How to use "river" in a sentence


She looked at him and said, 'I won't get you anything - not as much as a glass of warm river-water, you pig!' Then she looked at me and said, 'And how many babies have you killed today, you big ape?'

On the other side of the river, he stopped at the entrance of a high-walled alley and looked back

One afternoon he was sitting in a field, looking down at a small river, when his dreams of 'Ursula' were suddenly broken by the sound of a familiar voice

He could not see where he was going, but he knew he had to follow the downward slope of the passages towards the river.

Valjean repeated the address until he could remember it, returned the wallet to Marius's pocket, picked Marius up again and continued his journey downwards towards the river

Through the bars, Valjean could see daylight, the river, a narrow riverbank - but how could he get out?

'Then you can tie stones to the body and throw it in the river.'

Then, just as he was bending to splash water from the river on Marius's face, he was aware of someone else standing behind him

Bending down, he took a handkerchief from his pocket, wet it in the river and bathed Marius's blood-stained forehead

Javert shouted to the driver who was waiting for him to bring his carriage close to the river

The next morning, Inspector Javert's body was discovered floating in the river

He killed himself by jumping into the river.'

There was a grand ancient building on the banks of a river behind her.

At night, the fabled Strip was a dazzling sight, a surging river of light: red, blue, green, yellow, purple, pink, turquoise - every color within the visual spectrum of the human eye; incandescent and neon, fiber optics and lasers, flashing and rippling

He greeted Elliot warmly, and they talked about their mutual interests: cooking, flying, and river rafting.

Beyond the window, out on Charleston Boulevard, traffic sailed murkily through a sudden churning river of dust and paper scraps.

The chopper hugged the valley floor, streaking northward, ten feet above an ice-blocked river, still forced to make its way through a snowfall that nearly blinded them, but sheltered from the worst of the storm's turbulence by the walls of mammoth evergreens that flanked the river

Silvery, almost luminous, the frozen river was an easy trail to follow

The helicopter continued to follow the frozen river north, through the snow-swept valley.

Then one night he drank very heavily and ran wildly out of the house, and in the morning we found him dead in a river

A policeman found him in the river near Waterloo station

Then came the sound of a gun and, almost immediately, other guns across the river, unseen because of the trees, began to fire

Then we saw a cloud of smoke far away up the river

The stones under my feet were muddy and slippery, and the river was so low that I moved perhaps seven metres before I could get under the surface

When I lifted my head it was looking towards the guns that were still firing across the river

It hit a church tower, knocking it down, then moved on and fell into the river out of sight.

The Martian came into sight down the river, most of it under the water

Looking back, I saw the other Martians walking down the river-bank from the direction of Chertsey

The river was rough around me and quickly growing hotter.

Thick black smoke was rising to mix with the steam from the river.

It ran across the river and the water behind it boiled

Then I saw the four of them carrying the remains of the fallen one between them, now clear and then later faint through a curtain of smoke, moving away from me across a great space of river and fields

I saw an empty boat, very small and far away, moving down the river and, taking off most of my wet clothes, I swam to it

I used my hands to keep it moving, down the river towards Walton, going very slowly and often looking behind me

On Waterloo Bridge a number of people were watching an odd brown liquid that came down the river from time to time

At the same time four of the fighting-machines, also carrying tubes, crossed the river, and two of them, black against the western sky, came into sight of myself and the curate as we hurried along the road to the north.

I looked again at the Martian, and saw that it was now moving east along the river bank

Then, far across the river, we saw another, similar hill

The main road was a boiling stream of people, a river of human beings rushing to the north

And over the blue hills to the south of the river, the Martians moved backwards and forwards, calmly spreading their poison clouds over one piece of country and then over another

When, an hour later, a Martian walked down the river, there was nothing but broken pieces of boats in the water.

The Black Smoke moved slowly towards the river all through Monday morning, slowly getting nearer and nearer to us, coming at last along the road outside the house that hid us.

Then I started walking towards the river

From there I looked down on Putney and the river.

'This is my country: all this hill down to the river and up to the edge of the common

So George said, 'Let's go up the river

We'll have fresh air and quiet on the river

'On the river there's nothing for me to do

When I'm asleep, you'll probably rock the boat, and I'll fall into the river

So we decided to go on the river trip.

'Then we'll take it up the river to Chertsey, where we'll meet George.'

'How beautiful,' we said, 'sleeping in the country, under the stars, by the river!'

The river is moving along quietly

We row our boat into a quiet corner on the river

You find a place on the river bank

The river smelled of paraffin

He told us about the people killed on the river, and about the bad weather report.

People like the river and the sun

It's such a beautiful picture - the river, the trees, the flowers and the people, in their colourful clothes.

Harris, who is a little cruel, said, 'Now you're going to have a bad day on the river

I remember that George once saw a young couple who were walking by the side of the river

While they rest, your boat goes out into the middle of the river

'Oh, look,' they say, 'the boat's gone to the middle of the river!'

We pulled up the canvas cover and all four of us looked out at the river

I decided to go to the river bank and throw some water on myself.

But suddenly, the branch of the tree broke! I fell into the river along with my towel

I wanted to put on my shirt, but it fell into the river

I was trying to get my shirt out of the river

When I finally pulled the shirt out of the river, I saw that it wasn't mine - it was George's shirt! I started laughing too

I laughed so much that I dropped the shirt into the river again.

'You donkey! I Why can't you be careful with things? Why don't you go and get dressed on the river bank? People like you don't know how to live on a boat!'

I sat on the river bank near Runnymede

We continued slowly up the river, and stopped for lunch near Monkey Island

I did something wrong, because I fell into the river

I threw it in the river! Then we rowed away and didn't stop until we reached Maidenhead.

The wind blew and the boat flew up the river.

We were alone and we flew along the river

The river seemed magic

After this, we did our shopping, returned to the boat and continued our trip up the river.

'But we can't drink the river!'

'I've drunk river water for the past fifteen years.'

'Well, sir, I don't think you look very healthy, after drinking all that river water

We were sitting in a green field near the river

Harris did not fall into the river, because the river was far from us

After lunch, a gentle wind pushed us up the river past Wargrave and Shiplake

The river here is very dirty, so we moved on to Streatley

We had tried to wash them in the river, as George told us

The river was so dirty that our clothes collected all the dirt from the water

The river became cleaner, but our clothes became dirtier.

The river near Streatley and Goring is excellent for fishing

When you go for a walk by the river, you can see hundreds of fish

When it's sunny, the river is a dream

But when it's rainy, the river is brown and unfriendly.

'Yes,' Harris said, 'it's good to see the river in all kinds of weather

This man had slept on the river in a wet boat, like ours

We moved slowly along the river