How to use "open" in a sentence


I keep the far end open to let fresh air in

I open my shorts and watch the yellow urine disappear into the sand.

When it's open, I try and lift it towards my mouth

It's lying open on top of the boulder.

Then I pick up the multi-tool, open the shorter knife and push it hard into my arm

I try to drop the rock, but the fingers of my hand won't open.

One man went to open the door to the platform

Some of the cupboards were open, and there were books in them

There were four doors in the room, but Alice couldn't open them

'Perhaps it will open one of the doors,' she thought

She took the key and tried to open each door with it

'This key has to open something,' she thought.

She went to the door, but could not open it

He tried to open the door

But I pulled her dress, and it came open, and she screamed.

Rudolph didn't speak or open his eyes, but he put up his hand and smiled.

Indeed, the most ample evidence to the contrary has all the while existed and been open to their inspection

This time he saw a piece of bloodstained apron in an open doorway

Inspector Abbeline arrived at 11.30 a.m., but he could not give the order to break open the door until 1.30 p.m

At 1.30 when the news came that the dogs were not coming, he told McCarthy to break open the door

Barnett and Mary used to put a hand through the broken window and pull back the bolt to open the door.

Mme Magloire trembled, open-mouthed with fear, while Mile Baptistine rose from her seat with alarm

It was half-open

A few evenings later, while he was giving Cosette a reading lesson in his room, Valjean heard the front door of the house open and close

Jondrette rushed to open it, bowing almost to the ground as he did so.

Turning, Marius saw that a hand was holding it open.

Now please leave me alone.' Marius tried again to shut the door, but she still held it open.

He managed to open it but, before he could jump, the three men jumped on him and held him to the floor.

Finally, there was the sound of horses in the street outside and, moments later, the door to the room was thrown open.

They threw the rope ladder from the open window but, before they could escape, the door opened and Inspector Javert walked in.

Javert rushed to the open window and looked down

At last! After four years! Was it really him? He wanted to open his arms and hug him, but all he said was, 'What have you come for?'

The sky grew lighter, but not a door or window was open in the street

To my left I see the short fat man sit down on the floor with his hands on his head; then Robin runs to the office and kicks open the door.

And this is my part; I take the laptop from the bag and put it in front of him and open it, "Do you know what this is?"

"What?" she says before he can open the door

Gerry pushes open the door of the small Australian pub and steps onto the terrace with a pint of cold beer in his hand

Then he pushes open a fire door to his personal smoking area at the back of the court next to the bins and lights his cigarette

He pushes the door to the courtroom open

And he hears the door to the judge's chamber open.

The door of your wardrobe is open, and the clothes inside look like three or four small burglars watching you

You quietly open it, just a little, just so you can see the dark landing.

You open the door a little more and step out onto the landing

The door to the spare room is half open, and you can hear the sound of the wind outside

You know now that the window to the spare room is open, and you know this is how the burglar entered.

Then the door begins to open slowly and quietly

So he crosses the road slowly and casually, walks up the stone steps of the church and looks around once more before he pushes open the wooden doors and goes inside.

As he does not want them to see his face, he pulls open the left door to the box and enters.

And Barry tries to push the door open.

He sees the cop car and runs to it and pulls open the door.

The door to the tower is in another corridor, and when they open it, they hear footsteps on the stairs

Below the water a metal door slides open

The doors of the carriages open, a few people get off, and Sarah and the commuters get on.

The doors slide open, and ten or twelve students from Chancery High School enter the carriage.

The strange man, the man who looks like the evil character from her thriller; his eyes are open now.

The doors open, and she quickly walks through them.

Sala's mouth dropped open

Sala's mouth dropped open

Sala's mouth dropped open

Instead, she turned the package over, looking for a way to open it

The three of them laughed and talked as they waited for the doors to open

Sala's mouth dropped open

Cham stood there, his arms open, and Sala rushed into a huge hug

Cham's mouth dropped open

His words felt like an earthquake breaking open their lives

Danger? Sala's mouth dropped open

It was open

"To protect us all." Sala's mouth dropped open

It was open.

'And then we could open the bottle when we wanted to remember the moment again.'

The gates were wide open for us

At the top of the steps, a big door stood wide open

Inside the open door, the servants stood in two lines

Comfortable chairs stood on either side of a great open fireplace

As I turned to go back to the stairs, I heard a door open behind me

The door was open

I pushed open the door

One of the shutters was open and a man stood at the window

I pushed open the door to my own bedroom

When he heard the door open, he turned round quickly.

The door to the west wing was open

The door of the dining-room was open

Mrs Danvers began to cry noisily, with her mouth open and her eyes dry.

She pushed me towards the open window

The fog came in through the open window, damp and thick

Then she went to the door and held it open for me.

I wished someone would open a window

'With those holes, sir, and the sea-cocks open, a small boat like Mrs de Winter's would soon sink

In less than seventeen hours - at 8:00 P.M., December 30 - the Golden Pyramid Hotel would present a special, invitational, VIP premiere of Magyck! , and the following night, New Year's Eve, the show would open to the general public

She pulled open the nightstand drawer

The knob turned, but the door wouldn't open

The warped door groaned and creaked as Vivienne Neddler forced it open.

Neither window was open, and even if one had been raised, the night wasn't frigid enough to account for the chill.

She felt a presence, something that wanted her, and she cried out as the door came all the way open.

and then open again...

The closet doors closed with a jarring crash - but they didn't open again

The radio ceased scanning, stopping on an open frequency that hissed and popped with distant static

The closet door slammed open and shut with substantially more force than it had earlier.

