How to use "once" in a sentence


6.45 am As morning arrives once more, I feel a little hope

I try lifting the boulder once more

For once, I am careful as I go down the rope

I fell out of a chair once.'

We sailed for three months and we never saw the creature once.

Later, when we were back in the garden, the President said, 'You were hurt, weren't you, boy? Well, look at this...' And he pulled up his shirt and showed me the place on his stomach where he was hurt once

Beckwith held out the saucepan once more.

So you can let him go at once.'

He went at once to visit him, but he was too late

Marius realized at once that the handwriting, the yellow paper and the smell of cheap tobacco was the same as in the four letters he had read the previous evening

A large woman with greying hair, once red, was sitting by the fire, while a thin, pale-faced child sat on one of the beds.

It's been eight years, but I recognized him at once.'

My dearest daughter, You must come at once

'Let's go at once!' he cried, wild with excitement

Then I'll go away at once.'

My dearest, We are leaving this house at once

My dearest, We are leaving this house at once

When Marius had been hit, Valjean ran to him at once, grabbed him before he fell and carried his unconscious body into a small alley behind the wine shop

Finally, the group of men moved off along another passage, and Valjean was left in total darkness once again.

Despite the unexpectedness of this meeting, Valjean recognized the man at once

And you once had an inn in Montfermeil.'

'We must go to him at once,' Marius said

And he asks himself once more if he can do it.

For a few moments he sinks slowly into the great loch, but then, somehow, miraculously, he kicks again, and he comes to the surface once more

He forgot to do it once, and they refused to pay him for the day.

She stopped twice: once at the house of one of Mrs Dawson's friends and once at a local pub

So he crosses the road slowly and casually, walks up the stone steps of the church and looks around once more before he pushes open the wooden doors and goes inside.

Jesus, is this it? Did he really do something to that girl? More than hit her once? Did he do what they said on the radio? Was she dead?

See, there was once a young man called Jimmy Lane

At once, there was silence: the noise of all the people outside was completely shut out

All at once, she was sure that something wasn't right.

She managed not to say anything in front of her little brother, but Gran could see at once that she was upset.

Then she and Cham both began talking at once.

All at once, she was floating in warm, clear water

Sorry." All at once, she was trembling

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" gasped Sala, and she bent down at once to help him pick them up.

She found Gran sitting with Mom, talking and drinking tea; for once, Mom had got home from work early.

Cham's face appeared on her virtual interface almost at once

Then all three spoke at once

Sala didn't look at her at first, but when the woman spoke, she recognized her voice at once.

"But it's exciting, isn't it? I've only seen her once more

"The letter from Gran's brother." The words slipped out before she could stop herself, and she knew at once that she shouldn't have said it

Of course, they would have seen that Cham had changed! And they'd permit him to leave the pod at once if they thought it was damaging him.

"What's wrong?" he demanded at once, looking around at their troubled faces.

And somehow, she hoped, she would reach Cham, through his avatar, and find the real person inside once more

'I recognized you at once,' Mrs Van Hopper said

De Winter stood up at once

I rang up her doctor and he came round at once.

He called to the waiter who came up at once

You'll have to arrange everything at once

I washed my face with cold water and came out of the bathroom at once

I want to marry her at once.'?

I went at once to a window and looked out

I went across the hall and into the dining-room once more

'We want tea at once,' said Maxim

Frank did not reply at once

I'll see Mrs Danvers at once.'

She saw me once, looking at her

I saw at once that the boat had gone.'

I met him once, years ago.'

At once, I felt much happier

Everyone looked at me and started to talk at once.

'Of course I knew at once that it was a mistake,' Beatrice said

When I came to the bay, I could see the ship at once

'He wants to come here and speak to Mr de Winter at once

'I nearly did, once,' Maxim said

Could you come over to Manderley at once? No - I can't say anything over the phone

'Good evening, Colonel Julyan,' Maxim said at once

It was dark now and I fell asleep almost at once

A little more than a year before he had died, Danny had begun sleeping at the opposite end of the small house from the master bedroom, in what had once been the den

When she went into Danny's bedroom, she saw at once that the easel-chalkboard had been knocked over again

"We got a hit, kid," Joel assured Tina once more.

The digital display began to sequence up the band once more, and scraps of music blasted from the speakers.

Except, of course, that the boy who had once slept here had been dead for a year

I just have to check on the show once every couple of weeks to make sure the tone of it isn't drifting away from my original intention."

Tina pressed through the milling onlookers who filled the wide center aisle, and she located Michael almost at once

And everyone seemed to be talking at once.

But once in a while, a guy really loses track, doesn't get up for hours and hours, just keeps on playing like a zombie

It was good for us once, those early years

She typed in the code for the list of complimentary guests, and the machine responded at once.

It doesn't hurt as bad now as it once did

He kissed her ears, her eyes again, and left a chain of kisses along her neck, and when at last he returned to her mouth, he kissed her more deeply than before, and she responded at once, opening her mouth to him.

But when he returned, she kissed him tentatively, found that nothing had changed, and pressed against him once more.

Elliot didn't tell the judge about the malicious prankster, for that seemed like an unnecessary complication; he still believed that once the fact of Danny's death was established by the exhumation, the quickest and surest way of dealing with the harassment was to hire a first-rate firm of private investigators to track down the perpetrator

once an agent, always an agent

But once more, incredibly, he was being hunted, and he wondered how long he could survive.

