How to use "said" in a sentence


I said I would meet Kristi and Megan after the hike

'He's probably left already,' said Megan, 'but he can't be far away

'It doesn't really matter,' said Megan

'We'll drive to Little Wild Horse Canyon tomorrow morning,' said Megan

'That's probably Aron's truck,' said Megan

'No,' said Brian

'Of course,' said Leona

'He said he'd be here for sure.

'Yes, sure,' said Leona, feeling a little worried.

'No,' said Brion

He also said he might hike in Utah

'Mmm, that's a big area,' said Brion

'Oh dear,' said Aron's mother

Another friend, Jason, had sent Steve a list of all the canyons Aron said he wanted to hike in Canyonlands

'Wait for us, Aron,' Mrs Ralston said as she went to bed

Some sailors said that they saw a dangerous giant monster living in the cold waters of the ocean

People said it looked like a whale.

He said something to one of his men, and the man went downstairs quickly

He said yes, so we put our suits on and off we went.

Conseil said:

As I said this, the walls closed over the side windows and Captain Nemo walked in.

But Captain Nemo said no

As he said this, a bright light appeared from behind the mountain of rocks in front of us.

But I know one man who said he saw one."

Suddenly, I thought I understood what the men below said in their strange language

'Oh! Oh! I'm going to be late!' it said.

'That's strange! A rabbit with a watch!' said Alice.

'That didn't hurt,' she said and sat up quickly

'This feels strange,' said Alice

'Alice! Alice!' she said after some minutes

'Yes, I will eat it,' Alice said

'Alice, stop it this minute! Don't cry!' she said.

'Oh, the Duchess, the Duchess!' he said

'Please, Sir-' she said very politely.

'Oh Mouse,' she said

'Oh, I'm sorry,' said Alice

'No,' Alice said

'No, no,' said Alice quickly

'Dear Mouse!' said Alice softly

'All right,' it said

'Good afternoon,' it said loudly

I'm Alice,' she said.

'I have an idea,' said the Dodo.' We all want to get warm

'I can tell you,' said the Dodo,' but I won't

Then he said, 'Everybody was first

'She will,' the Dodo said and looked at Alice

'Here we are,' she said, and opened the box

'But Alice has to have something, you know,' said the Mouse.

'I can have the box,' said Alice sadly.

'Give it to me,' said the Dodo and Alice gave it to him.

'Please take this beautiful box,' he said.

'Oh, where is Dinah?' said Alice

One old bird said, 'I really have to go home

'Oh, my ears and nose!' he said quietly

'I'll climb in through the window,' the Rabbit said.

'Well, what's it doing up there? Take it away!' said the Rabbit angrily.

'That hurt!' said Alice.

'I have to get bigger again,' said Alice

Then it said slowly, 'Who are you?'

I don't really know, Sir,' Alice said

'I don't understand,' said the Caterpillar.

'I'll try and tell you,' said Alice

'Well, perhaps it's not difficult for you, but it is for me,' said Alice.

'For you? Who are you?' said the Caterpillar and laughed

She stood very tall and said, 'I will tell you, but first, you tell me

'Don't get angry,' said the Caterpillar.

'No,' said the Caterpillar.

It did not speak for some minutes, then it said, 'So you're different, are you?'

'Yes, I am, Sir,' said Alice

'So you can't remember things,' said the Caterpillar

'You are old, Father William,' the young man said,

'You are old, Father William,' the young man said,

'That is not right,' said the Caterpillar

Some of the words are different,' said Alice.

'It's wrong from beginning to end,' said the Caterpillar

'I'd like to be taller,' said Alice

'Seven centimetres is a very good size,' said the Caterpillar angrily

'It's a good size for you, but not for me,' said Alice

Eat from that brown mushroom there and you'll get smaller,' it said

'Because it's a Cheshire Cat, that's why,' said the Duchess.

I didn't know that,' said Alice.

'You don't know much,' said the Duchess.

'Here, you can have it now,' site said

'Cheshire Cat, dear,' she said.

'Please, can you help me? I want to go somewhere new,' said Alice.

'Somewhere different,' Alice said.

Then it said, 'Walk that way and you'll come to a house

'But I don't want to meet a strange man,' said Alice.

It said, 'Walk this way and you'll find the March Hare

'Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat

'Of course you are,' the Cat said

'I'd like to see the Queen,' Alice said, 'but I haven't got an invitation?'

'You'll see me in the Queen's garden?' said the Cheshire Cat, and vanished.

'It changed into a pig? Alice said.

'I knew it!' said the Cat and vanished again.

'I think I'll go and visit the March Hare?' said Alice

Then she said, 'Cheshire Cat, one minute you vanish and the next minute you're there again

'I know?' said the cat

'There are a lot of cats without a smile, but a smile without a cat! Now that's very strange!' Alice said.

'There are a lot of places,' Alice said

'Have some wine,' the Mad Hatter said politely.

'There isn't any,' said the March Hare.

'Then why did you say, "Have some wine"? It wasn't very polite of you,' Alice said angrily.

That wasn't very polite of you,' said the March Hare.

Cut your hair!' said the Mad Hatter.

'Oh, be quiet,' said Alice.

The Mad Hatter opened his eyes very wide, but he said nothing

'Wednesday, I think,' she said.

'My watch says Monday,' the Mad Hatter said

'It's a strange watch!' she said

'I don't really understand you,' she said politely

'We move from place to place,' said the Mad Hatter.

'No, we don't have time,' said the Mad Hatter.

'It's a long story,' said the Mad Hatter

'I see,' said Alice and smiled politely

'Oh, look! The Mouse is asleep again,' said the Mad Hatter

'Be quiet!' the Mad Hatter said very loudly, and the Mouse stopped singing.

'Have some more tea,' the March Hare said to Alice.

'You can have more,' the Mad Hatter said

'Then don't speak,' the Mad Hatter said.

"I'll never go there again,' Alice said

'Be careful, Five!' one of them said.

'We're making the flowers red,' one of the gardeners said.

'You tell her, Seven,' Five said.

'No,' said Seven,' You tell her, Two.'

The Queen said to the Knave of Hearts, 'Who is this?'

So he smiled and said nothing.

She turned to Alice and said, 'What's your name, child?'

'Oh, be quiet!' said Alice.

He said quietly, 'Don't be angry, my dear

'Turn those men over!' she said to the Knave of Hearts

'Well, you see, M - M - Madam,' said Two

'I see,' she said

'Don't be afraid,' she said

'It's a very fine day,' somebody said

'Very,' said Alice

'Quiet!' said the Rabbit and looked all round him

'They're going to cut off her head!' he said.

I said, "Why?"'

'She hit the Queen,' the Rabbit said

'Quiet!' said the Rabbit again

When she arrived, the Queen said-'

'I don't,' said Alice

'She's wonderful,' said Alice

'I don't like it,' said the King.

'Well, I don't like you,' said the Cat.

'That's not polite,' said the King and got behind Alice.

Alice said, 'A cat can look at a King

'Well, this cat has to go,' said the King

'Oh yes you are,' said the King

'Do something now, or I'll cut off everybody's head!' said the Queen angrily.

Then she said, 'It's the Duchess's Cat

'Bring the Duchess here,' the Queen said.

'Come for a walk, you dear thing,' the Duchess said to Alice

'All right,' said Alice

'Read the paper!' he said

'No, no,' said the Rabbit

Call the Mad Hatter!' said the King.

'Why did you call me? I wanted to finish my tea,' he said.

Then he said, 'March the fourteenth - I think.'

'Fifteenth,' said the March Hare.

'Sixteenth,' said the Mouse.

'Write that down,' said the King to the White Rabbit

Then he said to the Mad Hatter, 'Take off your hat.'

'It isn't mine,' said the Mad Hatter.

'Oh, so you took it from somebody, you bad man,' said the King.

'Don't be afraid or I'll cut off your head!' said the King.

'I didn't!' the March Hare said quickly.

'Well, the Mouse said...' The Mad Hatter stopped and looked at the Mouse

'After that,' said the Mad Hatter, 'I cut some more bread-and-butter.'

'I can't remember,' the Mad Hatter said.

'You have to remember,' the King said, 'or I'll cut off your head.'

'You can go,' he said to the Mad Hatter.

'You're hurting me,' the Duchess said.

'I can't do anything,' said Alice

'You can't get bigger here,' said the Mouse.

'Yes, I can,' said Alice

'Yes, but not as fast as you,' said the Mouse

'Call the next person!' said the King.

'Speak!' said the King.

'No!' said the cook.

'Ask her some questions,' the White Rabbit said to the King.

'All right, all right,' said the King

'Fish,' said the cook.

'Don't be stupid,' said the King

'Put everything and everybody back!' said the King loudly

'That's very important,' said the King.

'You mean, unimportant, Sir,' said the White Rabbit

'Unimportant - of course,' said the King

So she has to leave the room!' he said.

'You are,' said the King.

'More than two kilometers high,' said the Queen.

'Well, I'm not leaving this room,' said Alice.

'You stupid woman,' said Alice

'Don't be stupid!' Alice said

'Wake up, Alice dear,' her sister said

'Oh!' said Alice, and then she understood

'Let's go home to tea,' she said

'OK,' the man said.

