How to use "plans" in a sentence


Three plans

I can think of three possible plans

None of my plans have worked

None of my plans of escape have worked

She forgot many of her problems, and dreamt only of Cosette and her plans for the future

We have plans, remember?"

I've got big plans tonight."

"What plans?"

'What are your plans?' I asked suddenly.

But across the great emptiness of space, more intelligent minds than ours looked at this Earth with jealous eyes, and slowly and surely made their plans against us

But this did not change their plans, and they continued travelling east

On the thirteenth day I drank some more water, and thought of impossible plans of escape

I moved slowly because I was very tired and my plans were uncertain

'What plans do you have?' I said.

I believed in his idea of the future and in the possibility of his plans

We looked at the maps and we discussed plans

The following evening we met again to discuss our plans