How to use "put" in a sentence


I lie down, put my hands in two holes on the far edge of the boulder and push my legs over the opposite side to jump down.

Then I put the bag back on

I'm a little warmer but I need something soft to put my legs on

I put on my harness and rope

I put more weight on the rope, but it still doesn't work

As soon as I put the knife against the skin of my arm, I feel ill

Then I tie webbing around my right arm and put rope around each of my legs

I put rope round each leg

I decide to put the plastic rope bag over my head

I put on the tourniquet and make it tight

I put the bottle between my legs and turn the top

I put the camcorder on the boulder, then turn the screen the other way

I push, jump and shout as I put all my weight onto the rope

Quickly, I put the tourniquet around my arm and tighten it

Mrs Ralston's hand was shaking as she put down the phone

I put down the rock

Then I put him onto my shoulder and he laughs even more

Kyle thanked him and put down the phone.

I tighten it around my neck and put my things inside

They put me in an empty room

'Wait!' I say as she goes to put it into my skin

They put us into a dark room, then closed the door behind us

I had a small telescope with me, so I put it up to my eye to see what he was looking at

When I woke up, I thought that they put something in our food to make us sleep.

He said yes, so we put our suits on and off we went.

They put the bag down and began digging

Captain Nemo put a black flag on the Nautilus with a yellow "N" in the centre of it

If anyone stops you, kill them." Ned Land put a fishing knife in my hand and left the room, I looked around one more time

She put her head down and looked through the door into a beautiful garden

Sadly, she shut the door again and put the key back on the table.

'Goodbye, feet! Who will put your shoes on for you now? I can't do it! I'll give you some new shoes for Christmas

She put the hat on

She tried to put her feet on the ground but she couldn't

He put the animals and birds in different places in the room

'Oh!' Her head hit the top of the house and she put the bottle down quickly.

She had to put one arm out of the window and one foot in the fireplace.

Alice put her hands behind her back and repeated:

Alice put the little animal down and it ran happily away into the wood.

'Yes, but you put it in with the bread knife

Then he put it in his tea

He took his teacup and put a little hot tea on the Mouse's nose

The King put his hand on her arm

Alice put them behind some trees.

Then he put his mouth near to Alice's ear

She put her arm through Alice's and they walked through the garden.

Alice put them all back in their places

Then they put me into another kind of school, and there were some strange boys there

Mom was there, and they got all the things out of my desk and put them in a brown paper bag

Coach Fellers asked me to put on a football suit, then asked me to undress and dress again, twenty times, until I could do it easily.

He had a strange look on his face, and he came and told me to put on my football suit

Once I thought she was on the floor, and I put my hand on her shoulder to pull her up

I tried to put my hands in front of her, because there were people looking at us

So the next morning, Mom put some things into a suitcase for me, and put me on a bus

But that meant Gwinn was free to catch the ball, and he put us on the 15-yard line

Bubba helped me to put my things in my suitcase, then he walked to the bus with me to say goodbye

'Just put everything that you see in the food cupboard into a big pot and cook it.'

I put everything in it, and after about an hour you could smell the cooking

Then we got orders to move the machine gun about fifty metres to the left of the big tree that was in the middle of the valley, and to find a safe place to put it before the enemy blew us all up.

We found a place to put the gun and stayed there all night

I picked up Doyle and put him across my shoulders, then I ran towards the hill

There he took a net and put it in the water

After we put our suitcases in our rooms, the Colonel asked me to go out to a bar with him for a drink.

Rudolph didn't speak or open his eyes, but he put up his hand and smiled.

And I put my arm round her.

She sat down across my legs and put her arms round me

As it happened, I didn't stay in prison long, because they soon realized that I was an idiot, and they put me in a special hospital for idiots

He put his arms round me for a second, then went off to play with Sue again.

'Perhaps I can put things right with Jenny,' I thought, 'now that I've found her again.' But the more I thought about it, the more I finally understood that it was better for the boy to be with Jenny and her husband, and not to have an idiot for a father.

Our greatest primary task is to put people to work

And I hope you see me in your imagination - when they put the rope around your neck and the crowd cries out for your death!'

