How to use "returned" in a sentence


He hasn't returned from a trip he took last week

He called Aron's housemate Elliot and asked him to manage the store and rescue operation until he returned

They returned as night fell

On October the 25th - two days before my twenty-eighth birthday - I returned to Blue John Canyon

Some ships tried to find it and kill it, but they never returned.

When we returned to the Nautilus, I told Captain Nemo that his man was safe where he was.

Instead of coming down in the sea when we returned, the space ship came down in the jungle somewhere, and it was four years before the NASA people found us! But the ape and I were soon good friends

He had returned to England afterwards with his other niece

Then he returned to the yard with a candle and a friend

Mr Morris ran for assistance and soon returned with two policemen

One of them walked through Goulston Street just before 2.15, but saw nothing suspicious and returned to Mitre Square

Unfortunately he had not worked for some months so the couple could not pay the rent, and Mary had returned to prostitution

He sat by her bed for an hour and then, having told the nurses to look after her, he returned to his home

He sat down and Cosette, after serving him some wine, returned to her place under the table

Cosette, who had returned to her place under the table, looked up from her knitting and watched them sadly

The old man left the inn and, minutes later, returned with something in his hands: the beautiful doll from the stall across the road.

The next evening he returned to the steetlamp outside the church

The beggar laughed and joked with him, and Valjean returned that evening a happier man.

Marius returned to Paris, but continued to visit his father's grave regularly, without telling his grandfather

His grandfather often tried to send him money, but Marius always returned it

When he returned, one summer morning six months later, he saw the same couple sitting on the same bench, but something amazing had happened

The next day, Marius returned to the Luxembourg Gardens wearing his best clothes

He returned the next morning and sat on a bench all day, pretending to read a book, not daring to go near the bench where the girl and her father were sitting

He then returned to M

When Jean Valjean returned from his business the following day, Cosette told him about the noises in the garden

Then he returned to the wine shop, and opened the letter that she had given him

But his happiness had no sooner returned than it disappeared again in a cloud of despair

Javert walked away slowly and Valjean, waiting for him to turn a corner, fired his gun into the air and returned to the stronghold.

Valjean repeated the address until he could remember it, returned the wallet to Marius's pocket, picked Marius up again and continued his journey downwards towards the river

After listening to Marius's heart, he organized his removal to a bed in another room, and returned to M

There were flowers everywhere when they returned to M

She got up and returned to her tomato plants, taking off the dead and dying leaves from the bottom of each one

I hoped that de Winter would get away before I returned.

She stooped, retrieved the pieces of the Electronic Battleship game, and returned them to the table.

Although she repeatedly erased them, they stubbornly returned

More than fifteen hundred had returned their RSVP cards.

She left the bedroom, returned to the kitchen, and drank two shots of Tina Evans's best bourbon

Then, with characteristic stoicism, she returned to the boy's bedroom to wipe up the water from the melted ice, and she continued housecleaning.

Silence returned.

Tina returned to her inspection of the carpenter's bill, and Angela was back at five minutes past four with thirty pages of data.

She returned to the couch.

He returned from the bar with more RS 233; my Martin

Elliot returned to the couch and sat beside her

So it'll work out for the best either way." She returned from the window, sat on the couch again, beside Elliot

He kissed her ears, her eyes again, and left a chain of kisses along her neck, and when at last he returned to her mouth, he kissed her more deeply than before, and she responded at once, opening her mouth to him.

But when he returned, she kissed him tentatively, found that nothing had changed, and pressed against him once more.

Tina left the repairman from the gas company in the garage and returned to Danny's room

She returned to Danny's room and picked up the lurid magazine

He was confident that he would nail Evans when the man returned from the dealer's lounge in the next few minutes.

He didn't lock the doors, because it was possible that he and Tina would need to get into the car in a hurry when they returned.

With the pen, she returned to the bed and sat beside the open map.

After leaving Billy Sandstone's house in his Explorer, Tina and Elliot had not returned to the hotel

It neither rang nor returned a busy signal; the line hissed emptily

Before he got to the guard shack at the upper gate, he climbed onto the ridge above, used the snowshoes to circle the guard, returned to the road, and threw the snowshoes away

I went back to the house and put Henri to bed, then I returned to the laboratory where I found another note pushed under the door

I returned to the vicarage by the garden gate

When I returned at about a quarter to four, Mary told me that Mr Redding was waiting for me in the study.

It was nearly seven when I returned

Just after she left, Dennis returned from a tennis party

The servant hurried away and returned to say that she would see us soon.

I returned some time before five o'clock.'

And Dr Stone returned that way - as you know, Mr Redding, because he joined you and Mrs Protheroe.'

She never forgets anything.' He went into the next room and returned with a suitcase.

Griselda and I returned home very excited

I returned to the vicarage and found my curate, Hawes, waiting for me in my study

I also wondered whether Inspector Slack had returned from Old Hall, so I went to the police station and found that he had

And that Miss Cram had returned with him

'She returned from London on the 6.50 train.'

When I returned to the common, the sun was setting

One or two adventurous people went into the darkness and crawled quite near the Martians, but they never returned, because now and again a light-ray swept round the common, and the Heat-Ray was ready to follow

He hid behind a broken wall as one of the Martian tripods returned

He returned and tried to concentrate on his examination notes, but without success

As my brother began to realize how serious the situation was, he returned quickly to his room, put all the money he had - about ten pounds - into his pockets and went out again into the streets.

Silence returned, and three minutes passed.

He would have had very little chance if the younger lady had not very bravely stopped the cart and returned to help him

As soon as I saw that escape was possible, my dream of action returned

But before dawn my courage returned, and while the stars were still in the sky I turned again towards Regent's Park

Then I returned through the wood towards my home

We walked for two hours, and it was almost five when we returned to Baker Street.

I waited for about twenty minutes, and then she returned.

'The next day I had to go to the City, but I was so worried about my wife that I returned early to Norbury at about one o'clock

'After that everything went well, but one day I returned home early

'Now, go back to Norbury, and when you see that those people have returned to the cottage, call us

We all left the cottage together, and then Holmes and I returned to London.

When he saw that no one was in the water, he returned to his work.

After this, we did our shopping, returned to the boat and continued our trip up the river.

After a while, he returned with a dead rat in his mouth

When we returned to the boat, Harris was sad and confused.

However, half an hour later, Mr and Mrs Swan returned with eighteen other swans

I started to follow her, but then Miss Halcombe called me, and I returned to the drawing-room

The next day, I returned to London

I returned to London and wrote Laura Fairlie's marriage settlement

The next day, it was returned to me

Sir Percival returned yesterday just before lunch

The next day, when the Count returned from the lake, I heard Sir Percival ask him, 'Did you find her?' The Count did not reply but he smiled

When I returned, Sir Percival told me that Count Fosco and the Countess had left for London

When I returned to Blackwater Park, Sir Percival said to me, 'Go and see if Miss Halcombe is all right

On 13 October 1850, I returned to England

Feeling depressed, I returned to my hotel

She had married in Ireland but returned to her parents in Hampshire when her husband treated her badly

He returned at eight-thirty with the unopened letter