And the police said, 'That's OK with us

And he meant it when he said that kind of thing

'That's a stupid town!' he said.

'They never taught me to catch a ball at high school,' I said

'If you're an idiot,' he said, angrily, 'how do you know how to do that?'

'Maybe I am an idiot,' I said, 'but I'm not stupid.'

'I heard the game on the radio!' she said

We didn't talk, but after about an hour, I asked, 'Can I try it?' and he said 'OK', and gave me the harmonica

'I didn't learn anywhere,' I said.

'Keep it,' he said

'I saw you play football yesterday,' she said

'OK,' I said.

'Forrest,' he said, 'all year we have secretly taught you to catch the ball and run with it

'OK, Coach,' I said.

'Well, boys,' he said, 'there's always next year.'

'I knew this would happen, Forrest,' he said

'But I said to them.

One day, the cook was ill, and somebody said, 'Gump, you're going to be the cook today.'

'What am I going to cook?' I said

'It's easy,' said one of the men

'Maybe it won't taste very good,' I said.

'Nothing does in this place!' he said

There are some pots in the cupboard,' he said

'You've got to find something,' one of the other men said.

'Do what you like,' they said.

'She left school and went off with a group of people who were against the war,' he said.

He looked up at me, and said, 'Forrest, why did this happen?' What could I say? Then he said, 'Play me a song on the harmonica, will you?'

Then all the colour went out of Bubba's face and he said something very softly: 'Home.'

Then one day I got back to the hospital and a Colonel Gooch said, 'Gump, we're going back to America together! You're going to see the President of the United States, and he's going to give you a medal because you were very brave.'

'Come on, Gump!' he said

'Get us two more drinks, please,' he said.

She looked at him and said, 'I won't get you anything - not as much as a glass of warm river-water, you pig!' Then she looked at me and said, 'And how many babies have you killed today, you big ape?'

I was just thinking of getting out of there and having some breakfast when the President said, 'Boy, is that your stomach making that noise?' So I said, 'Yes,' and the President said, 'Well, come on, boy, let's go and get something to eat!' And I followed him into the house, and a waiter got us some breakfast.

The President asked me a lot of questions about Vietnam and the army, but I just said, 'Yes, it's OK' or shook my head to say no, and after several minutes of this we were both silent.

Later, when we were back in the garden, the President said, 'You were hurt, weren't you, boy? Well, look at this...' And he pulled up his shirt and showed me the place on his stomach where he was hurt once

'Yes, sir,' I said

It was in the afternoon, and the man behind the bar said, Jenny'll be here about nine o'clock.'

'OK,' he said.

'Who is that playing the harmonica?' she said

'I didn't leave school,' said Jenny

'With my boyfriend,' she said

'Rudolph, this is Forrest,' Jenny said

'Gone,' she said

'Don't cry, Jenny,' I said

But the next minute we were kissing and making love! And when we finished, Jenny said, 'Forrest, where have you been all this time?'

Then she said, 'Oh, no! Not you, too!'

'Jenny!' I said.

'Stay away from me, Forrest!' she said

'She just got out of prison,' he said

Suddenly Jenny said, 'Did you know that Forrest won a medal?'

'Forrest,' she said

'What?' I said.

'It's an old number,' he said, 'but perhaps she's still there.'

'Jenny Curran?' a man's voice said

I asked about Jenny at the office, and the woman said, 'Yes, she works in here

I went up behind her and said, 'That looks like a nice apple.' She didn't look up

She just said, 'Forrest, it has to be you.'

'I finish work in three hours, Forrest,' Jenny said

'I saw you on TV when you went up into space, Forrest,' she said.

'I don't know,' I said

Later, we went back to Jenny's flat, and she said, 'You can stay here.'

Several people wanted to try arm-wrestling with me again, and I said OK

Real wrestling,' he said

'It isn't honest,' she said.

It said:

Like I said before, Big Sam taught me how to play chess when I was in the jungle

Then I said, 'If you make that move, you'll lose your queen.'

He didn't look up but, after a minute, he said, 'Perhaps you're right.'

It was time for me to get back to the bus station, but when I started to leave, the old man said, 'Why don't you sit down and finish this game with me?'

'I can't,' I said

'Just who are you?' he said after the game.

'Forrest Gump,' I said.

'You can make a lot of money from chess,' he said

'Am I?' I said.

'Who, me?' I said.

'We're here for the chess tournament,' said Mr Tribble

'You are a big, strong man, aren't you?' he said

'He has to play chess in a tournament tomorrow,' said Mr Tribble

'He hasn't got time to be an actor.' 'It won't take long,' said Mr Felder.

'It's going to be difficult travelling with an ape,' said Mr Tribble.

'He won't be any trouble, Mr Tribble,' I said.

'Forrest,' said Mr Tribble, 'You're a wonderful chess player, but I never know what's going to happen next! Here's half of the money that you've won - it's almost five thousand dollars

'Oh, Forrest,' she said, 'you're home at last!'

'Yes, Mom,' I said.

'Forrest Gump!' she said, when she saw me

'I don't hear from her very often,' she said

'They?' I said.

Didn't you know?' she said

'Why don't you tell everybody that you're taking a long holiday, Forrest?' he said

'I don't know,' I said.

'Why don't you go to Savannah?' she said

'OK,' I said.

'We live here now,' she said

'It's a long story,' I said

'Yes,' she said.

'His name is Forrest,' she said quietly

'I knew that a baby was on the way when I left Indianapolis,' said Jenny, 'but I didn't want to say anything

'I'm sure,' said Jenny

'Of course,' said Jenny, and she called to him

'What a funny animal you've got,' he said.

'He's an ape,' I said

'Yes,' he said

'A bit,' I said

'Idiots,' said Jenny

'Then send the rest to Jenny and little Forrest,' I said.

To avoid misconstruction of what I have said, I depart from my purpose not to speak of particular amendments so far as to say that, holding such a provision to now be implied Constitutional law, I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.

Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bondman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether."

A great lover of the British Empire has said that under the British constitution even a successful rebellion is perfectly constitutional, and he quotes historical instances, which I cannot deny, in support of his claim

On the contrary, I have said it repeatedly to my countrymen that violence, whatever end it may serve in Europe, will never serve us in India.

I decided what kind of people they were before they said a word to me

'He said that a friend of yours recommended this company.'

'I thought you knew Mr Sampson already,' our host said.

'It's not a policy for me,' Mr Slinkton said

'Your profession has suffered a great loss,' Mr Slinkton said suddenly.

I have said that I disliked Mr Slinkton when I first saw him in the insurance office

'I have only heard stories about it,' he said

Then he said to me, 'You are surprised that Mr Meltham's story affects me so strongly

'I have come back,' he said, 'because I want to find out what my friend has done with the insurance forms

'Perhaps I can help,' I said

'Yes, Mr Sampson,' he said

He left the forms in my office, said goodbye politely and then left.

'It's true we are very close,' Mr Slinkton said very seriously

She said he was a very good, kind man

'Miss Niner.' I said urgently, 'I have something to tell you

I replied politely to everything he said, but I was holding a weapon in my pocket as we walked along together.

'Slinkton's not in yet,' he said loudly

'Boil the brandy, Julius!' he said.

'No, Mr Slinkton,' I said firmly

'You want to save your insurance company some money,' he said calmly

'I'm your niece's shadow,' Beckwith said quietly.

Still he said nothing.

'I've watched you all the time,' Beckwith said

'You don't even know my real name,' he said very quietly

'I have done what I promised to do.' Meltham said sadly to me

'I passed this place at 3.15,' Constable Neil said, 'but there was nothing here.'

'The woman's legs are still warm,' said Constable Mizen

Her friend Ellen said she was a clean, quiet person

And her father said, 'I don't think she had any enemies

'I must get some money or I can't sleep in my lodgings,' Annie said.

The other, Elizabeth Darrell, said that as she was walking down Hanbury Street at about 5.30 a.m

He said she lived with him and her name was Elizabeth Stride

Mrs Tanner, the deputy, said she last saw Elizabeth alive about 7 p.m

She asked him the time and he said nearly one o'clock, which was about the time of Elizabeth Stride's murder.

The woman said her name was Mary Ann Kelly, but her real name was Catherine Eddowes.

'This way, miss,' said the policeman

Catherine said, 'Good night.' And she went to meet her fate at the hands of Jack the Ripper.

He said the woman was short, and wore a black jacket and bonnet

'I saw no one and heard no cry or noise,' he said later

People said she was 'jolly', always singing

Mary's friend, a laundress named Maria Harvey, was there and said that Mary and Barnett seemed to be friendly

Mrs Cox followed them into the court and said, 'Goodnight, Mary Jane' as they were going into Mary's room

She later changed this to a quiet cry of 'Oh! Murder!' Mrs Prater said she went back to sleep; she often heard cries of murder in the court.

John McCarthy said later, 'It looked more like the work of a devil than of a man.' And Mrs Prater, who looked through the window, said, 'I can never forget it if I live to be a hundred.'