Slinkton turned quickly away from us for a second and put his hand to his mouth

The man probably strangled Polly first, put her on the ground, and cut her throat

The inspector saw a piece of muslin and two small combs that the murderer had put near her feet

Or did he see the graffito and leave the apron there to put the blame on the Jews?

Bowyer put his hand in and pulled back the curtain

Barnett and Mary used to put a hand through the broken window and pull back the bolt to open the door.

'Then put me in a stable

If you like, I can make arrangements now to get a lock put on the door

'Mme Magloire,' the bishop went on, 'you must put clean sheets on the bed in the spare room.'

He then put his shoes into the bag and, grasping the iron bar in his right hand, he moved quietly towards the door of the bishop's bedroom

This time, however, he did not catch it and it rolled along the ground towards Valjean, who immediately put his foot on it.

Cosette took the coin, put it carefully in her pocket and left

Mme Thenardier rushed across the room towards Cosette who, afraid that she would be punished, put the doll gently on the floor and began to cry.

The old man put three 500-franc notes on the table and said, without smiling, 'Now fetch Cosette.'

Running to the door, he put his eye to the large keyhole and saw the back view of a man who was walking towards the stairs

With a sigh, he put the package in his pocket and went on to dinner.

He stood on a cupboard, put his eye to the hole, and looked through it into his neighbours' room.

She put her fist through the glass and ran to her bed, crying because her arm was covered in blood.

As she entered the room, she put a large parcel on the table.

Leblanc took a coin out of his pocket and put it on the table.

Marius watched as Jondrette put a metal bar in the fire and inspected a rope ladder on the table

Leblanc appeared and put four coins on the table

Jondrette put the picture down and stepped quietly towards the old man.

The men put down their weapons and surrendered without a fight

'But I put my hand in front of his gun.'

'We'll put a bandage on that wound immediately

He took the thirty francs and, helping Valjean to lift Marius on to his shoulders, he put the key in the lock and opened the gate just wide enough for Valjean to pass through

And this is my part; I take the laptop from the bag and put it in front of him and open it, "Do you know what this is?"

I put the newspaper down on the computer

We take our uniforms off and put them in the bag.

Quietly, you move the blankets from your body, and you take the dressing gown from the end of your bed and put it on

He wants to put his hand in his coat pocket, but he has to keep the grey pistol ready.

Brandon put his beer down

"They're children, West: they can't even put a tie on

And they put him behind it, in a deep dark corner where no one could see him and the light disappeared as they put the last bricks in place

Now, not many people come to this side of the forest at this time of the year, but if you see someone you just put the gun down gently in a bush or under some leaves

Okay? So remember: if you see or hear someone, put it down nice and gently, and there will be no problem."

There is a snap from behind the trees, and Owen thinks that maybe he should put his gun down, in a bush, nice and carefully like he told Junior to do

put it down gently...

He could cut and shuffle the deck like he had eight arms instead of two, and he could remember every card he saw in a split second and could use his fingers and little tricks to put the cards where he wanted them in the deck.

Four aces? I know you put those cards in

Sarah nods and is about to put her headphones back in her ears when she feels someone watching her, and she looks at the corner of the carriage.

"You should put some water on your face

Cham put the painting down

Sala put her arms around him and kissed him.

"Gran! Are you OK?" Sala put an arm around her, and made her sit down on the little bench that looked over the city.

So we used to play tricks with them: put them in people's clothes

"Do you want me to put the hologram on?" asked Cham

Sala and Cham each went into a little room and Sala put on her suit, made a neat pile of her clothes, and carried them out to Zee

As they passed the enormous hologram wall by the entrance, Cham put his arm around Sala

At last, she knew she couldn't put off her decision any longer, and when she'd finished her studies on the day after the pod experience, she invited Cham to her apartment.

"They've put in new nanobots that stay inside the equipment and check everything, every day

"Do you want to put us both in danger?"

We think we can trust them, but we know that this letter could put you in danger

"Wait." Mom put a hand on Sala's arm.