The closet doors were open, and all the clothes inside appeared to have been thrown on the floor

Hundreds of other people stood close behind the players, watching impatiently, waiting for a seat to open

A five-piece band hammered out wildly amplified pop music from the small stage in the open cocktail lounge beyond and slightly above the slot machines

These last few days, as your show's been getting ready to open, I've had the feeling you might finally realize you need something more in life, something a lot more emotionally satisfying than whatever it is you can get out of just producing stage shows."

Because she was seldom in her office at night, the drapes were rarely open

Tina got up from the couch, went to the window, and pulled open the drapes

Then we could open the grave early Saturday."

A three-sided, fan-shaped tent had been erected on the back lawn, to one side of the sixty-foot pool, with the open side facing the house

She didn't open the door

These days, you're crazy if you open your door without knowing exactly who's on the other side of it."

"Don't open that door!" Elliot warned.

In the foyer, Elliot jerked open the front door, pushed her through ahead of him, and they both plunged into the golden late-afternoon sunshine.

Elliot pushed her away from the Mercedes so he could open the door on the passenger side

At the fifth house on the left, the garage door was open, and there wasn't a car inside.

He drove into the open garage as boldly as if it were his own

He said the garage door would be open and that we were to pull right inside."

The coffin was sealed when it arrived, and we didn't open it."

"There's always a store open somewhere

Her hands, which had been curled into tight fists, came open once more

Danny survived the accident, but they couldn't let him come home because he'd tell everyone the government was responsible for the deaths of the others, and that would blow their secret military installation wide open."

So if they can't open the grave and see for themselves what we've done to Danny Evans, what are they going to do instead? They're going to do the next best thing - talk to the person who was supposedly the last one to see the boy's corpse before it was sealed in the coffin

The glove compartment popped open.

Although he was struggling to cast off the seizure of claustrophobia that had gripped him, was trying to pretend that the organic-looking ceiling wasn't pressing low over his head and that only open sky hung above him instead of thousands of tons of concrete and steel rock, his own panic attack concerned him less than what was happening beyond the viewport.

"No choice." He flung open the door and scrambled out of the car

She had the door open

The stores will be open in an hour or so."

With the pen, she returned to the bed and sat beside the open map.

"I'm just going to completely relax, make myself open and receptive

"Your eyes are open, but you are in a deep, deep sleep."

open yourself to whoever wants to speak through you."

Snowshoes in case we have to walk very far in open country

So I usually just drive down the day before I open

I don't open until the end of the month."

The drapes drew open, slid shut, drew open, slid shut, even though no one was near the draw cords.

Billy stared, open-mouthed.

"Soon now," Tina said, glancing at the map that was open on her knees.

They passed a few signs that told them the lane they were using was kept open for the exclusive benefit of federal and state wildlife officers and researchers

When they came out of this curve, the trees fell back from the verge, and open sky lay above for the first time since they had departed the county blacktop.

As Elliot started to open his door, Tina saw something that made her grab his arm

That same traitorous bastard is also up there in the labs right this minute, ready to open the gates and doors to them

"We can't just go around jerking open doors."

Even before Elliot had lowered the pistol, the same set of elevator doors slid open again

The doors slid open three floors below the surface, on the next to the last level.

The door cycled open

That was just about the time that another researcher walked into his lab, saw the cultures of Wuhan-400 broken open on the floor, and set off the alarm

Then he tried to tear open one of the security men's decontamination suits

She's going to tell me who helped her get into the labs even if I have to break her fingers one at a time to make her open up."

The commissaire drove through the open factory gate, stopped by the main entrance, and we got out of the car

She put both her hands over her open mouth

I took him to the open window and ordered him to release the fly

Helene, when you knock, I'll open the door

Just think of the talk in the village.' She kissed me, and stepped through the open glass door into the garden.

I got up to open it and Mrs Protheroe came straight in

The front door is always open, but I rang the bell and Mary answered it.

I want to see if there are footprints.' He moved towards the open window.

The study window was open.'

I tore it open and read:

'Do you mind, Mrs Protheroe, just showing us exactly what you did?' Inspector Slack pushed open the glass doors, and she stepped outside and walked round the house to the left

I tore it open and read:

'Your door is open

The place is empty but a window was open

I tried to open it, but it was locked

He had brought several keys with him and in one minute, the suitcase was open

The inspector tore it open.

I tore it open

It felt as though years had passed when I heard the door open and Melchett entered the room

I was at home at the time and writing in my study with the curtains open

Three went through the open doors of the Oriental College and two began running from house to house

In the hurry to leave it had been left open

When we had finished eating, we went quietly upstairs to my study and I looked again out of the open window

My brother went again to Waterloo station to find out if the line to Woking was open

The cylinder was already open in the centre of the pit, and on the furthest side one of the great fighting-machines, empty now, stood tall and unmoving against the evening sky

It stretched far and wide and I hesitated on the edge of that large open space

'This is a bit open

I crawled into an open space in the bushes and sat down.

A jeweller's window had been broken open in one place, but the thief had clearly been chased away, because a number of gold chains and a watch were lying on the pavement

Already they were busy with returning people; in places there were even shops open

A man standing at the open door of a house greeted me by name as I passed

The curtains of my study blew out of the open window from which I and the soldier had watched the dawn

Had I spoken my thought aloud? I turned, and the door to the garden was open behind me

Harris tried to open the tin with a little knife, and he cut himself

George tried to open it with a pair of scissors

I tried to open it with a piece of metal

But, we still couldn't open it.

It was a wide open field

Their mouths are open for bread

Connie just sits there with her mouth open that wide...

His manner was open and honest

That honest, open look has gone

There I could hear the voices of Sir Percival and the Count through the open windows.

Perhaps he could escape through the window! I broke the glass, but then the flames jumped out of the open space.