Schwartz said the man had a small moustache

Hutchinson said the man was aged about 34-35, just over 1.67m, with a pale face, dark eyes and hair and a small moustache

Sarah Lewis, the witness who passed Christ Church at 2.30 a.m., said she saw a man standing by a lodging house opposite Miller's Court

Hutchinson's statement begins, 'About 2.00 a.m., 9th, I met the murdered woman, Kelly, and she said to me, "Hutchinson, will you lend me sixpence?"' So he and Mary knew each other

'A meal and a bed,' said the stranger.

'Then you're welcome,' the innkeeper said.

'I'm sorry, Monsieur,' the innkeeper said

The innkeeper approached and, bending towards the man, said in a fierce whisper, 'Get out

Then she said, 'Have you tried everywhere?'

'What about that one over there?' she said, pointing across the square to a small house beside the bishop's palace.

'People say there's a stranger in town,' she said

'This is no joke,' Mme Magloire said

'Come in,' said the bishop.

'My name is Jean Valjean,' the stranger said before anybody could speak

'Mme Magloire,' said the bishop, 'will you please prepare another place at the table for this gentleman?'

'No, you don't understand,' he said

'I'm a priest,' said the bishop

'A priest?' Valjean said, sitting by the fire

After dinner, the bishop said goodnight to his sister, picked up one of the two candlesticks and, handing the other to his guest, said, 'I'll show you to your room, Monsieur.'

'Sleep well,' he said

'Yes,' said the bishop

The bishop, who had been bending sadly over a plant damaged by the basket, looked up and said gently, 'I think I was wrong to keep the silver for so long

'Silence,' said one of the policemen, 'This is the Bishop of Digne.'

'I'm delighted to see you again, dear friend,' he said

'Monseigneur,' said the sergeant, 'do I understand that this man was telling the truth? We found this silver in his bag, and

'Of course,' said the bishop

'Now, go in peace,' he said softly.

The bishop walked up to him and said in a low voice, 'Don't forget that you've promised to use the money to make yourself an honest man.'

'Petit-Gervais,' said the boy, smiling trustfully

'Go away,' said Valjean.

Then, reaching for his stick, he said, 'Go to Hell!'

'You have two very pretty children, Madame,' a voice said from close beside her.

'Thank you,' said the woman

'My names Fantine,' the young woman said

She took Mme Thenardiers hand and said, 'Will you look after my daughter for me?'

Mme Thenardier looked at Fantine thoughtfully, but said nothing.

Mme Thenardier still said nothing, but a man's voice from inside the house called, 'We'll take seven francs a month, and six months in advance.'

'You will have them,' said Fantine, assuming that she was talking to Mme Thenardiers husband

'Then we agree to look after her for you,' he said.

'This money will be useful,'Thenardier said to his wife

'Such beautiful hair!' the barber said.

'You've got lovely teeth,' he said

While the policeman was trying to drag her to her feet, however, a voice from the shadows said, 'One moment please.'

The mayor turned to Inspector Javert and said, in a soft, firm voice, 'This woman must be released.'

Madeleine said

'I heard what you said,' M

Madeleine said to her

Madeleine finally said.

Madeleine, looking hard at Javert without expression, said quietly, 'I'm afraid I don't understand.'

'This matter is of no interest to me, Javert,' he said casually

'I was going to the man's trial in Arras tomorrow, 'Javert said

'Javert,' he said, 'you're an honourable man

Instead, he said, 'I've behaved unjustly towards an innocent man

Madeleine, pale and trembling, stood up and said:

Madeleine finally said

Madeleine said.

Madeleine said gently, taking her hand

'I know what you've come for,' he said quietly so that Fantine wouldn't hear

Madeleine said, despite his efforts to speak quietly, began to tremble.

'I didn't come here to argue,' Javert said, stepping back nervously, afraid that Valjean was going to attack him

'I'm ready now,' he said.

'We always knew there was something strange about him,' they said

'Buy some bread on the way,' she said, giving the girl some money.

'This is a very heavy bucket for such a small child,' he said gently, looking down at her from his great height.

As they were approaching the inn, Cosette turned to him and said, 'May I have the bucket now? If Mme Thenardier sees that someone has been helping me, she'll beat me.'

'What took you so long?' Mme Thenardier said angrily when she saw the little girl.

'This gentleman wants a room for the night,' Cosette said, trembling with fear, expecting to be beaten.

'I'm sorry, the rooms are full,' she said.

'I can pay the price of a room,' the old man said.

'I'm waiting,' Mme Thenardier said threateningly.

Cosette said nothing, speechless with fear as the woman raised her arm to hit her

'What's the matter?' the old man said, rising to his feet.

'Can't you see?' Mme Thenardier said, red with anger

'I don't understand,' the old man said.

'Here,' he said softly, placing it gently on the floor in front of Cosette

Finally, he looked up from the bill without expression and said, 'Tell me, is business good here in Montfermeil?'

'What would you say,' the old man said after a moment's thought, 'if I offered to take the child from you?'

'Just a minute,' her husband said

The old man put three 500-franc notes on the table and said, without smiling, 'Now fetch Cosette.'

'No,' he said

'Come along,' he said

'You have no money, and I am rich,' he said

'You shouldn't stay alone all the time,' his good friend, Enjolras, said to him

The girl was always talking happily, while the man said very little

'Ursula.' Marius said the first name that came into his head

He stared fiercely at him and said, 'So, it's you again! I was right

'Come in,' Marius said, expecting it to be the concierge, Mme Bougon

'Books!' she said, and then added with pride, 'I know how to read and write

Picking up a pen that lay on the table, she wrote on a piece of paper, Be careful! The police are coming! She showed Marius her work and then, changing the subject quickly, for no reason at all, she gazed into his eyes and said shyly, 'Do you know, M

Approaching him, she rested a cold red hand on his shoulder and said, 'You never notice me, M

He moved away from the girl's touch and said, 'I think, Mademoiselle, that I have something belonging to you.' He handed her the parcel of letters.

He said he would follow me here

'You're a good girl,' the man said, rising quickly to his feet

Then, turning to his wife, he said, 'Quickly! Put out the fire!' While she poured water on the flames, the man broke the chair with his foot and told his younger daughter to break a window

'You are extremely generous, Monsieur,' Jondrette said, again bowing to the ground

'Oh, the poor child,' 'Ursula' said, seeing the girl's bleeding wrist.

Leblanc and 'Ursula' tried to comfort her, Jondrette approached his wife and said in a whisper, 'Take a good look at that man.'

'I owe sixty francs in rent,' he said.

'Five francs is all I have with me,' he said

'So it's you again,' he said almost fiercely

Marius,' she said at last, a faint light in her sad eyes, 'you seem upset

'You're making a mistake,' she said

Moving closer to her, he said, 'Do you know the address of those people who've just left your room?'

'Is that what you want?' she said, a disappointed look on her face.

'What will you give me?' she said at last.

He told the two girls to leave the room and then, when alone with his wife, he said, 'And I recognized the girl too

Straightening up, he said, 'Now do you recognize her?'

'Her?' said the woman, her voice filled with sudden hatred

'He said he'll be here at six o'clock, with sixty francs

'We'll know what to do about it.' And then, as he was going to leave the room, he turned to his wife and said, 'You know, it's lucky he didn't recognize me

'He's away,' the tall man said

'Everything's arranged,' he said

'Yes,' his wife said.

'Welcome, Monsieur, 'Jondrette said, rising to his feet.

'That is for your rent and food, Monsieur,' he said

Leblanc said, looking at the badly-drawn picture of a soldier in uniform.

'You don't recognize me, do you?' he said in a loud, clear voice.

Leblanc said

'A criminal?' Thenardier said, suddenly angry

'Never mind.' He sat on the bed next to the helpless but brave old man, and said, 'Let's discuss things quietly

Then he turned to the prisoner and said in a slow, threatening voice, 'What did you hope to gain by giving me a false name and address?'

'I'm not afraid of you,' he said

'So at last I've found you,' she finally said

'No,' said Marius.

Marius still said nothing, and after a moments pause she said, 'You don't seem very glad to see me, but I could make you look happy if I wanted to!'

'How?' said Marius

Finally, she said, 'I've got the address.'

'But you must promise me,' he said, 'that you'll never tell your father the address.'

They had only gone a few steps when Eponine stopped and said, 'You remember you promised me something?'

'I don't want your money,' she said.

Aware of the shape of the notebook under her dress, he said, 'So, you've read my notebook

When everything had been said, she laid her head on his shoulder and asked, 'What's your name?'

'My father said that we may have to leave,' she replied.

Marius rose to his feet and said coldly, 'Cosette, are you going?'

Marius turned his back to her and said, 'Then I shall have to go away.'

'Don't cry,' he said

'Why not?' Cosette said, drying her tears

'Please, Marius,' Cosette said as she watched him

'I promise,' Marius said.

But the old man finally raised his head and said, in a low voice, 'Show him in.'

At last! After four years! Was it really him? He wanted to open his arms and hug him, but all he said was, 'What have you come for?'