So..." she hesitated, "we put a tiny bug inside the fruit

Maybe he was just being protective - worried that the rebels would put her in danger

Gran held her hand and Mom put an arm around her shoulders

Gran put Sala's tea in front of her

She put down her fork and stared at him hard

After the waiter had gone, I put the note in my pocket

'Out you get,' he said, 'I must put the car away

'To hell with this,' he said and put his arm round my shoulders

When I said this, Maxim laughed and put his hand over mine.

Mrs Van Hopper put out her cigarette

Maxim put his arm round my shoulder

The curtains were drawn and more logs put on the fire

He put a cushion behind his head and lit a cigarette.

Each chair, each rug, each small ornament had been put there to make the room perfect.

I put down the phone and looked at the desk

As we stood in the hall, Maxim put his arm round my shoulders.

I put it on quickly

I put the handkerchief in my pocket and walked slowly across the hall to the library

The small table was put near the fire and covered with the white cloth

I looked round the room for somewhere to put the books

I found an envelope in a drawer and carefully put the pieces of china into it

I decided to put my new books in the library and I said nothing about the cupid.

Mrs Danvers put the slippers back under the chair and walked across the room to a large wardrobe.

Then I put on my coat and went down to the bay

I put the phone down

'If you look pretty, I don't mind what you put on,' he told me.

Carefully, I put the wig in place

'My dear,' she said, 'are you all right?' I put a hand up to my head and took off the wig

I put the white dress and the wig back into the box

I picked up the blue dress and put it on.

I put down the telephone stood up

Mrs Danvers came close to me and put her face near to mine.

Maxim put his arm round me and held me closely.

'I put Manderley first, before anything else

Favell put the note back in his pocket.

I put my arms around him and held him

He put back the card and looked at Maxim

Unaware that she was staring at him, the boy put one hand to his mouth and bit gently on his bent thumb knuckle, which Danny had begun to do a year or so before he died

Gradually, day by day, week by week, she had put Danny behind her, with sorrow, with guilt, with tears and much bitterness, but also with firmness and determination

Time should have put even more distance between her and the anguish, but instead the passing days were bringing her around full circle in her grief

Her heart knotted in her chest, and her lower lip began to quiver again, and she put her head down on the table

She quickly slid the door shut and put her back against it.

She put her gun down, went around the foot of the bed, and stood the easel on its legs, as it belonged

She finished it quickly, as though she were a child taking medicine, and then put the bottle away.

At a few minutes past eleven o'clock, a secretary from San Diego put five dollars in a slot machine and hit a jackpot worth $495,000; word of that even reached backstage in the showroom

She put it right.

Puzzled, frowning thoughtfully, Vivienne put down the knife, pulled one end of the sofa away from the wall, and collected the framed eight-by-tens that were on the floor behind it

She put them back where they belonged, then slid the sofa into place.

She put her shoulder against it, pushed gently, then harder, and finally the door swung inward.

The legs at the foot rose three or four inches before crashing back into the casters, that had been put under them to protect the carpet

"But if you just put your name on our work list, we'll most likely have a man there by four o'clock this afternoon, tomorrow morning at the latest

She put the car in park

She managed to break the grip of fear that had paralyzed her, and she put her fingers on the keyboard

I thought I'd put the worst pain behind me

She leaned forward, put her brandy snifter on the table, and for a moment sat with her face in her hands.

Elliot put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently

"That's my middle name." He finished washing the first brandy snifter, rinsed it in hot water, and put it in the drainage rack to dry.

Elliot put away the dishwashing liquid and the wet dishcloth

She put a hand on his arm

"That mustard powder you're just about to put into the salad dressing."

"You already put it in a minute ago."

He carried her to the bed, put her down, and urged her to lie back

If seeing the remains would put an end to these bloodcurdling nightmares, she would gain an advantage from the grim experience.

The smell of her, the vibrant blue of her eyes, the feel of her supple skin as he put a hand to her face - those things generated waves of affection and longing within him.

