this game with me?'

So I walked back to the hotel, and there was the little old man, still playing against himself

The old man's name was Mr Tribble

And after a year, Mom was working for me, and Mr Tribble, and Curtis (my old football friend), and Bubba's daddy.

He's an old friend of mine.'

And when this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

Fellow citizens of the United States: in compliance with a custom as old as the government itself, I appear before you to address you briefly and to take, in your presence, the oath prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, to be taken by the President "before he enters on the execution of his office."

Is it possible, then, to make that intercourse more advantageous or more satisfactory after separation than before? Can aliens make treaties easier than friends can make laws? Can treaties be more faithfully enforced between aliens than laws can among friends? Suppose you go to war, you cannot fight always; and when, after much loss on both sides, and no gain on either, you cease fighting, the identical old questions as to terms of intercourse are again upon you.

Such of you as are now dissatisfied, still have the old Constitution unimpaired, and, on the sensitive point, the laws of your own framing under it; while the new administration will have no immediate power, if it would, to change either

And finally, in our progress towards a resumption of work, we require two safeguards against a return of the evils of the old order

It is the insistence, as a first consideration, upon the interdependence of the various elements in and parts of the United States of America - a recognition of the old and permanently important manifestation of the American spirit of the pioneer

We face the arduous days that lie before us in the warm courage of national unity; with the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious moral values; with the clean satisfaction that comes from the stern performance of duty by old and young alike

To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyally of faithful friends

He seemed about forty years old and he was very well dressed

As she was speaking we saw the old man's hand-carriage come into sight

There was a frail old man inside

Now demolished, number 29 was an old building with three floors

Her clothes were all old and dirty: a long black jacket down to her knees, petticoats, stockings, a black skirt, and boots

Annie Chapman - or Dark Annie to her friends - was 47 years old

He was 1.70m tall, about 28 years old, and wore a deerstalker hat and dark clothes.

She wore a long black jacket, and an old black skirt

Her clothes were old and dirty

She was wearing a red handkerchief around her neck, a black jacket, men's boots, and an old white apron

Mary Jane Kelly was twenty-five years old

There was not much furniture: an old table and two old chairs stood on the bare, dirty floor

In the case of Elizabeth Stride, from the descriptions by Constable Smith and Israel Schwartz we have a man between 28 - 30 years old, 1.65m to 1.70m tall, wearing dark clothes and a hat with a peak, or perhaps a deerstalker

What is the most probable picture of the murderer? He was a short man, not more than 1.68m, between 28-35 years old, with a light brown moustache

An example is Montague John Druitt, a 31-year-old lawyer, teacher, and enthusiastic sportsman

He was 28 years old and living in London at the time of the murders

'I have money.' The stranger produced an old leather purse from his jacket.

A few minutes later, an old woman came out of the cathedral and saw him lying there.

The old woman opened her purse and gave him a few coins

The Bishop of Digne was a kind old man who, many years earlier, had given his palace to the town hospital

He lived a simple life with his sister, Mademoiselle Baptistine, and his old servant, Madame Magloire, and he was much loved by the people in the town

'And he told you,' the bishop finished the sentence for him, 'that an old priest had given it to him? Yes, he was telling the truth.'

A boy of about ten years old was coming along a footpath with a small box on his back and dirty knees showing through holes in his trousers

Her clothes were old and dirty, and she wore a tight, plain cap over her beautiful blonde hair.

While guests and visitors ate and drank noisily, Cosette - now eight years old - sat in her usual place under the kitchen table

The old man listened with great interest, and asked her many questions.

The old man gave her the bucket, and they entered the inn together.

Mme Thenardier glanced at the old man without interest

'I can pay the price of a room,' the old man said.

But before she could deliver the blow the old man, who had seen everything, interrupted her.

Mme Thenardier took the coin the old man held towards her and walked away.

They were two healthy girls, the old man noticed, dressed in warm clothes and with pink, healthy cheeks

'What's the matter?' the old man said, rising to his feet.

'I don't understand,' the old man said.

The old man left the inn and, minutes later, returned with something in his hands: the beautiful doll from the stall across the road.

