How to use "protest" in a sentence


We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence

Mme Magloire, an obedient servant, left the room without protest.

At the end of the year, however, Thenardier was not happy with just seven francs a month; he demanded twelve and Fantine paid without protest, happy that her daughter was being well cared for.

The day of his funeral was arranged for 5 June, and thousands of people saw this as a chance to make a public protest against the king and his government.

"The father will protest."

"If the father has a chance to protest," Elliot said, "we'll probably get involved in a knock-down-drag-out legal battle

In the process of trying to hurt his ex-wife, he'd waste several days of the court's time, and the end result would be exactly the same as if he'd never been given a chance to protest."