How to use "ran" in a sentence


When he saw us, he ran back inside, frightened

Some wild animals came out of the forest and ran away

We ran back to the beach

We all ran up the stairs.

Suddenly, a white rabbit ran past her

She jumped up and ran after the animal

It ran down a large rabbit-hole, so Alice went down the hole too

She could see the White Rabbit and she ran after him again

He ran faster and vanished through another hole

He ran out of the room and his hat fell from his hands

She ran fast and after a short time, she came to a pretty little house

She went in and ran up the stairs.

He came inside and ran up the stairs to the room

She ran out of the house as quickly as she could.

He ran after her but Alice ran too fast for him

Alice put the little animal down and it ran happily away into the wood.

The gardeners ran to Alice

Her arm was in Alice's, so Alice ran too.

The Mad Hatter ran out of the room.

Two men ran after him

But the Mad Hatter ran very fast and they could not catch him.

And she got up and ran home.

I tried to play with girls, but they all ran away from me.

Then he threw some milk at me, and I jumped out of my chair and ran away

Then they ran after me across the football field

I ran away fast!

The others started running after me, and I ran as fast as I could

But they gave me the ball, and I ran over the goal line two or three times

I got the ball, but I ran the wrong way with it, and everybody got angry and started shouting at me.

Then Curtis ran after me, and called me all kinds of terrible names.

I ran well, and we won 35 to 3

I took it - and ran straight into a group of big men on the other team! Crash! It was like that all afternoon.

I picked up Doyle and put him across my shoulders, then I ran towards the hill

I ran fast, shouting and screaming as loudly as I could

They just ran!

Somebody shouted, 'Back!' I picked up my machine gun and ran towards some trees.

Then I heard that he was out in the rice field, and he was hurt, so I left my gun by the trees and ran back into the field

But I just ran.

He was holding a hand up to me - so I picked him up and ran back to the trees with him

Then I ran out again and found Bubba

Then our helicopters came, and the enemy soldiers who were left ran away.

The people ran after me - all two thousand of them! - but they couldn't catch me

I ran all round the airport, and then I ran into a toilet and locked the door

'Forrest Gump!' And she ran out of the door and threw her arms round me.

The three of us ran out of there fast, and Miss Welch shouted and screamed.

But just when Honest Ivan seemed to be winning, Sue ran across the room and jumped onto the chess table!

Slinkton gasped, ran a few steps and fell to the floor

He probably ran into Whitechapel Road through a narrow lane called Wood's Buildings.

Davis ran out into Hanbury Street, where he saw some workmen and shouted, 'Men, come here!' They followed him, looked at the body from the steps, then ran to find a policeman.

Frightened, Schwartz ran away

The man with the pipe ran after him

Was this man the murderer's accomplice? Or was he an innocent witness who ran away like Schwartz?

When they saw a lot of blood flowing from the woman's neck, they ran to find a policeman

At the same time Morris Eagle, another member of the club, ran for help in the opposite direction

Then he hid in the darkness of Dutfield's Yard, and when Mr Diemschutz ran into the club, he quickly escaped

He ran to a warehouse nearby and called out for the night watchman, a man named Morris

Mr Morris ran for assistance and soon returned with two policemen

He ran back to the shop to tell McCarthy.

When a man called Brennan began to shout about the murders in a pub in Camberwell, the customers ran out into the street and Brennan was soon arrested

Early the next morning, while the bishop was studying the flowers in his garden, Mme Magloire ran out of the house with a look of alarm on her face.

Jean Valjean left the town and ran into the countryside, blindly following lanes and paths, not realizing that he was running in circles

The boy, suddenly afraid of the mad, fierce look in Valjean's eyes, turned and ran.

She did not smile, and lines of sadness ran down the side of her pale cheeks

With a little laugh, she jumped off her mother's lap and ran to play with the two girls on the swing.

Fantine ran home, upset and disgusted

Jean Valjean (as we must now call him) shook Javert's hand from his collar and ran to the bed

The two girls, when they saw Cosette with their doll, ran crying to their mother

Valjean picked her up and ran with her through a confusing system of alleys until he came to a bridge

He ran to a nearby streetlight and pulled some wire from a metal box at its base

One cold but sunny afternoon in February, Marius was walking along the street when two young girls dressed in rags ran into him

You were the man we ran into last night.'

I ran ahead to tell you he'll be here in two minutes.'