The Thenardiers gave the old man their best room for the night

'What would you say,' the old man said after a moment's thought, 'if I offered to take the child from you?'

'How much do you need?' the old man asked, taking an old leather wallet from the pocket of his coat.

The old man put three 500-franc notes on the table and said, without smiling, 'Now fetch Cosette.'

When Cosette came downstairs, the old man gave her new clothes to wear: a black woollen dress, black stockings, scarf and shoes

Half an hour later, the people of Montfermeil saw an old man in a tall hat and long yellow coat walking along the road to Paris, hand-in-hand with a little girl dressed completely in black

But, as she held the old man's hand, she gazed wide-eyed at the sky

He took a key from the pocket of his long yellow coat and opened the old wooden door

There was not much furniture in the room - just an old bed, a mattress on the floor, a table, some chairs and a lighted stove

Then, as her eyes adjusted to the light, she saw the kind old face of Jean Valjean looking down at her, and she relaxed.

His only neighbour was an old woman, who did his housework and kept his stove burning

The old woman, the only other person who lived in the building, always went to bed before nightfall

Gillenormand was an old fool

For many years, Marius believed this, but when he was seventeen years old, he learnt the truth

For the next three years, Marius lived in a small room in an old, damp-walled building on the outskirts of Paris - the same room that Valjean and Cosette had lived in eight years earlier

When girls looked at him and smiled, he thought they were laughing at his old clothes

For almost a year, Marius saw the old man and the young girl daily in the same place at the same time

He suddenly realized that, in his feverish state, he had forgotten about the old man

'Where's the old gentleman?' he asked.

It was more like the voice of a sick old man.

There was, however, still a trace of beauty in the sixteen-year-old lace, like pale sunlight beneath the thick clouds of a winter's dawn

'Ah, this is for the old man who goes to church every day

Its only furniture was a chair, an old table, some cracked dishes and two dirty beds, one on each side of a fireplace

'The old man who goes to church

Leblanc because he did not know the old man's address

'When the old man and the girl arrive, let them start their business

'It's just an old inn-sign

Jondrette put the picture down and stepped quietly towards the old man.

'Do you remember the little inn in Montfermeil eight years ago? You took away our Cosette, do you remember? Wearing that old yellow coat, pretending you were a tramp! Well, now you're going to learn that you can't make things right by just bringing a few hospital blankets! You're the cause of all my troubles

Leblanc, but the old man was too quick for him

'Never mind.' He sat on the bed next to the helpless but brave old man, and said, 'Let's discuss things quietly

The old man's been lying to us!'

But why are you wearing that dirty old hat? 'When Marius gave no answer, she went on, 'And you've got a hole in your shirt

Gillenormand, Marius's grandfather, was now ninety years old

While he was gazing into the fire, thinking these sad thoughts, his old servant entered the room and asked, 'Will Monsieur receive M

But the old man finally raised his head and said, in a low voice, 'Show him in.'

'I can't hear you,' the old man said, looking annoyed

'Well then,' the old man shouted, 'what do you want?'

'You're a young fool,' the old man said

The old man paused for a moment before saying, 'So, you want to get married at the age of twenty-one

Twenty-one years old, no job, no money

The old man gave a high, unpleasant laugh.

'So you said to yourself, "I'll have to go and see him, that old fool

'Tell me about it,' he said to Marius, who stared back with silent amazement, unaware that the word 'grandfather' was responsible for the change in the old man's behaviour

He then turned slowly to the old man, bowed deeply and said, 'Four years ago you insulted my father

'Oh my God,' the old man cried, burying his face in his hands

The second killed a deaf old woman who was trying to shut her window.

Cosette had brought her letter case and blotter with her, Valjean his box of child's clothing and the old National Guard uniform which all respectable men possessed, and which he had worn under a previous identity.

He looked up and saw a man dressed in old clothes standing beside him

'He's dead!' cried the old man in a terrible voice

The old man walked to the window and, while he complained to the night about the pain and grief his grandson had caused him, the doctor arrived

'Marius!' the old man cried

He noticed his grandfather's tenderness towards him, but he could not forget the old man's unfairness and cruelty to his father, who had died penniless and unloved

'But of course,' the old man laughed.

