How to use "rain" in a sentence


It was carried along the canyon after heavy rain

It started to rain one day, and it didn't stop for two months! But we still had to look for enemy soldiers - and one day we found them

On August 30th the weather was cool, the sky was black with smoke from domestic fires, and rain fell; rain and more rain

The late summer and autumn had the heaviest rain of the year.

He died in a rain of bullets with a strangely victorious smile on his lips.

The man's dark hair is wet from the rain outside, his skin pale and his eyes cold and dead

William was my brother..." he says as he opens the door to the rain

Sala and her friend Niki pushed past the people who had gathered in the rain outside the meat-growing laboratory

"What a life! Too many people, no jobs, and rain, rain, rain."

Cham kissed her, and before Sala could say anything else, he turned and ran out into the rain.

She arrived just as the rain began to pour, and lightning flashed across the sky

It was pouring with rain again, and his hair and clothes were wet when he arrived.

She dived onto it just as the rain began to pour, and started walking quickly.

I remember Maxim saying, 'This is London rain

'I'm afraid we're going to have some rain,' he said

As we reached the car, the sun went behind a cloud and a little rain began to fall

Never mind the rain, I want a walk.'

Never mind the rain, it will bring out the scent.'

The soft summer rain fell and the air was full of a sweet scent

There was no sound except for the noise of a little stream and the quiet rain on the leaves

As we walked along the path, drops of rain fell on my hands and face

I stood straight again, brushing the rain from my head

There were clouds, but the rain did not fall.

A few drops of rain began to fall.

Just before seven, the rain began to fall heavily

The rain was falling so heavily that I did not hear Frith come in.

The rain was so heavy that we did not hear the sound of the car

Directly overhead, the ceiling of the immense porte cochere was lined with hundreds of lights; none of the bulbs were burning now, but after nightfall, they would rain dazzling, golden luminosity upon the glossy cobblestones below

In letters that were supposed to look as if they had been formed from rotting shroud cloth, the artist had emblazoned the title across the top of the first page, above a somber, well-detailed scene of a rain-swept graveyard

It was a windy, stormy evening, and the rain was falling heavily outside

'I'll do everything you say.' He went out into the dark night, the wind and the rain.

The flashing light was blinding and confusing, and thin rain hit my face as I drove down the slope.

I was wet with rain above and pool-water below

The city we went through was dirty with the powder of the Black Smoke, despite two days of thunderstorms and rain.

The wind continues to blow and the rain continues to fall

The rain continued without stopping.

The rain is good for you

I can't understand people who are afraid of a little rain.'

The rain never stopped

It must be the rain.'

'With this weather, we can have dinner and take a walk in the rain

We didn't have the courage to tell him the truth: we were running away from the rain!

'The rain has come at last.'

They flew into grey skies and rain

Good night everyone." He opens the tavern door and goes out into the rain.