How to use "raised" in a sentence


Valjean raised his head with surprise

Valjean slowly raised his head and stared with a sort of amazement at the child

Cosette said nothing, speechless with fear as the woman raised her arm to hit her

The beggar raised his face and stared hard at Valjean for just a second, then quickly bowed his head

Marius, meanwhile, raised his right hand with the gun, ready to fire the warning shot.

But the old man finally raised his head and said, in a low voice, 'Show him in.'

Then, with a great effort, she raised herself on one arm and, struggling for breath, looked into Marius's eyes.

Sala raised her drink to her lips without looking at Wena

Each narrow gallery consisted of a three-foot-wide aisle with a low railing on one side and a curving row of raised, plushly padded booths on the other side

Technicians double-checked the motorized sets, the electrical connections, and the hydraulic pumps that raised and lowered portions of the stage

Neither window was open, and even if one had been raised, the night wasn't frigid enough to account for the chill.

It'll be a great promotion, don't you think?" She raised her hands, as if framing her next words, "The Golden Pyramid - a Magyck! Place for lovers."

Elliot raised his eyebrows

The exhumation of Danny's body would be good for her, regardless of the horror that she might have to confront when the coffin lid was raised

Tina stepped lightly past Tom Polumby and pressed the button that raised the garage door

Hardly anyone raised an eyebrow

If that many voices were raised, then Vince's bosses couldn't risk silencing all of them, and we'd be safe

Her hand shook when she raised her glass to drink the last of her own Coors.

Tina raised her head, glanced at the empty street behind them, then looked at Elliot

"Well, you're the one who raised the question."

Tina raised her hands in an involuntary and totally useless attempt to ward off the bullets.

"How's your head?" Tina asked Elliot, gently touching the ugly knot that had raised on his temple, where the guard's gun had struck him.

Most of him was covered, but his head, raised on a pillow, was turned toward the window

There were raised voices, and some sort of struggle appeared to be going on around the pit

When for a moment I raised my head to breathe and throw the hair and water out of my eyes, the steam was rising in a white fog that hid the Martians completely

And then the Martian closest to us raised his tube and fired it towards the guns, with a loud bang that made the ground shake

I was so excited by all this that I completely forgot about my persona safety and raised my head out of the bushes

More dust was raised all the time by the thick crowd of men and women, horses and vehicles.

They saw the three thin figures separating and rising out of the water as they moved back towards the shore, and one of them raised the box that fired his Heat-Ray

Then I raised my head cautiously to see what had happened