How to use "round" in a sentence


I put rope round each leg

It is round and black

I get lost up a side canyon and have to turn round

"Did it have eight tentacles like snakes coming out of a big round head?"

The Nautilus suddenly began to turn round in circles

She looked round

She looked round for the White Rabbit, but she couldn't see him anywhere.

She looked round

When the Mouse heard this, it turned round

They climbed out and Alice looked round

Then they all came to the Dodo and stood round it.' Who was first? Who was first?' they shouted.

The birds and animals came and stood round Alice.

They all stood round Alice again, and the Dodo gave her the box.

She looked round

She looked all round her, but she couldn't see anything with 'EAT ME' or 'DRINK ME' on it

But you jump up and down and turn round and round,

She looked round her and jumped

Under the tree was a big table with a lot of chairs round it

Alice looked round the table but there was only tea.

She looked round the table

She looked round and saw a door in one of the trees

Alice heard the sound of many feet and turned round.

Alice turned round and there was the White Rabbit next to her.

'Quiet!' said the Rabbit and looked all round him

She looked round

After a short time, there were a lot of people round the Cat

She looked round.

The King looked round the room

Alice looked round

Suddenly, I heard a voice shout, 'Forrest!' I turned round - and saw Jenny!

There was a big metal thing about six feet tall and five feet round, sitting in the corner.

Then the ground began to blow up all round us!

We could hear shooting all round us, but they didn't hit us

There were bullets flying all round me from behind - and then I saw more enemy soldiers in the low grass in front of me! They were shooting at our men on the hill.

I looked round for Bubba, but he wasn't there

I ran all round the airport, and then I ran into a toilet and locked the door

The President was a great big old man who talked like somebody from Texas, and there were a lot of people standing round him in the flower garden.

So I pulled down my trousers, turned round and showed him.

Later, I went outside and walked round for about half an hour, then went back

There were a lot of people waiting to go in, so I went round to the back of the place and sat on the ground

'Forrest Gump!' And she ran out of the door and threw her arms round me.

And I put my arm round her.

She sat down across my legs and put her arms round me

A minute later, I had my arms round her and we were both crying

He put his arms round me for a second, then went off to play with Sue again.

He noticed a scarf round her neck

He walked to his right round the corner, where there were two windows of number 13

The woman looked round and saw a young woman with a child sleeping peacefully in her arms

A few minutes later, having heard only silence, he turned round

Without intending to, he stopped, turned round and walked past the bench again

He stood for a moment staring after them as they disappeared round a corner

I'll bring some friends round, and we'll make sure he gives us a lot more money.'

Leblanc rose and, standing with his back to the wall, looked quickly round the room

Again, when she looked round, she saw nothing

She looked round and jumped to her feet.

Finally, he heard a small sound behind him and, turning round, he saw that Cosette was in tears.

Looking round, Marius recognized Cosette's father

The gunner - a fair-haired, handsome young man - spun round twice with his head thrown back, and fell sideways across the cannon

He looked round quickly and saw a tall man in a long coat, a large stick in his hand

He would then stare at the house for several minutes, tears rolling down his cheeks, before turning round and slowly returning home.

I rang up her doctor and he came round at once.

If we had driven round-in circles, I would not have cared

'To hell with this,' he said and put his arm round my shoulders

We'll travel round Italy for a time

She turned round and looked at me carefully.

Maxim put his arm round my shoulder

I looked round for a box of matches, but I could not find one

I knew then that I had walked right round the house

As we stood in the hall, Maxim put his arm round my shoulders.

Jasper ran round in circles, barking loudly

Jasper was barking at him and running round and round

His face was fat and round and he had thick, red lips.

The grass round the little house had grown very long

I looked round the room for somewhere to put the books

His whole body was shaking with fear and tears were rolling down his fat, round face.

He lit a cigarette and looked round the room.

I looked round the room, the most beautiful in Manderley

When he heard the door open, he turned round quickly.

My eyes looked larger and the curls made a soft cloud round my head

Maxim put his arm round me and held me closely.

