How to use "pot" in a sentence


'Just put everything that you see in the food cupboard into a big pot and cook it.'

Take her a cake, and this little pot of butter."

The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and talk to a wolf, said to him, "I am going to see my grandmother and carry her a cake and a little pot of butter from my mother."

"Your grandchild, Little Red Riding Hood," replied the wolf, counterfeiting her voice; "who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter sent you by mother."

Little Red Riding Hood, hearing the big voice of the wolf, was at first afraid; but believing her grandmother had a cold and was hoarse, answered, "It is your grandchild Little Red Riding Hood, who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter mother sends you."

The wolf said to her, hiding himself under the bedclothes, "Put the cake and the little pot of butter upon the stool, and come get into bed with me."

When she saw him over by the taste-pot machine, her heart jumped

He smiled and kissed her, then gave her a taste-pot with a spoon: "I got your favorite

"Another double choc taste-pot?"

He forgot to watch a pot, and it boiled over

Alexander took a Valium out of a tin that he carried in his jacket pocket, and he washed it down with a swallow of hot coffee, which he poured from the silver pot on his desk

If only that note had said something different.' She moved towards the window and on her way put her hand into the pot of a rather tired houseplant

Then suddenly, just as I was leaving Mr Clement's study, I noticed the plant in the pot by the window - and - well, there it was! Clear as day!'

He had with him the pistol, which he hid in that plant pot

She took the pistol from the pot, came up behind him and shot him