He spent an hour and a half in his library, paging through legal casebooks, boning up on precedents for the exhumation of a body that, as the court had put it, "was to be disinterred in the absence of a pressing legal need, solely for humane reasons, in consideration of certain survivors of the deceased." Elliot didn't think Harold Kennebeck would give him any trouble, and he didn't expect the judge to request a list of precedents for something as relatively simple and harmless as reopening Danny's grave, but he intended to be well prepared

Finally, Elliot put it down.

He put down the black physician's bag, opened it, and withdrew a compact cassette tape recorder

"I'll put a hole in you if you don't move."

I'm not gonna answer any more questions, but I am gonna put a bullet in your crotch if you don't move over to the table and sit down."

And if they do pick up our trail somehow, we can put pressure on them to drop it fast

Then they would carry him out to the garage, prop him up in his little Mercedes, put the seat belt snugly around him, and start the engine without opening the garage door

He went to the furnace, put his heavy tool kit on the floor, and hunkered down

She put the magazine aside, cover-down, so she wouldn't have to meet Death's wormy, red-eyed gaze.

He put a hand against her back, gently but firmly urging her out of the foyer.

Elliot put a hand on her shoulder, stopped her, and turned her around just as they entered the bedroom

He put the pistol on his lap, the muzzle facing toward his door, away from Tina

Sol said we were to pull in, out of the driveway, so that he'd have a place to put the boat when he got here with it."

"The cops might be a part of it, at least to the extent that Vince's bosses can put pressure on them

If you're looking for a freelance hit man, someone who deals in carload lots of illegal weapons, maybe a mercenary who can put together a small expeditionary force for an overseas operation - you can find all of them here

And now, just when I'm beginning to think I can face up to it and put it behind me, I discover he might not have died accidentally after all

Elliot fished the pages out of his hip pocket, unfolded them, and put them on the table

If you put a secret installation in the middle of all that lonely land, you have a pretty easy job maintaining security."

"And Kennebeck's cronies have almost certainly put a watch on the place

He reached across the table and put his hand over hers

Elliot turned away from the cashier and put a hand on Tina's shoulder

Some people winced and put their hands over their ears.

They put their heads down and scurried past the front of the diner, around the side, through the purple light under the single mercury-vapor lamp, and into the deep shadows behind the building.

He put a hand on her shoulder

Alexander put down the enameled cigarette box that he had been studying

Fifteen minutes later Alexander put down the telephone

We put a freeze on his application with the Bureau of Immigration, and we threatened to have him deported if he didn't do what we wanted

"I don't even think we should put a tail on them as soon as they get there," Alexander said

From his coat, he withdrew the pistol and put it on the seat between him and Christina, the muzzle pointed toward the dashboard.

Elliot put his right hand against the dashboard vent

Tina put a hand on his shoulder

After long and arduous lobbying of the director, Alexander had at last been awarded this small jet; and immediately he put two full-time pilots, ex-military men, on the payroll of the Nevada bureau.

She put the pen at the edge of the map once more, and she let her eyes drift out of focus.

Just please, please, put me in a trance."

"You want to put a watch on it anyway?"

He stopped, put the Explorer in reverse, and backed up twenty feet, until the headlights were shining on the trail that she had spotted.

When he put the gun on the seat again, it was ready to be used.

We have to be ready to kill them or put them out of action some other way."

There was no slot in which to put a lock-deactivating ID card

Elliot and Tina did not put their hands on the plate, but the inner door of the vestibule opened with another puff of compressed air

Shaking violently, snuffling, he put his face against her neck, and she felt his scalding tears on her skin

They brought everyone here and put them in isolation

But once he's out of here, he should put weight on fast

The world would regard him as a freak, and everyone would want to gawk at him, put him on display

At first, I thought the writers had put lampposts on this road, which would make no sense, as it is a secret route through restricted government property

The young man sat down, and put his wet feet near the fire

He put his head in his hands

Put this paper into your uncle's box, put in a letter which says that your uncle burnt all the other papers, and put the box outside in the garden

'Watson!' he said, 'I know the names of Openshaw's enemies! And now I'm going to send them a surprise! This will frighten them!' He took five pips from an orange and put them in an envelope

The great mystery was why my brother had so helpfully put his head under the hammer - the only possible explanation for his part in that night's events.