'I can't hear you,' the old man said, looking annoyed

'You're a young fool,' the old man said

'Who said you had to go away? You left me - your grandfather! - to join in those street protests against the government, I suppose

'So you said to yourself, "I'll have to go and see him, that old fool

'Tell me about it,' he said to Marius, who stared back with silent amazement, unaware that the word 'grandfather' was responsible for the change in the old man's behaviour

' he said, taking a purse from a drawer and putting it on the table

'You must enjoy yourself when you're young,' he said

He then turned slowly to the old man, bowed deeply and said, 'Four years ago you insulted my father

When the man said nothing, Enjolras became suspicious.

'You're a policeman, aren't you?' he said.

'My name's Javert,' he said.

'I'm at your feet,' the voice said.

'What are you doing here?' he said

'A soldier was going to shoot you,' she said, her voice no more than a whisper

'You poor child,' Marius said

She rested her head on his knee and said without looking at him, 'Oh, what happiness

'I can't cheat you,' she said at last

'Now you must promise me something for my trouble,' she said

Just as Marius thought that her sad soul had finally left her body, she slowly opened her eyes, and said in a voice so sweet that it seemed already to come from another world, 'You know, M

Oh, and one more thing before you go,'Valjean said when the boy had handed him the letter

'Now you can all leave,' he said.

'We mustn't let that happen again,' Enjolras said

'I haven't forgotten you,' he said, putting a loaded gun on the table

'Then, returning his attention to Valjean, he said calmly, 'I think you know me, too

'You're free to go,' he said.

'I find this embarrassing,' he said

'It's done,' he said.

'I'll make a bargain with you,' the man said.

'I'll give you this as well,' he said

'It's true,' he said at last

'Inspector Javert,' Valjean said quietly

'Will you help me to take him home?' Valjean said

'He's dead,' he said.

'Look,' he said, showing Javert the note with Marius's grandfather's address

When they had got back into the carriage, however, Valjean said, 'Inspector, will you do one last thing for me before you arrest me?'

'Go in,' said Javert, with a strange, distant look in his eyes

'He has just been brought here,' said a servant

'You heartless boy,' he said angrily

'I don't understand,' Marius said, almost speechless with amazement.

Having said this, the old man burst into tears

'Grandfather,' Marius said at last, 'I'm feeling much better already

Gillenormand said and, turning to Marius and Cosette, he added, 'My children, you are free to love one another.'

'The man was a hero,' Marius said

'I would give it all,' said Marius,'to find that man!'

Marius hugged Valjean warmly, addressed him as 'father' and invited him to lunch, but Valjean shook his head and said, 'Monsieur, I have something to tell you.'

Finally, in a state of shock and confusion, the young man said, 'Why have you told me all this? No one forced you to.'

'Don't worry,' Marius said at last

'I understand,' Valjean said, rising to leave

But at the door he half-turned and said, 'Monsieur, if you will permit me, I would like to come and see her

'You can come every evening,' said Marius

'Monsieur, you are very kind,' said Jean Valjean, shaking Marius's hand and leaving the room.

'I don't understand,' she said, becoming angry

'Cosette,' he said, 'your happiness is the only thing that matters to me

Marius had only read the letter quickly, and could not remember the details, so he said, 'Go on.'

Pontmercy,' the stranger said

'I know this secret already,' Marius said, 'just as I knew the others.'

'But I need to eat, Monsieur!' the visitor said, losing confidence

'I know it already,' Marius said

Pontmercy!' the man said, examining the note

Pontmercy is absolutely right,' he said, changing his voice

'Thenardier,' he said

Thenardier looked puzzled for a moment, then said, 'Monsieur, I think you are mistaken.'

'What! Are you denying what I said? Those are facts!'

'What proof do you have?' Marius said, wide-eyed with disbelief.

'I have all the proof here,' Thenardier said, producing an envelope in which there were several documents and newspaper articles

'He's a thief and a murderer,'Thenardier said quietly.

'He was carrying the body of a man he had robbed and killed,' Thenardier said

'You're a terrible man,' Marius said

'We must go to him at once,' Marius said

'Cosette, did you hear what he said?' Marius cried, tears of shame and guilt rolling down his cheeks

'What or whom would it have upset?' Marius said

Finally, he said, 'Yes, it would be delightful, but

'Your hands are so cold,' she said

'No,' said Valjean

Then, taking Cosette's sleeve and pressing it to his lips, he said, 'Come close to me, both of you

One day her mother made some cakes and said to her, "Go, my dear, and see how your grandmother is doing, because she has been very ill

The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and talk to a wolf, said to him, "I am going to see my grandmother and carry her a cake and a little pot of butter from my mother."

"Does she live far off?" said the wolf.

"Well," said the wolf, "and I'll go and see her too

The wolf said to her, hiding himself under the bedclothes, "Put the cake and the little pot of butter upon the stool, and come get into bed with me."

She was greatly amazed to see how her grandmother looked in her nightclothes, and said to her, "Grandmother, what big arms you have!"

You are here because when Miss Lee saw her younger sister, she took a pair of scissors from her kitchen table, said something to her sister and left the house

The words she said were 'I will kill him,' but the defendant says she does not remember that

Both times she had the scissors with her, and both times witnesses testified that she said 'I will kill him.'

The friend, Mr Harris, says that Miss Lee did not say anything to Mr Dawson and that the only thing Mr Dawson said was 'Hello'

It was something stupid: something he said or did.

Jesus, is this it? Did he really do something to that girl? More than hit her once? Did he do what they said on the radio? Was she dead?

And he remembers the last thing she said before she closed the door to the hotel room.

"You said it was easy!" Brandon calls out into the forest of silent trees that surround him, his voice full of emotion

"You said no one could get hurt!"

"You said it was easy!" he shouts again and recalls the first time his brother had told him about the plan.

"Listen to me," his brother said at a dark table in the corner at the Lake Louise Inn

"What?" his brother said, his eyes full of anger: "You think I do? Idiot, we won't hurt anyone

"Brandon," his brother said, "I know you need the money

"Sally left me last month," he said, and he called the waiter for another beer

Every year" Greg said, "hundreds of tourists come here, right? Most of them are rich, and some of them are very rich

On that first day Brandon said no to the plan

On the second day he said no again

So, on the fourth day he said yes.

"How? How can they know where we are?" said Greg

"You said it was easy," he says.

"Your chief inspector said you could help

I came here to tell Mr Cliff what the headmaster said about the argument."

Only, Fletcher said something about Miss White: something no gentleman should say

Junior said that to walk there was stupid, because they had a car, and despite all of Owen's arguments, the teenager did not change his mind.

Junior does not like sports, he does not run, and the last time he came to the forest with Owen, he said that he was too cold and that the forest was boring.

"These were your granddad's guns," he said to him in the kitchen

Everything you said about me is right

"Coz the newspapers said it

They said none of the victims looked like they tried to fight

And the old woman takes a long, thin knitting needle from her bag, and Sarah remembers what the kid said on the tube...

"Urgh!" she said

"My mom says the packing equipment is broken," said Sala

"So they're just getting wet for no reason?" said Niki

"Hey," said Cham, as she joined him

"Fantastic," said Sala, taking off her wet boots

"Hey!" said Cham

"I love it," said Cham

"Oops, sorry!" he'd said

This is Pod Adventures," said the woman, in a friendly voice.

"Guess what," said Ding

"Oh yeah," said Palo

"I haven't heard anything," she said

"I think they're saying two years, at least," said Palo.

"People who want to earn money and energy units," said Ding

"Yes," said Palo

"Oooh, strange!" said Niki

"I'd hate it," said Sala

"Give this to your grandmother," she said, and then turned away.

"Must be something for Gran's garden," she said.

"Thank you so much, again," she said

"Good," said Cham

"Yes, yes," he said

It's nothing, he'd said

"It's a fruit of the wild rose," she said in a low voice, touching it carefully

"So, where did it come front?" Gran, still pale, said nothing.

They did not want anyone going into the contaminated world beyond - it was much too dangerous, they said.

"Your house near the beach?" said Sala

"That's right," said Gran

Great-Uncle Eston, right?" said Sala

Well, that's that, then," said Gran

"So, tell me about your day," she said, over her shoulder

"Oh, Gran!" said Sala

"Well, it's good to be generous," she said

Years ago, before the Oil Wars," said Gran

"Who knows?" she said

"Hey," she said

"But that's the problem," said Cham

"Cham," said Sala

"And you said you were interested, to get this special offer?"

"You said you hated the idea

"Of course," said Sala

"I'll buy these," said Sala

"Hey," said Sala

"Sorry," said Cham, looking back at Sala hurriedly

Because I said I was interested."

"Last night, you said it was just to get the second pod experience!"

I'm really sorry I got so angry," she said

"Don't use any energy units for me - I'm not bothered," said Sala.

"I don't want to argue again," said Sala

"But Cham," she said, "what if there was a better future - something completely different?"

"Gran said she thought it had come from..

maybe," said Sala

"I wish someone else in your family could do the pod thing," she said

"Sala," said Cham, "you know I'd love to help my parents

"I know what you said before, but..

But then she thought of her Gran, and what she'd said about Cham's situation

Studying at home helped with overcrowding, used less energy, and made teaching easier: well, that's what the government said.

"I'm jealous!" Niki said

"I suppose it seems to me like losing control," she said.

"Not really," said Sala

They had almost reached Sala's exit, so she gathered her things together and said goodbye to Niki

I'll see you again, the woman had said: well, then, there was really nothing to do but wait.