'You will have her,' the old man repeated

'She comes here every day in the shape of an old man who asks for news of you

Having said this, the old man burst into tears

Despite enjoying an occasional conversation with him, he found something strange about the old man

His private investigations into the old man's past had also revealed an even more disgusting fact

But she loved her husband even more, and she gradually became used to not depending on the old man for her happiness.

However, Marius had a shock when he saw the man - he did not recognize him at all! He was an old man with a big nose, glasses and neat grey hair

It was not long before the wolf arrived at the old woman's house

He takes you to one of his old factories on the Thames, and then he shows you the boxes and the addresses of all the different locations in the world.

"The pom is staying at the old Hobb's farm, Darwin."

They can chop you up into little pieces," says Darwin, and Gerry thinks about Big Jones and the old factory on the Thames.

The building is old but in okay shape, and he turns the generator on, and the electric lights start

And Gerry remembers the old factory on the Thames and the boxes with the different addresses and the story about what Big Jones does when people steal from him

Jake begins to feel sick again and looks down at his dirty old sneakers.

But they are better than the dirty old jeans and green jacket that are now in a bin behind the shop where they sit.

Every year we take a cruise on old Mary

"Okay, well, it's not my idea, and it's old, but I think it's great for a film

The backstreets of Dublin are quiet, and the sun is slowly setting on the old city

The one thing he needs if he wants to keep his freedom and get the suitcase that is buried in his brother's old garage

And so he waits, and the evening becomes darker, and he thinks that there are now only one or two people left in the small old church

And an old man who looks at Barry for a moment before returning to his prayers

And he dreams of the suitcase buried under his brother's old garage, and he dreams of the money inside and the paradise in the Bahamas.

"Is that Father O'Connor?" he asks, remembering his old priest.

It's in an old garage of my brother's

The car is big and old, but it is a classic, and it moves along the road like a shark, the evening sun reflecting off the red paint.

He hits the button for the radio, and an old song fills the silence of the desert

The sun is lower in the sky now, it's a little less hot, and the radio keeps him company with old songs about love and women, rock and roll and country music

any information call..." and then the signal fails, and there is only the sound of the old classic engine and the silence of the desert.

He puts his foot on the accelerator, and the car starts to speed along the old road

Brandon pulled him from the old deserted cabin, and they ran for Greg's truck

Around the old but impressive school, there are green gardens and grounds that continue for miles, and at the windows of the building there are the thirty faces of serious young men, who watch them strangely.

Inside, the school smells of wood and polish, and on the walls there are antique pictures of old teachers and respected students.

Smith looks tired, old and unhappy

Outside they can see the renovation work: there is scaffolding on the face of the old building, a new wall on the side of it, and three or four workmen are sitting on a bench eating lunch.

No, this time the sun is high and hot, and this time Owen has his old guns over his shoulder, and he remembers the way that Junior's expressionless face changed when he saw them the night before.

"Ha, well, I need to show you how to do it safely, so we need to go up to the old Abertreweren forest."

She looks around the carriage: there are only eight other people there: a young couple holding hands and talking quietly on the seat opposite her; two businessmen a few seats to her right; an old lady two seats to her left; a mother and son at the far end of the carriage

The old woman two seats away from her does not look happy and she moves to sit in the seat next to Sarah.

The poor old woman must not feel too comfortable next to the noisy kids, but Sarah knows that they are okay: she can spot the bad kids from a mile away.

"I'm sorry, dear," the old woman says, and Sarah sees that the woman's cloth bag is touching her arm

I have all my knitting things in here." The old woman looks very upset and apologetic.

"No, you relax," the old woman says, and Sarah thinks the old lady has a kind smile

"Is this your stop, dear?" the old woman asks.

Sarah jumps at the sound of the voice, and in the mirror she sees the reflection of the old woman

The old woman smiles, but it is a horrible smile

And the old woman takes a long, thin knitting needle from her bag, and Sarah remembers what the kid said on the tube...

It looked old and dry

Back inside the apartment, Sala found her nine-year-old brother Apat playing games on the ultranet in his room.

an old dried fruit?"

