How to use "photographs" in a sentence


Well, lots of newspaper men started taking photographs before Colonel Gooch could run across and pull me away!

Bring it to me in the lounge and the photographs too

She was about to head for the den when she noticed something odd about four framed eight-by-ten photographs that were grouped on the wall above the sofa

The remaining two photographs abruptly flung themselves off the wall

Any tremor too mild to be felt would also be too mild to tear the photographs from the wall.

There were five photographs in addition to the one that had dropped onto the sofa; two were responsible for the noises that had drawn her into the living room, and the other three were those that she had seen popping off the picture hooks

Document analysis, tedious interpretation of satellite reconnaissance photographs, that sort of thing

With glossy photographs of Christina Evans and Elliot Stryker, George Alexander's men circulated through the hotels in downtown Reno, talking with desk clerks, bellmen, and other employees

Seven months ago, when these planets were close together, faint, dark marks appeared on photographs which suggested that a cylinder had been fired from one to the other.