How to use "planning" in a sentence


It can be helped by national planning for and supervision of all forms of transportation and of communications and other utilities that have a definitely public character

We know what you were planning

'Shall I tell you the secret that you were planning to sell me? I, too, have sources of information, and probably know more about the subject than you do

you're not planning anything with that woman, are you? They teach us to report things like that." Report it? Sala's stomach turned to ice

Hundreds of gamblers - pretty young women, sweet-faced grandmothers, men in jeans and decoratively stitched Western shirts, retirement-age men in expensive but tacky leisure outfits, a few guys in three-piece suits, salesmen, doctors, mechanics, secretaries, Americans from all of the Western states, junketeers from the East Coast, Japanese tourists, a few Arab men - sat at the semielliptical blackjack tables, pushing money and chips forward, sometimes taking back their winnings, eagerly grabbing the cards that were dealt from the five-deck shoes, each reacting in one of several predictable ways: Some players squealed with delight; some grumbled; others smiled ruefully and shook their heads; some teased the dealers, pleading half seriously for better cards; and still others were silent, polite, attentive, and businesslike, as though they thought they were engaged in some reasonable form of investment planning

This wasn't insurance against the unforeseen; this was simply prudent planning for the trouble they could foresee all too well.

If we'd been planning to go away together, and then Lucius had died - it would be so awful now