"We're like explorers from the past," she said.

"Take it easy, crazy girl!" said Cham

"Wow!" she said.

"I know," said Cham

"Here goes," said Cham, his eyes shining with excitement

"Sala! Sala, it's OK," said someone.

"Hey, Sala," said Zee, her voice soft and calm

"I don't feel strange," said Cham

"Sure it was me," said Cham

"We were communicating through our avatars," said Cham "It's so clever."

A bit too clever, said a voice in Sala's head: they'd been together, and yet not together; they were able to talk to each other, but sometimes experienced things separately

"You know what," he said

"You just said you'd like to do it."

"All right, Cham," she said slowly

"Yes, the breakdown has caused so many problems," said Mom

"Well, they say they're offering high-level studies, so that's obviously good," said Mom cautiously

"I don't think you can depend on that, Gran," she said

Gran said nothing more, but her eyes were shining

"Look at you!" said Sala.

"I know," said Cham, "but I think it's just stopping

"Cham, I've made a decision," she said, in a rush.

As soon as she said it, she wished she hadn't.

"It's a little bit crazy," said Cham

"Look," said Cham

I meant what I said." It was good to hear him say it again so clearly.

"Thank you," she said

"We have each other," said Cham

"Nope," said Sala.

"But I thought you said he was helping fix this problem at the meat laboratory," said Sala.

"He was," said Cham.

"I'm so sorry," she said

"Pod Life," she said.

"Sorry, Sala," said Cham

"Like I said, I don't know what else to do." Then he turned to her

Sala did as the woman had said: she turned and walked down the street

"Sala! You look like you've seen a ghost!" said Mom

"It's front the same woman," she said

"Yes!" said Sala

"What?" said Mom, putting down her cup of tea

"I think we need to be cautious," said Gran

"The woman said she would find me again soon," said Sala

"Well, that's good," said Gran

"No problem," said Cham

"We don't know yet," said Sala

"Ouch," she said.

"Living in a pod isn't real," said Sala fiercely

"Hey, hey," said Cham softly

We're delighted you've come," he said, smiling brightly

"You don't plan to sign up?" The way Leti said it, it sounded like an accusation.

"You can see some of it," he said

"That's our name for everyone who signs up," said Leti

"We think it's quite generous," he said

"So," Leti said, "we've been over everything now

"Yes," they said.

"Excellent," said Leti

"Place your hand on the screen, one at a time," said Leti.

"Now it's your turn," Leti said to Cham.

Accepted," said Leti

"I said don't look at me."

"When I leave, follow me," said the woman

"Come in, come in," she said

"We turned it off," said the woman

Come and sit," she said.

"What's this all about?" said Sala

"I can't tell you everything," said Wena cautiously

"Why are you talking about it with me, then?" said Sala

"We tested you first," said Wena

We needed to hear what she said

What you all said."

"We've been really careful!" said Sala

"Control?" said Sala.

"Like I said

"Wena?" said the man

"Ten minutes," said Wena.

"That was Oban, our leader," said Wena

"She'd love to leave!" said Sala

Keep very, very quiet, Wena had said

"So, come on, then," said Cham

"I want to believe it," he said

"It is real, though," she said

"I just wish you'd change your mind about Pod Life," she said, in a rush.

"OK," said Sala slowly

By the time, they had all said goodbye, and Sala had gotten home, evening had fallen

"Well, it's not!" said Sala

"Wait, wait!" said Mom

"My goodness! It's wonderful," said Gran

"Not without you," she said at last

"But we'd follow!" said Sala eagerly

"Well, Gran," said Sala, "maybe one day, when Cham comes out of the pod, and they've managed to break through the force field, we really will be able to go together

"Oh, come on, now," said Gran

"Remember what we said," she whispered in his ear

"She wants to wait," she said

"OK," she said at last

"Wait," said Sala hurriedly

"OK," said Wena quietly

"I'm fine," said Cham

I'm learning to ski," said Cham

"Cham," said Sala.

not quite," said Sala cautiously

"My mom and dad are waiting to speak to me," said Cham

"There's not much," said Gran, handing Sala a little cup

"Of course you do, my love," said Gran, a little absently

"Of course," said Gran

"Oh dear, I didn't mean to suggest that," said Gran.

"I don't want you to take any risks," said Gran.

"You take after me," she said

She would find Wena, no matter what Cham had said

"Why?" she said

but it's so long since you last saw him, Gran," said Sala

Mom hadn't said anything yet

"Cham has a point," she said slowly

"I think I could test this," she said

"I won't," said Mom

"Hey, Sala," he said

During my free time," said Cham

"Yes, you are," said Cham cheerfully

He said it so lightly that Sala wasn't sure she'd heard right

"The letter from Gran's brother." The words slipped out before she could stop herself, and she knew at once that she shouldn't have said it

that! I remember now," he said

"Cham, you're talking such nonsense," she said, laughing

Well, I guess that's OK," said Cham

"That was nothing," said Sala hurriedly

"Glad to hear it," said Cham

"I'll think about it," said Sala, suddenly afraid of what else he might say.

"Hey, hey," said Mom gently

"All right, all right," said Gran gently

"He comes out for tests in a couple of weeks, doesn't he?" said Mom

But maybe they've noticed he's different, too," said Gran

"I'm going over there," said Sala

"How lovely to see you, Sala," said Dani

"It was good to talk to Cham just now, wasn't it?" said Dani.

"Mmmm," said Sala, looking down at her tea.

"He's having lots of fun," said one of his sisters

"I think your mom and dad would miss you," Sala said to his sister

"Oh, he's having a wonderful time," said Dani

he said he might want to stay in the pod, after the two years," she said

"Oh, Sala!" said Dani, in a bright, sincere voice

"We're so grateful to him," said Dani, in a dreamy voice

"We will bring Cham here to you," said Odem.

The pods are a great invention," he said, in a strangely mechanical voice.

I'm sure you'll learn so many interesting things," she said encouragingly.

"Actually, I'd really like to talk to Cham about his studies," she said

I should think so..." said Tian

"Not at all," said Cham

"Come on, girls," said Tian

If you're in here, I'll know they can't reach you," he said

"I can't help it," he said

"So he says it's for your own protection," said Gran bitterly.

"It's not his fault," said Mom quietly

"I'm not blaming him," said Sala miserably

Cham doesn't know much about the rebellion, does he?" she said

"But he knows about the letter from Eston," said Gran

"Nothing, nothing," said Gran.

"If the government comes here, they won't find anything," said Gran

"Of course they won't," said Mom

"I'm so sorry I told him," she said guiltily.

"It's not your fault, Sala," said Gran

"Anyway, we don't have a clue where the rebels are," said Gran

"Gran," she said, "you remember what you said last night, about the Oil Wars? You said..

I'm still in perfect health!" said Cham

"Oh, that's so good to know," said Dani.

"Well, I can recommend it," said Cham, looking straight at Sala

"Actually, I've got something to tell you all," she said slowly

"Not immediately," said Sala

With her new strength of mind, she didn't think about the tears and hugs as she'd said goodbye

'There isn't one well-known person here,' she said in her loud voice

'It's Max de Winter,' she said to me

'No, you are my guests,' said de Winter

'I recognized you at once,' Mrs Van Hopper said

'You are wrong, I could never forget you,' said de Winter in a cold, hard voice.

'You mustn't keep your dressmaker waiting,' he said.

'You must have a drink with me,' she said

'I'm sorry,' de Winter said quickly

'What a strange man Max de Winter is,' said Mrs Van Hopper when we were standing in the lift

No answer,' I said.

'I'm sure I could look after Mrs Van Hopper,' I said

But the doctor said no

'You can't sit here now,' he said

'Lay another place at my table,' de Winter said

'Oh no,' I said

'Why not?' he said

'I'm sorry,' he said politely

'You were not rude,' I said

'I think it's because of Manderley,' I said

'Your friend is very different from you,' he said at last

'Mrs Van Hopper is not my friend,' I said

'But I've enjoyed this hour so much,' de Winter said

'An empty house, even a very beautiful one, can be lonely,' de Winter said.

But instead he said, 'Well, I suppose you have a holiday this afternoon

'I'll drive you there in my car,' de Winter said

'Do you know this place?' I said

'It's getting late, shall we go home?' I said

'I'm sorry,' he said

'You can take the book and look at it, if you like,' de Winter said

'Out you get,' he said, 'I must put the car away

'It was dreadful,' she had said

'You haven't got enough to do and so you are doing nothing,' she said unpleasantly

'If only we could keep our memories like scent in a bottle,' I said one day

'And what moment would you like to keep?' de Winter said with a smile.

Then I said quickly, 'I'd like to keep this moment and never forget it.'

'I wish,' I said angrily, '..

'You would not be in this car now if you were like that,' he said.

'Why do you ask me to come out in your car, day after day?' I said

I had said the words, at last

'A little while ago, you said you wanted to keep your memories

'I want to go home now,' I said.

'To hell with this,' he said and put his arm round my shoulders

When we had finished our game, Mrs Van Hopper said, 'Tell me, is Max de Winter still in the hotel?'

He comes into the restaurant sometimes,' I said.

