How to use "plant" in a sentence


The bishop, who had been bending sadly over a plant damaged by the basket, looked up and said gently, 'I think I was wrong to keep the silver for so long

Gran was bending over a tomato plant, but as Sala entered, she straightened up slowly

"I think it must be something for you to plant."

Tina passed a leafy green plant, a four-foot-high schefflera that she had owned since it was only one-fourth as tall as it was now, and she had the insane urge to stop and risk getting caught in the coming explosion just long enough to pick up the plant and take it with her

Your servant should water this plant every day

Then suddenly, just as I was leaving Mr Clement's study, I noticed the plant in the pot by the window - and - well, there it was! Clear as day!'

He had with him the pistol, which he hid in that plant pot