How to use "pick" in a sentence


Then I pick up the multi-tool, open the shorter knife and push it hard into my arm

I pick up the bottle and feel the last of the water disappear down my throat

I pick him up with my left arm

I try and forget about the bird and pick up the camcorder

I pick up the black rock and hit it as hard as I can against the boulder

He bent down to pick up his bag but, as he did so, he caught sight of the silver coin, half-buried by his foot in the earth.

You pick it up, hold it like a club and swing it.

They cross the courtyard, and Smith stops to pick up a school tie on the floor by the new wall

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" gasped Sala, and she bent down at once to help him pick them up.

As long as she left his things undisturbed, she could continue to entertain the hope that Danny was not dead, that he was just away somewhere for a while, and that he would shortly pick up his life where he had left off

And if they do pick up our trail somehow, we can put pressure on them to drop it fast

Tina passed a leafy green plant, a four-foot-high schefflera that she had owned since it was only one-fourth as tall as it was now, and she had the insane urge to stop and risk getting caught in the coming explosion just long enough to pick up the plant and take it with her

If you want to purchase a false passport, a counterfeit driver's license, or anything of that nature, you can pick and choose from several of the best document-forgery artists in the world, because this is where a lot of them live

Elliot shook the machine harder than he had done the last time, then harder still, but it continued to repeat the two-word message in the voice of the country singer, as if an invisible hand were holding the pick-up stylus or laser-disc reader firmly in place.

He at least seemed to understand what I said, and told me he would pick me up and take me to my brother's house.

The driver can drop her under the neem trees in the morning and pick her up from there in the evening..

Sometimes, she went with other children and adults to pick coffee on big farms near the Pacific sea