How to use "safe" in a sentence


You're almost safe.

The Nautilus is perfectly safe from those outside it."

Then we arrived at a safe area, with large plants around it

When we returned to the Nautilus, I told Captain Nemo that his man was safe where he was.

The Captain was safe and I was so surprised that I couldn't move.

I am writing this now some months later: I am safe now

Then we got orders to move the machine gun about fifty metres to the left of the big tree that was in the middle of the valley, and to find a safe place to put it before the enemy blew us all up.

It is safe to assert that no government proper ever had a provision in its organic law for its own termination

I knew that she was safe with that man.

He found her safe with some club members and told them about the woman

So perhaps he decided to kill his next victim indoors and chose Mary Kelly, knowing her room was safe.

And your sister agrees with me that this house isn't safe

Walking more slowly now, thinking he was safe from his pursuers, Valjean followed the alley until he came to a lane that seemed to lead away from the city

Valjean hugged Cosette tightly with relief, knowing that at last they were both safe.

He was still certain to die, and Valjean's happiness would be safe

"Catherine," I say again, smiling, because she is all that matters, and I can rest now because I know that she is safe.

But just to be safe he decides not to phone Emily again.

But just to be safe he pulls his new gun from the bag and checks it

Six hours to leave them the money in a safe place

It also notes where they are at all times, to keep them safe.

The woman left the energy center and Sala followed, keeping a safe distance

"You're safe here."

young people prefer to feel safe

That's what makes the world safe."

I have to keep you safe."

Is it safe to swim in the bays?' Everyone stopped talking

This moment was safe

I started to run up the path and did not feel safe until I reached the lawn

The house stood there, safe and secure

Maxim was safe

Nothing else mattered if Maxim was safe.

Manderley would always be here, safe and secure, within sound of the sea.

Better safe than sorry.

It was supposed to be perfectly safe

"I believed them, thought it was safe."

Perfectly safe, everyone said

Absolutely, perfectly safe

"I don't think it's safe for you to stay here."

He was safe, close behind her, knocked off balance by the force of the shock wave, staggering forward, but unhurt.

He said, "I think it's safe to leave."

If that many voices were raised, then Vince's bosses couldn't risk silencing all of them, and we'd be safe

I said we'd find Elmer safe and sound

He went back to the computers, with which he felt comfortable and safe.

"Where will we be safe?"

They wanted nothing more than to touch and to be touched, to confirm for each other that they were still alive, to feel safe and protected and cherished

"Danny's going to make it safe for us," she said confidently

I saw them at the parent-son scout meeting when he explained why the trip would be perfectly safe."

I have liked telephones, and here in France we now have so many of them that you are never safe from interruption

So while Mary can't cook we're safe, because nobody else would want her

Then, when it was safe, he planned to return and collect it one night

'Oh, that is good news! He will be safe there.' She was looking at the pillbox

That's why I am so glad Mr Hawes is safe in hospital where no one can reach him

'My love to dear Griselda - and tell her - that any little secret is safe with me.' Really, Miss Marple is rather sweet...

The world seemed so safe and peaceful.

'You are safe here.'

I stopped in the doorway, at a safe distance from it.

Besides this, Londoners are very used to feeling safe, and exciting news is so normal in the papers that they could read reports like this without great fear:

For a day and a half he stayed up there, tired, hungry and burnt by the sun before it was safe to come down

Things had always been safe in Stanmore

'We are safe here - safe here,' he repeated.

'Well, we have to invent a life where people can live and have children, and be safe enough to bring the children up

We must make great safe places deep underground, and get all the books we can; not novels and poetry, but ideas, science books

I turned and went into Park Road, intending to go round the edge of the park, with houses between us to keep me safe, and get a view of this unmoving, howling Martian from the direction of St John's Wood.

We have learned that we cannot think of this planet as a safe home for humans

After three years of marriage, she feels safe again, but her first husband, or some unscrupulous woman attached to him, discovers where she lives

It's not safe to talk

When we speak of your husband's secret, we must be in a safe place, where no one can hear us.

It was not safe in the vestry, and it was the only evidence of Sir Percival Glyde's secret: that he has no right to his title and his property!

Do not worry - we are safe - but come back quickly

He knew his secret was now safe, so he explained it all to me

When she dies as Lady Glyde, our money problems will be solved, and your secret will be safe! Anne spoke to your wife by the lake

It is safe in my home