She refused to say why, or how she had got my brother to put his head under it.

What, then, could have made him put his head under that hammer? There were only two possible explanations

She put both her hands over her open mouth

'Are you saying that you have disintegrated that ashtray, then put it together again after pushing it through something?' I said.

He put a chair inside the booth, then said:

He put on another pair and walked back to the booth.

He put the little animal on the floor of the booth and quickly closed the door

I put on my dark glasses again and saw and felt the ball of fire.

And then one day Andre put Miquette, our dog, into his 'transmitter'

It was only after the accident that I discovered he had put a second set of the control switches inside the disintegration booth, so that he could use himself as the object of the experiment.

I knew that Henri had caught the fly because it looked different from other flies, but I also knew that his father hated cruelty to animals and that there would be a fuss if he discovered our son had put a fly in a box or bottle.

I went back to the house and put Henri to bed, then I returned to the laboratory where I found another note pushed under the door

Walk over to my desk and put down the bowl of milk Then go into the other room where the receiving booth is

I put the bowl on his desk, then walked into the next room where all the lights were on.

If it is not found, I shall have to find a way to put an end to all this.

I took the food down to the laboratory and, after he let me in, put it on his desk

You remember the ashtray? Perhaps if you had put it through again, it might have come out with the letters turned back the right way.'

If you cannot find the dark glasses, turn away from the machine and put your hands over your eyes.

It was then I noticed that he had forgotten to put his right arm, his fly leg - under the hammer

Seeing, but trying not to look, I ran forward and put the right arm under the hammer

Twenty minutes later he carefully folded them and put them into the brown envelope

Then he put the envelope into the fire.

"I can put it in a bag for you," the woman says.

They put money in the hat.

But Mary, who is a servant at the vicarage, just put a dish of unpleasant-looking cabbage on the table and left the room.

Mrs Price Ridley, a member of my church, had put a pound note in the collection bag

'Oh! I didn't mean I was going to put a knife in his back, though I'd thank anyone who did

'Oh, we'd get in first and tell him to put his hands up!' said Griselda

'Lawrence must have put it back to 6.20 to give himself an alibi

Well, who would be happy with a stepmother? I wouldn't put up with it.'

I thought that after we parted in the village, she must have come back here and - so I put the pistol in my pocket and left

And the person laughed! Then they put down the telephone

I've put him in the sitting room.' Then she handed me a note

It was put through from the North Lodge of Old Hall

But I did not put the jewel into her hand

'So I put the thing under the desk

I picked it up and put it in my pocket

So he told the girl to put on these old clothes and go and hide the suitcase in the woods

It was written at six thirty- five and another person - the murderer - put the incorrect time 6.20 at the top.'

If only that note had said something different.' She moved towards the window and on her way put her hand into the pot of a rather tired houseplant

I took it out, but as I did so, the bell rang again, so I put the letter in my pocket and opened the front door.

I put the phone down, and turned to Melchett

Come to see Hawes at once, will you? At once, I say!' He put the phone down and turned to me

As Dr Haydock climbed into the driving seat, he said, 'You won't be able to put him in prison

And he thought that it might be useful, so he put it in his pocket.

So he came back here with Mr Hawes last night and, I think, managed to put some much stronger pills in Mr Hawes' box

Then, when Mr Hawes was unconscious, he put this letter into his pocket

'You haven't bought a book on How to Treat a Husband, have you?' I asked, as I put my arms round her.

When Ogilvy told him all he had seen, Henderson dropped his spade, put on his jacket and came out into the road

He wanted a fence put up to keep the people back.

Men were gardening, children were being put to bed, young people were out walking together.

It was some time before I could get to my feet again and put on some dry clothes

Then suddenly he sat down at the table, put his head on his arms and began to cry like a little boy

Machine guns are completely useless against them, and field-guns have been put out of action

As my brother began to realize how serious the situation was, he returned quickly to his room, put all the money he had - about ten pounds - into his pockets and went out again into the streets.