'He's an attractive man,' she said, 'but not easy to know

'What a strange child you are,' Mrs Van Hopper said

'I've got used to it,' I said.

'What are you doing in there?' she said

'You haven't got a cold, have you?' said Mrs Van Hopper when she saw my face.

'No,' I said, 'I don't think so.' I tried not to look at her.

'I hate waiting around when everything is packed,' Mrs Van Hopper said bad temperedly

'What do you want?' he said

'I've come to say goodbye,' I said

'Why didn't you tell me about this before?' he said.

'Sit down,' he said

'So Mrs Van Hopper wants to go home,' said Maxim

'Please don't joke about it,' I said

'I'm not joking,' said Maxim

'You can't marry me,' I said at last

'What do you know about Manderley?' Maxim said

'The idea doesn't seem to please you,' Maxim said

'I do love you,' I said, 'I do

When I said this, Maxim laughed and put his hand over mine.

It's a pity you have to grow up,' he said.

'I haven't done this very well, have I?' Maxim said

'Am I going to tell Mrs Van Hopper or are you?' said Maxim with a smile.

'You tell her,' I said

'I'm forty-two,' he said

'Oh, no,' I said

'I think I'll talk to her alone,' Maxim said

'Of course,' I said

'I'm afraid it's all my fault,' he said and then he shut the door

Maxim had not said anything to me about love

He had said we would get married

But he had not said that he loved me

'Everything is all right,' he said

Maxim was smiling, but he said nothing about being happy

He said nothing about love

'Well,' she said, 'you are more clever than I thought

'It was lucky for you that I was ill,' she said

'He's only forty-two,' I said

'Of course,' she said, 'you know why he is marrying you, don't you? He's not in love with you

'Feeling better?' said Maxim, looking at me

'Only two more miles,' said Maxim at last

'Here we are,' Maxim said

'You mustn't mind if people stare at you,' Maxim said

'What's the matter?' I said

'I'm sorry,' Maxim said

'Well, here we are, Frith,' said Maxim

'Yes, thank you, sir,' said Frith

'Mrs Danvers' orders, sir,' said Frith.

'I thought so,' Maxim said

'Come on,' he said to me

'This is Mrs Danvers, our housekeeper,' said Maxim

I remember nothing of what she said

'Excuse me, Madam,' he said

'What do the rooms in the east wing look like now?' he said.

'Oh, nothing much,' said Maxim

'I hope I haven't kept you waiting,' I said.

'It is my duty to wait for you, Madam,' Mrs Danvers said

'You can't see the sea from here,' I said, turning to Mrs Danvers.

'I'm sorry about that; I like the sea,' I said

'I suppose you have been at Manderley for many years,' I said.

'Very well,' she said

'I would rather leave it to you, Mrs Danvers,' I said

'Mr de Winter said you would rather be on this side of the house

'Well, what do you think?' Maxim said to me

'Thank you, sir,' she said

'I love the rose-garden,' he said

'I expect we'll get on well when she knows me better,' I said

'Not like you? Why shouldn't she like you?' said Maxim and he came across the room and kissed me gently.

'Let's forget about Mrs Danvers,' he said

'I always get up early here,' he said

They're coming today?' I said, feeling less happy than before.

'Of course not,' I said

'Oh, Frith,' I said awkwardly, 'I could not find any matches

'The fire in the library is not usually lit until the afternoon, Madam,' he said

'Oh no,' I said

'Thank you, Frith,' I said

'You go through the drawing-room to the morning-room, Madam,' Frith said, watching me

'Thank you, Frith,' I said

'Who is it?' I said

'Mrs de Winter?' said a hard, deep voice, 'Mrs de Winter?'

'I'm afraid you have made a mistake,' I said

I suddenly realized what I had said.

'It's Mrs Danvers, Madam,' said the voice

'I'm so sorry, Mrs Danvers,' I said

Thank you, Mrs Danvers,' I said.

'I lost my way,' I said, 'I was trying to find my room.'

'This is the west wing,' she said

'No, no thank you,' I said

'It's very kind of you, Mrs Danvers,' I said

'Major and Mrs Lacy have been here some time,' she said

'Yes, Mrs Danvers,' I said

'Here she is at last,' Maxim said

She shook hands with me and said to Maxim, 'She's quite different from what I expected

'I haven't seen much of it yet,' I said

'My dear, the water is always far too cold here,' said Beatrice.

I realized what I had said

'You know,' she said, 'you are much younger than I expected

'Don't answer,' she said

'It was rather a shock to us too,' Beatrice said

'Maxim said in his letter that you were very young and pretty

He had a terrible time,' Beatrice said

'She frightens me a little,' I said.

'We must be going,' she said

'I'm afraid we're going to have some rain,' he said

As I said before, you are not what we expected

'Thank God that's over,' he said

Had Beatrice said something to make him angry? I could not remember.

'Just a moment,' I said

'There are plenty of raincoats downstairs,' Maxim said

'I soon get tired of my family,' Maxim said

I was not sure what Beatrice had said and I thought it better not to ask.

'I think I did most of the talking,' I said

She said I was quite different from what she expected.'

'I suppose he's used to it,' Maxim said quickly

'There,' said Maxim, 'look at that.'

'We call it the Happy Valley,' he said.

'It is a surprise, isn't it?' he said

'Fetch it, good boy,' he said

'He was by that rock a minute ago,' said Maxim.

'Do you hear that?' I said

'Come back,' Maxim said sharply, 'we don't want to go that way.'

'I must get him,' I said

'He's all right,' said Maxim

'Bad weather, isn't it?' the man said with a stupid smile.

'It's not very nice weather,' I said

'He's Mr de Winter's dog,' I said kindly

The man said nothing, but stared at me in the same stupid way.

'I saw you go in there,' the man said

'No,' I said

'I'm sorry,' I said

'The door should be locked,' Maxim said

'Come on, Jasper, for God's sake,' said Maxim angrily

'Pull at that string, can't you?' he said to me.

'It's your fault,' I said, 'you walk so fast.'

'Why should I run after the damned dog?' Maxim said, not looking at me.

'Please, Maxim, please,' I said

'We should have stayed in Italy,' Maxim said

'We want tea at once,' said Maxim

'Is this yours, Madam?' he said.

'Don't be angry with me any more,' I said.

'I'm not angry with you,' he said.

'Do you?' he said

'What is it, darling?' I said

'Pour me a cup of tea, darling,' he said to me

At last she said,

I smiled and said, 'We have not decided

'Yes,' I said

I had said her name at last

'Rebecca.' I had said it aloud.

'She was so good at everything too,' I said

'She looked after everything in the house, too,' I said

'I have been hearing about the Fancy Dress Ball, Frank,' I said

Then he said, 'The Manderley Ball was held every year

'It must have been a lot of work,' I said

'We all helped,' he said.

'I went into that cottage in the bay a few days ago,' I said

'Yes,' Frank said.

'Yes,' said Frank, quietly

'Frank,' I said, 'I'm sorry I asked you all those questions

'Mrs de Winter, you mustn't think that,' said Frank, looking at me for the first time

Tell me, Frank,' I said

'Yes,' he said slowly

I decided to put my new books in the library and I said nothing about the cupid.

'Could I speak to you, sir?' he said

'Perhaps it was one of the maids,' said Maxim

'Oh dear,' said Maxim

'Very good, sir,' said Frith and quietly left the room.

'Darling,' I said to Maxim when we were alone, 'I meant to tell you before, but I forgot

'Don't be silly,' said Maxim angrily

'I'm so sorry,' I said, 'I never thought Robert would get into trouble.'

'Is it possible to repair the cupid, Madam?' said Mrs Danvers

'I'm afraid not,' I said

'What did you do with the pieces?' said Maxim.

'I never thought that Mrs de Winter had broken the ornament,' said Mrs Danvers

'I'm very sorry, darling,' I said

'Forget it,' said Maxim

'They can't find me very interesting,' I said

'What do you know about any gossip down here?' he said

'Perhaps I did a very selfish thing when I married you,' he said slowly

'Age doesn't matter,' I said

'How can I answer you?' he said

He is thinking about Rebecca, I said to myself

'Is anybody there?' I said.

'I think you should come out,' I said

'I'm not doing anything wrong,' he said

I didn't tell anyone,' he said.

'You're not like the other one,' he said

People will hurt you," she said

'No, of course not, Ben,' I said.

'Hallo, Jasper, old boy,' said a man's voice and Jasper ran back into the morning-room

'I beg your pardon,' the man said, looking down at me with a rather unpleasant smile

'I'm so sorry,' he said

'Maxim's very well, he's in London,' I said.

'Well, Danny,' the man said, 'aren't you going to introduce me to the new bride?'

'This is Mr Favell, Madam,' said Mrs Danvers.

'How do you do?' I said politely

'Now isn't that kind, Danny,' he said

Come and look at my car,' he said to me

'Dear old Manderley,' Favell said as we walked out of the house

'I'm very fond of Manderley,' I said.

'I have enjoyed meeting you,' Favell said, standing by his car

'No, all right,' I said awkwardly

'That's very kind,' he said

'Is there anything the matter, Madam? Are you feeling unwell?' Mrs Danvers said quietly.