She put her fist through the glass and ran to her bed, crying because her arm was covered in blood.

Leblanc and 'Ursula' out of the door and, after a few minutes' indecision, Marius jumped down from the cupboard and ran out into the street

With surprising speed, he pushed the table and chair to one side and ran to the window

She listened at the window for a minute, then ran up to her bedroom, opened the window and looked out

Marius ran to the gate and was just in time to see the figure of Eponine, Thenardier's daughter, disappearing into the shadows at the end of the street.

Soldiers attacked the crowd with swords; the crowd threw stones and ran screaming across the bridge

Unafraid, Marius ran through the shadows, ignoring shouts for him to stop

Marius stood up and ran along a series of alleys that led into the rue de la Chanvrerie, behind the Corinth wine shop

The boy scratched his head, thought for a moment, and then, with a sudden movement, took the letter and ran off into the night.

When Marius had been hit, Valjean ran to him at once, grabbed him before he fell and carried his unconscious body into a small alley behind the wine shop

Forgetting the weight of Marius on his shoulders and his own hunger and tiredness, he ran towards the light

While one servant ran to find a doctor and another looked for clean sheets, Valjean felt Javert's hand on his arm

He was even more surprised when, instead of chasing him out of the room, Marius ran towards him and pressed several thousand-franc notes into his hand.

When Thenardier had left, unable to believe his good fortune, Marius ran to find Cosette and told her everything immediately.

The wolf ran as fast as he could, taking the shortest path, and the little girl took a roundabout way, entertaining herself by gathering nuts, running after butterflies, and gathering bouquets of little flowers

When I was in the van, it stopped, and I hit one of the guards, took his keys and ran

And then Brandon heard another gunshot, so he ran and left his brother in the snow to die alone.

Brandon pulled him from the old deserted cabin, and they ran for Greg's truck

So Brandon ran

When Owen was a boy of fourteen, he played rugby or football every day, he ran to the school in the village just for fun, and he spent every Sunday in the forests with his dad.

Cham kissed her, and before Sala could say anything else, he turned and ran out into the rain.

She turned and ran down the street to her apartment block, and soon she was in the dry and rushing upward in the elevator

All the reasons she'd given to Cham ran through her mind, but how could she explain them to Niki? It was really complicated.

She ran until she was exhausted - too tired to think anymore.

Sala ran up the steps so fast she almost tripped

His sisters giggled as he ran his fingers over their heads

The rich sauce ran down Mrs Van Hopper's chin

The water went all over the cloth and ran down on to my skirt

I ran down the stairs, holding my gloves in one hand

I remember how I ran down the stairs because the lift was too slow

Instead of going down to the reception desk, I ran up the stairs

A dog ran up from the fireside to greet us

I ran quickly out of the morning-room

Jasper ran round in circles, barking loudly

The young servant, Robert, ran out of the hall, carrying a raincoat

Jasper ran on in front.

Jasper ran on ahead and took the right-hand path without waiting for us.

The path ran down into a little valley, by the side of a stream.

Jasper ran after the stone, barking with excitement.

But Jasper ran away, barking.

Jasper ran up the rocks leading to the next bay.

There was a sound in the boat-house and Jasper ran up to the doorway, barking angrily.

'Hallo, Jasper, old boy,' said a man's voice and Jasper ran back into the morning-room

I ran quickly up the steps and into the hall

I ran quickly up the stairs and hid myself.

I turned and ran up the stairs

Then I ran from her, back to my room, tripping and nearly falling over my long skirt.

The dress rehearsal ran without a problem

If she phoned for them and then ran out of the house, they might not find an intruder when they came

On the left, slot machines ran the entire length of the casino, bank after nerve-jangling bank of them, brightly and colorfully lighted, attended by gamblers who were more vocal than the card players but not as loud as the craps shooters

They went outside and strolled down the street, past the partygoers' cars, which ran the gamut from Rolls-Royces to Range Rovers.

He ran to the kitchen phone, snatched up the handset, and realized that he didn't know her number

He ran to the car in the driveway.

The flagstone walk that led across her front lawn seemed to be one of those treadmill pathways in a dream, stretching out farther in front of her the harder that she ran, but at last, she reached the end of it and dashed into the street

When she was in the car, he shut her door, ran to the driver's side, and climbed in behind the steering wheel.

