How to use "roof" in a sentence


All they found was a truck from Colorado with a bike inside and skis on the roof.

Sometimes the roof of the passages was so low that he had to bend down as he walked

He had to bend as the roof of the tunnel became lower, but when he reached the light, Valjean stopped and gave a cry of despair

The roof is down, and Dan enjoys the feeling of the wind in his hair

"You? Were you watching us from the roof?"

It is night time, and around the roof of the thirty-floor casino and hotel, the city of Las Vegas is alive with colour

There are people everywhere, but here on the roof there are only four people

"Help me! Somebody, we're on the roof! Help me!"

She'd made her own garden on the roof of their apartment, and she was always up there

Up on the roof, they talked about all the things that didn't really matter: what they'd eaten for dinner, the weather, Apat on the jumping machine..

He is on the roof.

Nathan climbs out of the window and up onto the roof of the building.

Nathan quickly gets away from Bud and runs across the roof of the building.

'He's going up to the roof!' he says.

And the three of them begin to climb up to the roof of the building.

The Cat and Natalie run across the roof of the building

It was the tale of a boy, Kevin, who fell off a roof and took a bad knock on the head, thereafter slipping into a deep coma

The garage had gone up first, the big door ripping from its hinges and splintering into the driveway, the roof dissolving in a confetti-shower of shake shingles and flaming debris

Tina looked out the side window, watching in disbelief as the flames spread from the shattered garage roof to the main roof of the house, long tongues of lambent fire, licking, licking, hungry, bloodred in the last orange light of the afternoon.

Even in the dim light, Elliot could see the fringe of icicles hanging from the roof of the long back porch

Danny called to her again and again, begging her to save him before the roof of his underground prison caved in and buried him alive

They drove onto the track, under the roof of heavy evergreen boughs, into the heart of the forest.

The trees hung low, lower, lower still, until, at last, the ice-crusted evergreen boughs frequently scraped across the roof of the Explorer with a sound like fingernails being drawn down a blackboard.

Branches scraped across the roof, and powdery snow cascaded over the windshield, onto the hood.

Two hundred yards away, at the far side of the concrete field, stood a one-story windowless building, approximately a hundred feet long, with a steeply pitched slate roof.

But to my surprise, she continued along to the end of the passage, then up a narrow staircase and into a large dark room under the roof

The roof of the college was in pieces

At first I thought it was the wet roof of a house, but the lightning flashes showed that it was moving quickly down Maybury Hill

A man later told me that he had watched from a church roof as the smoke filled his village

We went together to the roof and stood on a ladder, looking out of the roof door

He won most of the games, and when we did not want to play any more I went back up on the roof.

The voice grew stronger and stronger, although I could see nothing above the roof-tops on the north side of the park except some smoke to the north-west.

I climbed out of the window and moved along a narrow ledge to the library roof, where I sat down

Up on the roof, I was getting wet, but I had to hear their conversation to the end.

Up on the roof, I was cold and wet

I saw a window on the roof

Quickly I climbed onto the wall beside the vestry then onto the roof