How to use "premiere" in a sentence


In less than seventeen hours - at 8:00 P.M., December 30 - the Golden Pyramid Hotel would present a special, invitational, VIP premiere of Magyck! , and the following night, New Year's Eve, the show would open to the general public

Both the VIP premiere and the opening night of Magyck! Would be behind her by then

If the audience at this evening's VIP premiere reacted enthusiastically, she might have to buy lead weights to keep herself from floating off the floor when she walked.

And in just four hours Magyck! Would premiere.

Instead, she was coming in for a few hours this evening, while Tina was at the premiere.

This evening she would call Michael, when she got home from the premiere and the party afterward

Once she had gotten through the premiere of Magyck! She had better start cutting back on the booze

She had given it to him two nights ago, at the party after the premiere of Magyck! She didn't live far from him