I'm not old enough yet, though

"So they decided not to fix the old equipment

Cham's dad Tian knew how to fix the old equipment: that was his job

There were just two chairs, a simple metal table, and a very old sofa

The old sofa had been pushed against one wall, but there was no metal table or chairs

She found an old letter under the bed."

He seemed like the old Cham: thoughtful, kind

You must have heard of it - a beautiful old house in the west of England

But I don't suppose you remember an old woman like me?' And Mrs Van Hopper gave de Winter one of her biggest smiles.

I wanted to draw some of the old houses in a nearby town

'That must seem very old to you.'

The old house was perfect

An old man with a kind face came down the steps.

A beautiful old writing-desk stood near the window

'Come on, old boy.'

Come on, Jasper, old boy, this way.'

I saw some string on a shelf and an old knife

'Hallo, Jasper, old boy,' said a man's voice and Jasper ran back into the morning-room

She's an old friend of mine.'

'How's old Max?' he asked.

'Dear old Manderley,' Favell said as we walked out of the house

He might be cross with poor old Danny.'

'The picture is about two hundred years old

I had never seen the old house looking so lovely.

'This is like old times,' said Beatrice, looking around

'When she was only twelve years old, the men could not stop looking at her

He looked tired and old.

'Why, hello, Max, old man,' Favell said

'Now, Max, old man,' Favell said at last, 'you know I'm not a rich man

'But we found your old telephone number in Mrs de Winter's diary.' Dr Baker looked at the page from the diary that Colonel Julyan was holding out to him.

Closing her eyes now, chewing the toast, Tina could still see him - three years old, peanut butter smeared all over his lips and chin - as he grinned and said, More neenut putter toast, please.

When Danny was six months old, Tina went into training to get back in shape, and after three arduous months of exercise, she won a place in the chorus line of a new Vegas spectacle

Tina searched the entire house, except for Danny's old room, but she didn't find an intruder

She was a sweet old woman, feisty and independent-minded but not the type to play cruel pranks.

She was tall, slender, striking, fifty-five years old but able to pass for a well-preserved forty.

Nickel duchesses always played the cheap slot machines - nickels and dimes in the old days, now quarters - never the dollar- or five-dollar slots

They would think she was just a foolish old woman

In this one, he was ten or eleven years old, a sweet brown-haired boy with dark eyes and a lovely smile.

Toward Danny's old room.

They would nod and smile woodenly and agree that it was a strange and frightening experience, but all the while, they would be thinking that poor old Vivienne was finally getting senile

That old saw applied in spades to stage shows and to on-the-cuff audiences.

Tina gave her address to him, and then somehow they were talking about jazz and Benny Goodman, and then about the miserable service provided by the Las Vegas phone company, just chatting away as if they were old friends

If the mess had been here when Vivienne arrived, the old woman would have cleaned it up and would have left a note about what she'd found

Jaborski had intended to drive the minibus off the main highway, onto an old logging trail, if conditions permitted

This eight-year-old girl died unexpectedly of a congenital kidney disease

Smith, and other artists who made their homes in the western United States and who usually took their subject matter from either the old or the new West.

He began the age-old rhythm of love

Feeling slightly foolish, like an easily spooked old woman, Tina said, "I'm sorry

Not in the good old U.S

Into her dream, she incorporated a grisly character from an old issue of a horror-comics magazine that was in Danny's collection

Elliot wondered how Tom would have reacted if they had shrieked into his garage in an old battered Chevy.

"The good old days of spies and counterspies? Sorry, but no, I don't long for that at all

I'm just me, the same old me that I always was."

Ruby Ridge - a fourteen-year-old boy shot in the back by the FBI

He smiled and asked Elliot if their dinner had been satisfactory, and Elliot said it had been fine, and the old man began to make change with slow, arthritic fingers.

Elliot stepped out of the way, as the old man approached.

The old man had to shout to be heard above the explosive voices on the jukebox

The old man crouched beside the machine, reached behind it, found the button

"Have to unplug it!" the old man said.

Elliot pulled the jukebox from the wall so the old man could reach the cord.

But before she could think of a way to phrase her odd request, the old man succeeded in unplugging the machine.

After a second of surprised relief, everyone in the diner applauded the old fellow.