'It's not too late,' I said, putting my arms round him

Favell began to laugh, a high stupid laugh, as he twisted the note round and round in his fingers.

Then we were round the bend of the drive and I could see the house no longer.

The dark trees were all round me

At the insistence of the happy, boisterous, VIP audience, both Joel Bandiri and Tina were spotlighted in their booths and were rewarded with their own thunderous round of applause.

Bob went to the round maple table

She had a round face, dimples, eyes that twinkled as if they had been waxed, and a Texas drawl

The corridor terminated in an airtight steel door similar to those found on submarines; the burnished metal glowed softly, and light gleamed off the big round-headed rivets.

Big and round, as always

She turned her head round with such force that I heard the bones crack in her neck

Without looking round, I carried the bowl of milk to his desk.

I turned round as the booth door opened.

I watched him kneel down, wrap a cloth round his head, and lie down flat on the floor.

The night watchman must have heard the hammer and would be round at any moment

'I saw her go round to the study window.' Miss Marple lives next door and sees everything, usually when she is gardening.

'I saw her walking round her garden this afternoon.'

The man's arms were round the woman and he was kissing her.

I mean...' She looked round.

Then Mr Redding came to the vicarage gate, looked all round...'

'So Gladys came round to find out all about it,' Griselda said.

No one locks their house up round here.'

'Do you mind, Mrs Protheroe, just showing us exactly what you did?' Inspector Slack pushed open the glass doors, and she stepped outside and walked round the house to the left

'He was round the corner at the desk

Inspector Slack came round to see me the next morning

His head was round and bald, and he wore thick glasses

'It reminds me of the man who went round the village pretending to be the Gas Inspector

She turned it round

Griselda and I went home separately as I wanted to go round by the barrow to see if the police had found the suitcase.

'So I went round the house and knocked on the windows

'Dear Vicar, you are so kind to come round so quickly

'Hello - hello - hello - Will the doctor come round at once to see Mr Hawes

Then she went round the corner of the house to the study window

'You haven't bought a book on How to Treat a Husband, have you?' I asked, as I put my arms round her.

Looking through the telescope, I saw a circle of deep blue with the little round planet in the centre

He approached it, surprised at the size and even more surprised at the shape, since most meteorites are fairly round

Then suddenly, he noticed that some of the burnt skin was falling off the round edge at the end

He realized that, very slowly, the round top of the cylinder was turning.

I had the sunset in my eyes and for a moment the round hole seemed black.

A big, greyish round creature, the size, perhaps, of a bear, was rising slowly and painfully out of the cylinder

I fell a number of times because I was running with my head turned round

Then I saw a round object moving up and down

This flaming death, this invisible sword of heat, was sweeping round quickly and steadily

It that death had swung round a full circle, it would have killed me

One or two adventurous people went into the darkness and crawled quite near the Martians, but they never returned, because now and again a light-ray swept round the common, and the Heat-Ray was ready to follow

Under the railway bridge I found a group of soldiers - engineers, I think, men wearing small round caps, dirty red jackets and dark trousers

I pulled my horse's head hard round to the right

Its head twisted round in time to receive, but not in time to avoid, the fourth shell.

In another moment a great wave of very hot water came sweeping round the bend

I rushed through the water until I could see round the bend

The shells exploded all round it and it was seen to move forwards a few steps, and go down

He heard their screams and, hurrying round the corner, saw a couple of men trying to pull them out of the little cart which they had been driving, while a third held onto the frightened horse's head

'We must go that way,' he said, and turned the horse round again.

We now lay on the very edge of the enormous round pit that the Martians were making.

They had large, round bodies - or perhaps heads - about a metre and a half across

Down on the left a busy little digging-machine could be seen, sending out small clouds of green smoke and working its way round the pit, making it bigger and piling the earth up over the top

'They will simply go round the world.'

I turned and went into Park Road, intending to go round the edge of the park, with houses between us to keep me safe, and get a view of this unmoving, howling Martian from the direction of St John's Wood.

We made it round