He switched off the engine, scrambled out of the car, and ran to the big door

So he ran for an elective position on the court, and he won

Crouching low, trying to make as small a target of himself as possible, Elliot ran to where he had seen the snow move

He slammed the car door and ran to a row of evergreen shrubs that bordered the front lawn of a low, brick, ranch-style house

Elliot ran toward the Chevy, which Tina had brought to a stop a hundred yards away

The new track ran a hundred yards before rising and turning sharply to the right, around the blunt face of a ridge

"He ran into Mr

They ran to the Explorer, where Tina took Danny out of Elliot's arms and slid him into the backseat

"Death!" he cried, and ran upstairs.

Then one night he drank very heavily and ran wildly out of the house, and in the morning we found him dead in a river

But as soon as I was out of the room, I ran up the stairs to my study

I ran upstairs, threw Helene's envelope onto my desk and made another careful search of the room

At dinner time that evening I had still not seen Andre, so I ran down to the laboratory and knocked at the door

I woke suddenly at 7 a.m., ran down to the kitchen, and prepared coffee, bread and butter.

Seeing, but trying not to look, I ran forward and put the right arm under the hammer

Then I ran all the way home.

Because otherwise people will say that, I ran away - because I felt guilty

I turned and ran madly towards the first group of trees, perhaps a hundred metres away

I ran crying silently as a child might do

I ran until I was totally exhausted and I fell down beside the road

Beside him ran a little boy He passed me, wishing me good-night

After that I took my wife's arm and ran with her out into the road

I ran at once towards the pub, whose owner had a horse and cart

I ran because I realized that soon everyone on this side of the hill would be moving

While I was doing this, a soldier ran past

The horse ran forwards in terror at high speed.

After it got dark, the soldier finally ran and managed to get across the railway.

Then we left the house and ran as quickly as we could down the narrow road

As we ran, we heard the sound of horses and saw through the trees three soldiers riding towards Woking

I turned around again and ran towards the approaching Martian, ran right down the stony beach and dived into the water

It ran across the river and the water behind it boiled

I screamed and ran

Then he jumped out of bed and ran to the window.

The man was running away with the others and selling his papers for many times their normal price as he ran - a strange mixture of profit and panic.

The guns fired one ineffective shell each, then the soldiers ran away

People ran to the railway stations, to the boats on the Thames, and hurried by even street that went north or east

My brother had some friends in Chelmsford, and this perhaps made him take the road that ran to the east

My brother shouted and ran towards them

The man he held pulled himself free and ran off down the road in the direction from which he had come.

Then, realizing that he was alone, he ran along the road after the cart, with the big man behind him

The less brave of the two attackers ran away, and the other one followed cursing him

In three steps it was among them, and they ran away in all directions

We stood for a moment in terror, then ran through a gate behind us into a garden and hid in a corner until the stars were out.

I moved away from the hole, put my hands over my ears and ran into the hall

In the road that runs from the top of Putney Hill to Wimbledon many things had been left behind by the crowds that ran towards London on the Sunday night after the fighting began

When I passed streets that ran to the north it grew louder, and then houses and buildings seemed to cut it off again

I turned down St John's Wood Road and ran away from this terrible stillness.

Against the sky-line an eager dog ran and disappeared

I felt no fear, only a wild, shaking excitement, as I ran up the hill towards the unmoving Martian

She ran away from him at last, and came back to England, where she changed her name and started a new life

She is very dark, but she is my dear little girl.' When the little girl heard these words, she ran to her mother.

He ran away with the teaspoons

The lock-keeper I ran out, because he thought someone had fallen into the water

Montmorency ran after the cat

Tears ran down Connie's face

He ran in, holding the few things he had bought on his way home.

Meet me here again tomorrow at the same time,' and she ran away.

When I ran away, he followed me, but I ran faster than he could

As I ran back towards the church, I saw flames against the evening sky

I put the other letter in my pocket and ran to the station to get the first train to London

"I'll go and speak to her now.' She ran out of the room, and I waited, trembling

After a few minutes, Laura ran into the room and threw her arms around my neck

I noticed that the man with the scar on his cheek ran through the crowd and followed Fosco out of the theatre.

In 1849, Harriet ran away to find freedom in the north

In 1981, Rigoberta ran away from Guatemala because living there was dangerous for her

Sarah ran the 800 metres, and Wojdan was in the judo.