He was eight or nine years old, and he was curious about the details of a dealer's job

Danny was barely old enough to understand the rules, but he'd never played before

He certainly wasn't old enough to remember all the cards that were dealt and calculate his chances from that, like some of the very best players can do

Like an old athlete back on the playing field after a long absence, testing his reflexes, taking pride in the fact that his old skills are still there."

An executive jet for the chief of the vital Nevada bureau was not an extravagance, and Alexander believed his improved performance over the past year had convinced the old man in Washington that this was money well spent.

His taste for violence would not have been tolerated for long in the old FBI - perhaps not even in the new, thoroughly politicized FBI - or in many other congressionally monitored police agencies

They used an electronic scrambling device, so they could speak candidly, and the old man was furious and characteristically blunt.

After the old man hung up, Alexander called his own office, in no mood to be told that Elliot Stryker and Christina Evans were still at large

"Looks more like the road they always take in those old movies when they're on their way to Dracula's castle."

Indeed, he looked like a little old man.

In September 1887 my wife was visiting some of her family, so I was staying with my old friend Sherlock Holmes in Baker Street

'Three days later my poor father went to visit an old friend who lived some miles away

He wanted to be away from Paris but near skilled workmen who could build things for his experimental so I offered him one of the old workshops of the factory

He lives in our grandfather's old house on the hill behind the factory.'

He was six years old.

Put my old hat in the bag, please."

My young nephew, Dennis, said, 'We'll all remember that when the old man is found covered in blood

He had come to stay at the Blue Boar Inn, while he examined an old burial ground on Colonel Protheroe's land

'But do you really think she is attracted to that boring old man?' Griselda said.

'She and Dr Haydock may be old friends,' said Mrs Price Ridley.

'Awful old woman,' said Griselda, when the ladies had gone

While we talked about pictures, books and old churches, I felt that Mrs Lestrange really wanted to talk to me about something else

'Of course, if this were a book, the old man would die - and no one would be sorry.'

There's some wonderful old silver at Old Hall, including a seventeenth century tazza

'The old man would probably shoot you,' said Dennis.

It's awfully old-fashioned.' A strange smile came to her lips

'Poor old Protheroe,' he said

And, Mrs Clement, you are the only person in the village I can talk to, except a lot of old women.'

'The shot that killed old Protheroe? No, of course I didn't

I looked at the old lady, feeling increased respect for her intelligence.

And then some of the old ladies often come in.'

'Oh,' Slack said, 'I believe the old lady's right

'Well, this person began by saying, "You are a very unpleasant old woman who tells lies!" Me, Colonel Melchett! "And now the police are after you."'

And I heard that she loves old stones for her Japanese garden.'

'That old woman who cleans for him wiped them off yesterday morning

Next, there was a very old coat, then an old cap and an old pair of boots

So he told the girl to put on these old clothes and go and hide the suitcase in the woods

'That awful old Miss Marple has made a mistake

There's a good man in Much Benham, who knows all about old silver and I've sent a car to fetch him

I said goodbye and walked into the village to see the old ladies

She's an old friend, but that's not my only reason

She's the only old lady who hasn't written to me today.' I was right.

That was why I cut up that old picture of her

I saw one old man with a big box and a number of flower-pots, angrily arguing with a soldier who wanted him to leave them behind.

Some distance behind them was a man on an old-fashioned bicycle

I found some old bread in a baker's shop there

Why was I walking alone in this city of the dead? I thought of old friends that I had forgotten for years

Then came the thought of myself, of my wife, and the old life of hope and tender helpfulness that had ended forever.

But then I noticed how ill the people looked and how many of them still wore old and dirty clothes

'Effie, my wife was a young widow only twenty-five years old, when I met her

He is an old friend

That old remedy worked better than a box of modern pills.

When old ladies and gentlemen look at him, tears come to their eyes.

My old Uncle Podger was just like Harris

But, he got lost, too! Finally, the old keeper came back from lunch

We sailed straight into the fishing boat with the three old fishermen! At first, we didn't know what was happening

The three old fishermen fell off their seats

My friends and I are very unhappy to hear men of your age use such bad words.' The three old men did not agree with Harris.