But once those seeds are sown, once the parents of the other scouts and the entire city are clamoring for an investigation, Kennebeck's buddies won't have anything to gain by eliminating us

Her hands, which had been curled into tight fists, came open once more

He compared it once more with the numbers on the electronic board, as if he were praying that he had made a mistake the first time.

Left-wingers and right-wingers differed about certain details, of course, but their only major point of contention centered on the identity of those who would be permitted to be a part of the privileged ruling class, once the power had been sufficiently centralized.

Even if he was a natural then, there's no way he could still be as sharp as he once was."

If too many bodies pile up at once, we'll be drawing attention to-"

He didn't have any choice but to commit the installation to it once we found out the damn Chinese were deeply into it

At the corner, he ignored the stop sign and swung the car hard to the left, only tapping the brakes once, severely testing the Chevy's suspension.

When the plane settled down once more, Alexander looked out the window at the milky-white, moonlit, feminine roundness of the clouds below, and he thought of the Evans woman

She put the pen at the edge of the map once more, and she let her eyes drift out of focus.

"One thing I learned in the military was you have to stop and regroup your forces once in a while, but if you stop too long, the tide will turn and wash right over you."

"I read a newspaper story once about a guy who bought a Rolls-Royce with his card

For two hundred yards ahead, until the road curved once more, nothing threatening was in sight.

Maybe Danny could prevent the alarms from sounding, and maybe he could not, so Elliot fired once, and the display screen dissolved into thousands of splinters of glass.

He was a rag doll with only meager scraps of stuffing, a fragile and timorous creature, nothing whatsoever like the happy, vibrant, active boy that he had once been

Each time that he personally killed someone, he felt as if he were establishing another link to the world beyond this one; and he hoped, once he had made enough of those linkages, that he would be rewarded with a vision from the other side

But once he's out of here, he should put weight on fast

"But once our story breaks in the papers," Tina said, "they'll probably just shut this place down."

Danny opened the high-security elevator and made the cab rise once they were in it

This was very strange because Helene insisted that she had only used it once

Only once was Helene's behaviour so wild and uncontrollable that the doctor had to give her a powerful drug to calm her down

For one little moment it did not exist! It was only atoms travelling through space at the speed of light! A moment later, the atoms were once more gathered together in the shape of an ashtray!'

'Do you remember I once told you about some mysterious flying stones in India? They come flying into houses as it thrown from outside, even though the doors and windows are closed.'

'Can you help me? Knock once for yes, twice for no.'

Alter a moment of hesitation, he knocked once on his desk.

He knocked once for yes, then pointed to the door

No sound came out of my throat, so I knocked once.

I was told that Mr Abbott of Low Farm was dying and asked to come at once.

I got up at once.

But a nice-looking young man, I'm sure they would tell him at once.'

'But she has only been in my study once since the murder, and then she was dressed in black and did not wear blue earrings.'

I had just reached the place so, once again, I pushed my way through the bushes

And I think we ought to find out for certain.' I went once more to the telephone and called Old Hall

'You once said that you would go mad if anyone else confessed to the crime.'

I read it once - twice - but I still could not believe what it said.

'Hello - hello - hello - Will the doctor come round at once to see Mr Hawes

Come to see Hawes at once, will you? At once, I say!' He put the phone down and turned to me

He was in love with her once

'Could you say, just once, that you love me madly?'

At once, thinking quickly, he connected the Thing with the flash on Mars.

The two men hurried back at once to the common, and found the cylinder still lying in the same position

Henderson went to the railway station at once, to send a telegram to London.

I ran at once towards the pub, whose owner had a horse and cart

My plan was to return at once to Leatherhead

I wanted to start at once, but the soldier had been in wars before and knew better than that

'They come from Weybridge and Walton, and they said guns have been heard at Chertsey, heavy firing, and that soldiers told them to move out at once because the Martians are corning

In other cases the shells had missed, and the guns had at once been destroyed by the Heat-Rays

Once again, on the Surrey side, there was black dust that had once been smoke, and some dead bodies - a number of them near the approach to the station.

I had seen the Martians themselves once before, but only for a short time, and then the sight had almost made me sick

I thought at once that it would know that I was there from the mark of the hammer.

And as I looked at it, and realized that the shadows had been rolled back, and that people might still live in its streets, and that this dear city of mine might be once more alive and powerful again, I felt such emotion that I was very close to tears.

We once took a paraffin oil stove

When we passed Hampton Court Palace, Harris asked, 'Have you ever visited the maze here?' He said he had gone into the maze once to show a friend

I remember that George once saw a young couple who were walking by the side of the river

Montmorency went to put his nose over the frying pan once, and burnt himself

'I was happy there once, in a village called Limmeridge

She was married twice: once to my father, who was a poor man, and then to Mr Philip Fairlie, who was rich

'You must leave Limmeridge at once,' she said

Six lonely months have passed, and I am with dear Laura once more, but we now live at Blackwater Park, Sir Percival's house in Hampshire

Madame Fosco is different from the Eleanor Fairlie I once knew

He let me go to Limmeridge for a few weeks once

Now she looked like the Laura I first met at Limmeridge: her expression was lively once more, she smiled frequently, and she had lost that sad nervous look that made her so very like Anne Catherick