How to use "persuade" in a sentence


At first, no one believed him, but he managed to persuade the court by skilfully questioning each of the witnesses, revealing personal information that only the real Jean Valjean could have known

A long argument followed, during which each of the married men tried to persuade the others to go

I tried to persuade myself that it would be better not to admit the truth about my past, but it was no use

But Wena knew that Sala had told Cham about the rose fruit, didn't she? Anyway, Sala needed to tell Cham to try and persuade him not to go into a pod.

Could she try to persuade him? Would he listen?

She would have to persuade Cham to leave by herself

With smiles, murmured assurances, and kisses planted on his frail hands, she finally managed to persuade him to tuck both of his arms close to his body.

When Bollinger discovered they had a vehicle, he tried to persuade them to drive him all the way into Reno