'I will fasten it,' Mrs Danvers said.

'You opened the shutter yourself, didn't you?' she said

'I blame myself for the accident,' she said

'I come into these room and dust them every day,' Mrs Danvers said

'I don't know,' I said

Thank you,' I said.

'Well, my dear, how are you?' she said

'I'd like you to come very much, Beatrice,' I said.

'Well, my dear, here I am,' she said

'You don't look well,' Beatrice said

'Nothing,' I said

'No, I don't think so,' I said.

'Jack Favell?' said Beatrice slowly

'Oh well,' she said, 'I suppose he knows Mrs Danvers quite well.'

'Jack Favell is Rebecca's cousin,' Beatrice said

'I did not like him,' I said.

'I hope you won't be so thin next time I see you,' Beatrice said as she got into her car

The door was shut, but I could hear what he said.

Tell him I said so,' Maxim was saying.

'Oh, it's you,' Maxim said.

'I missed you so much,' I said

'Do you?' Maxim said

As we sat in the drawing-room eating cake and sandwiches, one of our visitors suddenly said to Maxim, 'Oh, Mr de Winter

'I haven't thought about it,' he said

'Oh, but you are wrong,' said another woman

'Well, I don't know,' said Maxim

'I don't mind the work,' said Frank, looking at me

'Yes, of course,' said a man, 'we all missed your wedding

'What about you? Would you like it?' he said.

'I think I rather like the idea,' I said with a smile.

'What will you wear?' I said to Maxim.

'What shall I wear?' I said

'All right,' I said

'Oh, Madam, it's so exciting,' she said

'I found this, Madam,' Mrs Danvers said

'No, Mrs Danvers, I don't want it, thank you,' I said quickly.

'So you haven't decided what to wear, Madam,' Mrs Danvers said in a friendly voice.

'I don't know,' I said

'Thank you, Mrs Danvers,' I said.

I said nothing to Maxim

'This is like old times,' said Beatrice, looking around

'Of course,' Maxim said

'I'm going to dress as an Arab,' said Giles

'What about you, Mrs Lacy?' Frank said to Beatrice.

'Don't ask her,' said Maxim

'It's quite simple really,' I said.

'What fun it all is,' said Beatrice

'You've got her to thank for it,' said Maxim, smiling at me.

'What's the time?' I said

'Give me the wig, Clarice,' I said

'Oh, Clarice,' I said

'It's me, my dear,' said Beatrice

'No, no,' I said, 'you can't come in

'Unlock the door,' I said to Clarice

'Beat the drum,' I said, 'and call out: Miss Caroline de Winter.'

'How do you do, Mr de Winter?' I said.

'What the hell do you think you're doing?' he said.

'It's the picture,' I said

'What is it?' I said

'Didn't you hear what I said?'

'It doesn't matter, Clarice,' I said

'I don't know,' I said

'My dear,' she said, 'are you all right?' I put a hand up to my head and took off the wig

'Of course I knew at once that it was a mistake,' Beatrice said

'Known what?' I said, turning to look at her.

'I ought to have known,' I said.

'How could you know?' said Beatrice

'Now, what can you wear?' Beatrice said

'No,' I said

'What does it matter?' I said.

You must come down for him,' she said.

'I must go down now,' she said at last

Once, Beatrice came up to me and said, 'Why don't you sit down? You look like death.'

Then at last Giles came up to me and said, 'Come and look at the fireworks on the terrace.'

'Such a wonderful party,' they said

'I'm so glad, so glad,' I said

'Well done, my dear,' she said

Yes, perhaps I shall,' I said.

'Good morning, Robert,' I said

'Frank, it's me,' I said when he answered

I haven't seen him,' Frank said

'Frank,' I said slowly, 'Maxim did not come to bed last night.'

'I was afraid something like that would happen,' Frank said at last.

'You mustn't talk like that,' Frank said

'No,' I said

'What do you mean?' said Frank, quickly.

'Maxim doesn't love me, he loves Rebecca,' I said

'I've got to come and see you,' he said.

'You've done what you wanted, Mrs Danvers,' I said

'Why did you ever come to Manderley?' she said

'You seem to forget that I love Mr de Winter,' I said.

'If you loved him, you would never have married him,' Mrs Danvers said.

'You tried to take Mrs de Winter's place,' she said.

I wanted to be friends with you,' I said.

'Many people marry twice,' I said

'Mr de Winter is not happy,' Mrs Danvers said, looking at me at last

'It's not true,' I said

'Well, he's a man, isn't he?' she said with a hard laugh

'What do I care for his pain?' she said

'No,' I said, 'no

'Mrs de Winter was a lovely child,' she said

You ought to be in bed,' I said.

'You'd better stop this, Mrs Danvers,' I said

'I don't want to know,' I said

'It's no use, is it?' she said

'Why don't you go?' she said again

'Look down there,' Mrs Danvers said

'Don't be afraid,' said Mrs Danvers

'What is it?' I said

'It's the rockets,' she said

'We had better go down,' she said in her usual voice

'Yes,' I said

'Did you hear the rockets, Madam?' he said

'They're going to send a diver down soon, Mrs de Winter,' said the coastguard

I want to see the diver go down,' I said.

'Very well,' Frank said

'Well, I must be getting along too,' he said

'Seen the big ship?' he said.

'Yes,' I said

'She'll break up,' he said

'Her,' he said

'I'm sorry,' I said

'I've got to do my duty,' Captain Searle said

'Hello,' he said

'I want to help you, Maxim,' I said

'I was angry with you last night, wasn't I?' he said.

'It's too late, my darling, too late,' he said

'Rebecca has won,' he said.

'I always knew this would happen,' Maxim said

'No,' he said, 'you don't understand

'No,' I said

I always knew that,' Maxim said

'You see, I was right,' he said

'It's not too late,' I said, putting my arms round him

'It's no use now,' said Maxim

'What will they do?' I said.

The other woman - the one I said was Rebecca.'

'What are we going to do?' I said.

'Does anyone know? Anyone at all?' I said.

'How could he?' said Maxim

'I nearly did, once,' Maxim said

'You thought I loved Rebecca?' he said

'I did not kill her then,' he said

'You hate me, don't you?' he said

'I thought about Manderley too much,' he said

'I've met him,' I said

'Remind me?' said Maxim

"It won't be easy to divorce me," she said

"If I had a child, Max," she said, "Everyone would think it was yours

'That's all,' he said

'I knew the boat would be found one day,' he said

'Yes,' he said

They'll think that, won't they, Maxim?' I said.

'That was Colonel Julyan,' said Maxim, as he came back into the room

'It's begun,' he said.

'I don't understand,' she said

'I am Mrs de Winter now, Mrs Danvers,' I said

'I am afraid I don't know anything about that,' I said.

'Don't you?' Mrs Danvers said

'I will give orders about the lunch,' she said

'This is most unpleasant for you and your husband,' Colonel Julyan said to me

'Lunch is ready; shall we go in?' he said.

'I wish an inquest wasn't necessary,' Colonel Julyan said, 'but I'm afraid it is

'That's quite all right,' Maxim said

'Oh yes, of course,' said Frank

'Shall we go into the garden?' I said.

'Thank you for the lunch,' he said to me

'It's going to be all right,' Maxim said

I said nothing.

All the papers said that Rebecca's body had been found after the Fancy Dress Ball

They said how everyone had loved Rebecca

They all said that Maxim had married his young, second wife within a year of Rebecca's death

'I think I shall stay here in the car,' I said

'I didn't want you to come,' Maxim said

'Excuse me, Madam,' he said

'I'll go and see if you like,' the policeman said

'Yes, it certainly was the last time I saw it,' Tabb said

'Accidents have happened before,' the Coroner said

'Excuse me, sir,' said the boat-builder

'Very well, go on,' said the Coroner.

Then he said, 'What do you mean? What sort of holes?'

'Mr de Winter,' the Coroner said, 'you have heard James Tabb's evidence

'I'm sorry,' I said

'I'd much rather stay,' I said

'It's all over,' he said

'Suicide,' Maxim said

They said that Rebecca killed herself.'

'God knows,' Maxim said

'Excuse me, Madam,' he said

'I think I had better see Mr Favell,' I said

'I'm afraid Maxim is not here,' I said, when Favell walked into the room

'Mr Favell,' I said

'No, no,' he said, coming towards me, 'I've got something to say to Max

'Yes, of course,' I said

'What the hell are you doing here?' Maxim said to Favell.

'Why, hello, Max, old man,' Favell said

'Do you mind leaving the house?' said Maxim coldly

'Oh yes?' he said

'I'll tell you, Max,' said Favell with an unpleasant smile

Maxim said nothing.

'Now, Max, old man,' Favell said at last, 'you know I'm not a rich man

'I've already asked you to leave the house,' Maxim said

'Think again, Max,' said Favell

'You wouldn't dare, Max,' said Favell

'Stop him,' I said to Frank

'Colonel Julyan will be here in ten minutes,' he said.

