How to use "onto" in a sentence


If I climb onto it, the drop from there will be shorter

I hit the boulder as hard as I can and the piece of rock falls onto my trapped arm

But it hits my harness and falls back onto my legs

Some of the valuable water falls onto my shorts.

I push, jump and shout as I put all my weight onto the rope

Then I put him onto my shoulder and he laughs even more

Conseil and I held onto it

We tried to move onto this strange metal object to get close to him.

Behind them, there were large glass windows looking out onto the sea

But just when Honest Ivan seemed to be winning, Sue ran across the room and jumped onto the chess table!

"Bloody idiot," he says to Sylvia as they slowly move away from the jetty onto the dark water

Gerry pushes open the door of the small Australian pub and steps onto the terrace with a pint of cold beer in his hand

You open the door a little more and step out onto the landing

The cop falls too, and there is a moment of confusion, but then Dan pushes himself up onto his feet and runs

Brandon watches the clear water tumble onto the rocks, through the snow and down to the frozen forest below.

He feels his legs shake and falls down onto the red and white snow by the waterfall.

He lifts the two gun bags onto his shoulder and starts to walk

To get home quickly, they stepped onto one of the fast-moving walkways that stretched in all directions across the city.

The woman had already jumped back onto the speeding walkway

Gran threw a handful of leaves onto a pile in the corner

Apat chose the jumping machines, as always; Cham got onto a climbing machine and was soon halfway up a wall

Sala stepped onto a running machine, and started to run.

And then, just like the first time, the woman stepped quickly onto the walkway and was soon lost among the crowds.

Sala rolled onto her back and lay floating, staring up at the sky

She dived onto it just as the rain began to pour, and started walking quickly.

Nathan climbs out of the window and up onto the roof of the building.

As her heartbeat slowed, she eased back onto her pillow.

It was so huge that a DC-9 airliner could be rolled onto it without using half the space available - a feat that had been accomplished as part of a production number on a similar stage at a hotel in Reno several years ago

Twenty minutes later, at 3:45, she stepped onto the smooth cobblestones in front of the hotel's main entrance and handed her claim check to the valet parking attendant

One dropped behind the sofa, and the other tumbled onto it.

She went to the sofa and picked up the photo that had dropped onto the cushions

There were five photographs in addition to the one that had dropped onto the sofa; two were responsible for the noises that had drawn her into the living room, and the other three were those that she had seen popping off the picture hooks

A sliver of ice broke loose under her finger and fell onto the nightstand

Turning away, she left him in the sunshine, with the ice cream melting down the cone and onto his hand.

She started around Angela's desk, wanting nothing more at the moment than to get off her rubbery legs and onto a chair - and suddenly the door to the hall opened, and she cried out in alarm.

Jaborski had intended to drive the minibus off the main highway, onto an old logging trail, if conditions permitted

The vehicle skidded, then dropped a hundred feet straight onto rocks

Vince dropped to his knees, then onto his face

Elliot glanced in the rearview mirror, as he had been doing every minute or two since they'd turned onto Charleston Boulevard

Ideally, I'd even like to be able to hand the reporter a neat theory about what really happened to those scouts, something sensational that he can hook his story onto."

Though Tina continued to be buoyed by the unshakable conviction that Danny was alive, fear crept into her again as they drove onto Charleston Boulevard

Willis Bruckster studied his keno ticket, carefully comparing it to the winning numbers beginning to flash onto the electronic board that hung from the casino ceiling

The last of the keno numbers flashed onto the board

It flapped noisily to the other end of the room and then back again, finally falling like a dead bird onto the floor at Elliot's feet.

Shortly they would turn off the two-lane blacktop onto another road, which the map specified as "unpaved, nondirt," whatever that was.

They drove onto the track, under the roof of heavy evergreen boughs, into the heart of the forest.

Branches scraped across the roof, and powdery snow cascaded over the windshield, onto the hood.

He steered off the plowed lane, onto the snowy trail

They came over the rise onto a plateau, an enormous shelf carved in the side of the mountain.

He crashed into a desk, sending a pile of white and pink papers onto the floor, and then he fell on top of the mess that he had made.

It opened onto a junction of two hallways, which Tina had discovered a few minutes ago, just after Elliot had shot the guard, when she had peeked through the door to see if reinforcements were on the way.

Another man, younger than the first, clean-shaven, also dressed in white, was sitting at a computer, reading the information that flashed onto the display screen

Before he got to the guard shack at the upper gate, he climbed onto the ridge above, used the snowshoes to circle the guard, returned to the road, and threw the snowshoes away

I ran upstairs, threw Helene's envelope onto my desk and made another careful search of the room

I believe that picric acid explodes if you drop something heavy onto it

I turned, and as I did the screw came out and the lid of the cylinder fell onto the sand with a ringing sound

One tentacle held onto the cylinder; another moved in the air.

I rushed out onto the grass and saw the tops of the trees around the Oriental College burst into smoky red flame, and the tower of the little church beside it slide down into ruins

Then one of our chimneys cracked and broken bricks fell down onto the flower-bed by my study window.

And as time passed and the engine drivers and firemen refused to return to London, the people turned in growing crowds away from the stations and onto the roads running north

After trying unsuccessfully to get onto a train at Chalk Farm my brother came out into the road, pushed through the hurrying lines of vehicles, and had the luck to be at the front of a crowd which was taking bicycles from a shop

The foot of Haverstock Hill was blocked by fallen horses, but my brother got onto the Belsize Road.

He heard their screams and, hurrying round the corner, saw a couple of men trying to pull them out of the little cart which they had been driving, while a third held onto the frightened horse's head

Realizing from his face that a fight was unavoidable, and being a good boxer, my brother hit him hard and knocked him back onto the wheel of the cart.

People were actually climbing down onto the boats from the bridge above.

After the sailors could no longer come up the Thames, they went to the towns on the Essex coast to take people onto their ships

It was about two o'clock when my brother got onto it with the two women

I had still held onto some hope.

The hand that hung over her knee was cut, and blood had fallen onto her dirty brown dress

I got onto the grass before the sun rose

At the sound of birds overhead I looked up at the enormous fighting-machine that would never fight again, at the pieces of red flesh that dropped down onto the overturned seats on the top of Primrose Hill.

Already men, crying with joy, as I have heard, were getting onto trains to go to London

Quickly I climbed onto the wall beside the vestry then onto the roof

Zorro jumps onto a table

Then he jumps onto a chair

The fight continues and Sergeant Gonzales' sword falls onto the floor