'Certainly,' said the old lock-keeper

Look in the hampers and take out all the pieces of old food

'Oh, please! I do more work than old J,' Harris said.

'Well, it's difficult to do less work than old J,' George added.

Oxford is a beautiful town with its old university

Our clothes probably looked a bit old and strange.

I am not that old or wise, but I can advise you a little

And she is not the type who would borrow money just to buy a pair of shoes; she would just wear her old pairs till things got better

'He is so old.'

Running around with an old and evil politician would horrify them.

She loves it here, with the wide sandy beach and the old sea

It was in his 'I-am-old-enough-to-be-your-father' voice

Down on the beach, the old Sea slides up and down the sands

Here is a fifty-year-old 'big man' who thinks he is somebody

And a twenty-three-year-old child who chooses a silly way to fight life's problems

As they play with each other's bodies on the back seat of the car, the old Sea shuts his eyes, bored

I shall pay for everything, but that would be better than that old car I was thinking about

Are those shoes the old pair which were new a couple of months ago? Or are they the newest pair? And here she is herself, the pretty one

'I like a quiet life, and recently I had such an adventure that I don't want another one for years.' As we ate breakfast side by side like two old friends, I told Miss Halcombe about the woman in white

'After the story you told me this morning, I've been reading my mother's old letters,' said Miss Halcombe

Her clothes were old, so I gave her some of Laura's white dresses

He is a charming man of about forty-five years old

He treated Miss Halcombe like an old friend, was polite and friendly to me, and treated Miss Fairlie with tenderness and respect

It is a big old house, surrounded by trees

I was seen with you yesterday by a fat old man

The room was full of old papers

'That's just what the old parish clerk said,' the man replied

As the parish clerk put the register back on its shelf, I said, 'You spoke of old copies of the register

The old parish clerk is dead now, but his son lives in the village

I went to the house of the old parish clerk's son and asked if I could see his father's copy of the register for 1803

'Yesterday, I looked out of the window in our old house, and I saw the Count standing outside with the doctor from the asylum! Then they went away

I had certain suspicions, so I wrote a letter to Mrs Catherick's old employer, Major Donthorne of Varneck Hall

At sixty, I adored that woman with the volcanic passion of an eighteen-year-old

She was only seventeen years old, and she was the youngest person ever to win it.

When she was twelve years old, she was working in the fields

She was very intelligent and could read when she was three years old.

When she came back five years later, at twenty years old, she could speak good French and knew how to cook, but she also knew chemistry.

In 1929, when she was twenty-one years old, she met Jean-Paul Sartre, the philosopher

Nancy wanted women of twenty-one years old to vote

In 2017, Jacinda Ardern became the prime minister of New Zealand when she was thirty-seven years old

She was thirty years old and had two children

But in 1948 she was thirty years old, and many people thought that she was too old to be the best

When Billie Jean King was twelve years old, she decided that she wanted to fight for equal rights for girls and women

When she was twelve years old, she played at a tournament at the Los Angeles Tennis Club, but Billie Jean could not be in the group picture of young tennis players

Even he - a fifty-five-year-old man - could win against the best female players

The twenty-nine-year-old Billie Jean beat the fifty-five-year-old Bobby 6-4, 6 - 3, 6-3

For example, 32 percent of girls in Zimbabwe get married before they are eighteen years old

Loveness Mudzuru and Ruvimbo Tsopodzi were two young women from Zimbabwe who were married to men when they were sixteen years old

He punishes dishonest people," says an old man.

"Yes, and he leaves his mark - the Z - everywhere," says the old man.

"I am almost 25 years old

How old is your daughter Lolita?" asks Don Diego.

"Lolita is 18 years old and she is very beautiful," answers Don Carlos.

I am 23 years old and I am the Captain of the Presidio

"Lolita, tonight your mother and I must visit our old friends," says Don Carlos

An old friar is standing before the magistrate L The old friar is in chains

"I am not a thief," says the old friar

"This old friar is a thief

The soldiers whip the old friar and he falls to the ground

They are laughing about the old friar.

We must hide in the old tavern

Zorro and Lolita hide inside the old tavern

Zorro and Lolita walk out of the old tavern