How to use "plan" in a sentence


Today, my plan is to hike through Blue John and Horseshoe Canyons after biking to the trail

I plan to spend the whole of Monday biking along the White Rim Trail

I think about my plan for the day

I like the idea, but following my plan is more important

We agree on a plan to meet and go to the party together.

The first plan is to use the large knife on the multi-tool to chip at the boulder

The second plan is to try and lift the boulder using some of my equipment

The third plan is the worst

I try plan one

It's time for plan two

That leaves only the third, and worst, plan: I will have to amputate my right arm

The men and I need to know what you plan to do with us."

I submit that in the whole plan of non-cooperation, there is nothing unconstitutional

But listen to me - I have a plan

And maybe you want to know what we plan to do with the money.

I have a plan, Darling..

Darling, I have a plan

A plan

Yes, he has a plan, a good plan, and a simple plan.

"Normally, yes," says Eleanor, and all three men notice how her smile fades a little, "but she has a plan for that

The plan was to get to Flagstaff, but it is too many miles away

"You said it was easy!" he shouts again and recalls the first time his brother had told him about the plan.

On that first day Brandon said no to the plan

"You don't plan to sign up?" The way Leti said it, it sounded like an accusation.

We have a plan, remember."

"I don't need much time to plan a meal

Maybe he's still on the payroll of some spook shop, and maybe the whole plan was for him to pretend to retire and then get elected as a judge here in Vegas, so his bosses would have a friendly courtroom in town."

"We just need time to think about it, time to work out a plan

He filed a flight plan for Flagstaff."

"I figure Elliot filed a false flight plan to throw you off his trail." He was perversely proud of Stryker's cleverness.

So his flight plan was a red herring."

Perhaps the phony flight plan had thrown the hounds off the trail

'And why didn't you come to me immediately? Your enemies have had almost two days to make a plan

He explained his plan in short, typewritten notes, and I agreed to everything.

I had a plan

'So that was their plan,' the inspector replied

Miss Marple's plan succeeded

My plan was to return at once to Leatherhead

The curate talked endlessly, and this prevented me from forming a plan of action.

That night, as we hid in the hall, I felt a great need to do something but could think of no plan of escape

I tried to work out a plan of action

One day, Sir Percival called me into his study and said, 'I plan to leave Blackwater Park

The plan depended on Anne staying alive until the real Lady Glyde left Blackwater Park.