From there we could see the searchlights on Richmond Hill and Kingston Hill moving in the sky, and at about eleven the windows shook, and we heard the sound of the large guns that had been put in position there

He put a hole in its front tire while he was pulling it through the broken window, and cut his wrist, but he managed to get away on it

Instead, they took fresh blood from living creatures and used a tube to put it straight into their own bodies

When I looked again, the busy building-machine had already put together several of the pieces of metal from inside the cylinder into a shape that was very like its own

I moved away from the hole, put my hands over my ears and ran into the hall

I put my hand out and my fingers closed around a bottle of wine.

I ate some of these and put the rest in my pockets.

He put out a hand and I took it.

And all around it, some in their overturned war-machines and some in building-machines, and ten of them lying in a row, were the Martians - dead! They had been killed by germs against which their systems could not fight; killed, after all man's machines had failed, by the smallest things that God has put on this Earth.

'I knew-knew -' She put her hand to her throat and started to fall

When we married, my wife put all her money in my name

Holmes, with a laugh, put his hand behind the ear of the little girl, and pulled off the mask, and there was a little coal-black girl

I put it in my pocket and went out.

On Saturdays, they wake him up at two o'clock, and put him outside the door.)

We put up our tent and cook a simple, healthy meal

Now two of you try to put it up.

It is difficult to put up a tent in good weather

'You don't know how to put up a tent! We'll never put up this tent,' you say.

Aunt Podger asked, 'Where can we put this picture?'

'Where's the hammer? Where did I put the hammer? Help me find the hammer!'

When we found the hammer, he lost the place on the wall to put the picture

She said, 'The next time you put a picture on the wall, please tell me

We can put a canvas cover I over the boat at night

George sat in the armchair and Harris put his feet up on the table.

Harris put a big jar of jam on top of a tomato and crushed I it

Then they put heavy things on top of them

He put his leg in the sugar, and soon there was sugar everywhere

Harris and I put our luggage in it

However, George said, 'No, let's put the canvas cover on the boat first

You put them into special holes in the side of the boat

When the rods were in their holes, we tried to put the canvas cover on the boat.

We put the tea kettle on the stove

I wanted to put on my shirt, but it fell into the river

He put six eggs into the frying pan

Montmorency went to put his nose over the frying pan once, and burnt himself

The wind was behind us and we put up the sail quickly

We can put everything into one big pan.'

'Well, just put the potatoes in without peeling them

We'll put them in the stew

You can put anything in a stew.'

We put up the canvas cover before lunch

I'm grateful that something put a stop to that

Mrs Catherick told him that she wanted to put Anne in a private asylum, but she did not have enough money

My daughter was put into a private asylum with my knowledge and approval

'If I die, please tell Walter that I loved him!' Then she put her head on my shoulder and burst into tears.

How she hates him! She said that her mother had told her a secret - Percival's secret - and when he discovered that Anne knew it, he put her in the asylum.-'

'Let's forget about it,' he said, then he took my hand and put it to his lips

I took off my dress and put on a simple cloak

As the parish clerk put the register back on its shelf, I said, 'You spoke of old copies of the register

I put the other letter in my pocket and ran to the station to get the first train to London

'If the police find out, they'll put you in prison for years!'

He was sure that she knew his secret, so he put her in the asylum

He said, "Tell Mr Hartright to stay away from me! If I must put your pretty sister back in the asylum to stop Mr Hartright from investigating me, I shall do so

Count Fosco put his hand into the desk and took out a gun

In 2011, a group of people wanted to get money for a statue of Mary in London, so they put a picture of her on the Houses of Parliament

Human rights mean that people are not put into prison because they do not agree with the government, and that people are not hurt when they are in prison

When they were put in prison, they did not eat

Emmeline, like many of the suffragettes, was put in prison many times

During World War One, Marie helped to put X-ray machines in ambulances, which Marie herself drove to the places where they were needed

The USA wanted to be the first country to put women in space, so, in 1960, William began to test women in the USA as astronauts.

You can put your swords and pistols near the door," says Don Alejandro

We must put them in prison and kill them! They are dangerous."