'Good evening, Colonel Julyan,' Maxim said at once

'I see what you mean,' he said

'I'll tell you what I think,' he said slowly

'The man's drunk,' he said quickly

'Wait a minute,' said Colonel Julyan

'Proof?' said Favell

'Certainly not,' said Colonel Julyan

'There's an idiot who was always around the cottage,' Favell said

'Of course,' said Maxim

'You all help each other down here, don't you?' he said

'All right, Ben,' he said quietly

'You know who I am, don't you?' he said

'Come on,' said Favell

'I've never seen him,' he said

'No, of course not,' said Colonel Julyan

'You were there, weren't you?' said Favell, standing over Ben

'I didn't see anything,' he said

'You damned little idiot,' Favell said slowly.

'I think Ben can go home now, don't you, Colonel Julyan?' Maxim said

'That poor fellow was terrified,' he said

Instead, he rang the bell and when Frith came in, he said, 'Ask Mrs Danvers to come here, Frith.'

She knew her for years,' Favell said, with his unpleasant smile.

'Good evening, Mrs Danvers,' Colonel Julyan said

'Mrs Danvers,' Colonel Julyan said quietly, 'can you think of any reason why Mrs de Winter killed herself?'

'No, certainly not,' she said.

She may understand it,' Colonel Julyan said

'Well, de Winter,' said Colonel Julyan, 'do you mind us seeing this diary?'

'Of course not,' said Maxim

'Here is the page for the day Mrs de Winter died,' she said

'Yes,' he said, 'here it is

'We must find out who this person was,' said Colonel Julyan

'Mrs de Winter afraid?' said Mrs Danvers

'What does all this matter?' said Favell

'There's a telephone number here at the back,' she said

'Well,' said Maxim, lighting a cigarette

When he came back, he said, 'That was a doctor's number

'Well done, Frank,' said Maxim calmly

'Well,' said Colonel Julyan

'I'll write him a letter,' Frank said.

'I'm ready to go,' said Maxim quietly

'He's not going alone,' Favell said with a laugh

'Nine o'clock?' he said

'We'll meet at the crossroads just after nine,' Favell said

'Good night,' he said

'I'm coming with you tomorrow,' I said.

'You will telephone, won't you?' Frank said as he stood on the steps.

'Yes, of course,' Maxim said

'Is Dr Baker at home?' said Colonel Julyan

'Yes, of course,' said the woman

Please sit down,' he said.

'We are sorry to trouble you, Dr Baker,' Colonel Julyan said

'The verdict was suicide,' Favell said

'I think you've made a mistake,' he said

'That certainly was my number,' he said.

'It's possible,' said Dr Baker slowly.

'Murder,' Favell said.

'Of course,' said the doctor

While Dr Baker was out of the room, we said nothing

'I saw a Mrs Danvers on the 12th at two o'clock,' Dr Baker said at last.

'Rebecca gave the wrong name, of course,' he said

'Yes,' he said slowly, 'I remember now.'

'Yes,' said Dr Baker

"I want to know the truth," she said

No one said a word and the doctor went on, 'Mrs de Winter looked a healthy woman

'We may not need it,' said Colonel Julyan

'I am glad to have been of some use,' said Dr Baker

No one said anything for a few minutes

It's been a dreadful shock to me,' Favell said

'Thank you very much,' Maxim said.

'We must thank you for all your help,' Maxim said as the magistrate got out of the car.

'Of course he knows,' Maxim said

'Isn't that a good thing?' I said

'Have you finished your coffee?' Maxim said to me suddenly

'But you'll be so tired,' I said.

'What time did you say it was?' I said suddenly.

'That's strange,' I said

'It's the wrong direction, too,' Maxim said 'you're looking west.'

'That's not the dawn,' he said, 'that's Manderley.'

She'd heard that said, and she believed it

Closing her eyes now, chewing the toast, Tina could still see him - three years old, peanut butter smeared all over his lips and chin - as he grinned and said, More neenut putter toast, please.

She had been sorry that he'd had to know, but she hadn't said a word to him; she'd offered no explanations, no reassurances

"We got a hit, kid!" Joel said, and he hugged her fiercely, planting a wet kiss on her cheek.

He said, "Break a leg tonight, Tina."

"Tina, my dear, I want you to meet a friend of ours," Helen said, indicating the fourth person in the booth

"One of two guiding hands," Tina said

"Just plain Tina," she said.

"Elliot's my attorney," Charlie Mainway said.

"Oh," Tina said, "I thought Harry Simpson-"

"And handles them very well," Helen said

To Tina, Stryker said, "But if it's flattery you need - and I'm sure you already get a lot of it, lovely as you are - no one in Vegas can flatter with more charm and style than Helen."

"Imagine him arguing a point in court," Charlie said.

"A very smooth character indeed," Helen said.

"This is crazy," she said shakily.

"God help me," Vivienne said.

He said, "How can Batman wear an armored rubber suit all the time and not have a chronic rash?"

"No," she said

"You are asking me for a date," she said, pleased.

"And succeeding," she said.

She said, "You want to start over?"

"I'm so glad you said that."

"Jesus," she said weakly.

"Damn!" she said, furious.

"I don't care what it costs," Tina said.

"Vandals were in my house last night," Tina said.

"What a world we live in," said the woman at Anderlingen.

As she looked over the wreckage, she said, "What the hell do you want from me, Mike?"

He said, "That's a nice sweater

"Not here," she said, half-shouting

Michael said, "Heart attack, Pete?"

The third guard said, "Hi, Mike

When at last they reached the end of the casino and were on the escalators, heading down toward the shopping arcade, Tina said, "What is blackjack blackout?"

"It's stupid is what it is," Michael said, still amused

"I still don't see any place where we can talk privately," Tina said.

"There's what we call 'jackpot attack,'" Michael said

Then, as they stepped out of the rear entrance of the hotel and walked along the edge of the parking lot in the seventy-degree winter sunshine, he said, "So what did you want to talk about?"

At last, she said, "Some strange things have been happening at the house."

Remembering the two words on the chalkboard, she said, "Three times in the past week."

"You've never been the kind of person who makes enemies," he said

"You managed," she said, and that was as close as she could come to accusing him of anything.

It's all right, Tina," he said gently.

The insufferable bastard! She was furious, but she said nothing; she didn't trust herself to speak, afraid that she would start screaming at him the instant she opened her mouth.

"There's more to life than just having a flashy career," Michael said pontifically

He didn't tell her directly, but his behavior said as much

"Sure," he said

"Oh, I don't expect you to give it up," he said magnanimously.

He interrupted her before she'd said more than his name

When he paused to lick his ice-cream cone, she said, "Michael, that's not the way it's going to be."

"Michael, stop it!" she said harshly.

"I'm not feeling unfulfilled these days," she said

She said, "I didn't make up that story about someone breaking into the house just so you could play the strong, reliable man to my weak, frightened female

"Wait!" Michael said

I can't believe you said that! It wasn't a fling

"Now, wait a minute," he said, beginning to get angry

She said, "Don't be pathetic, Michael

"You're the same ball-breaking bitch," Michael said.

I'm even sorry if some of what I said about Danny hurt you, although, God knows, you deserve to hear it

"Think positive," she said aloud

"Oh, of course," Tina said

"No, no, no," Tina said

Leaning back in her chair, Tina said, "Yes

"Can do," Angela said

"The hotel ought to be happy," Angela said

"It's a great idea," Angela said

"Thank you," Tina said.

"Yeah," Angela said, hugging herself

"It's warm enough in here," Tina said.

"Thank God," she said shakily.

She said, "Stop! Wait!"

Voice quavery, she said, "What are you doing here?"

Still puzzled but beginning to get impatient with her, Elliot said, "My business wasn't on the third floor

She said, "I'm sorry

"It was supposed to build character," Tina said

That's what everyone said

Perfectly safe, everyone said

Elliot said nothing

"Something sure as hell went wrong," she said

"Hard," she said

"No more for me," she said

"Nonsense," he said

"Just don't ask for a mixed drink," he said

Elliot said, "Losing a childlike that..

"Someone could have programmed it to spew out this stuff about Danny," Elliot said

"It happened," she said.

"Then what did you mean when you said I'd probably need professional help to catch this creep?"

I guess it is," Elliot said

"Yes," he said

"Sure," he said

She hesitated, trying to hear how it was going to sound before she said it, wondering if she really believed it enough even to give voice to it

"The coroner and undertaker said it was in terrible condition, horribly mutilated

"Too many maybes," he said.

"If he were alive," Elliot said patiently, "someone would simply come and tell you

She said nothing.

"If you convince yourself he's alive," Elliot said, "you're only setting yourself up for another fall."

"Yes," she said thinly.

"I don't care," she said.

"That's the idea," she said quickly

"Of course," he said, "exhumation of the body won't answer the main question

"It might," Tina said

"Anyway," she said, "even if reopening the grave doesn't help me find who's responsible for these sick jokes - or whatever the hell they are - at least it'll settle my mind about Danny

"In fact, I have," Elliot said

Remembering her own ordeal, Tina said, "I know

"But don't forget," Elliot said, "her daughter's body wasn't mutilated."

"I'm aware of that," she said

"Somehow," she said, "I get the feeling it was considerably more..

"Elliot Sneaky Stryker," she said.

"You have a pretty high opinion of me," he said, repeating what she had said to him earlier.

As Elliot rinsed the second snifter and placed it in the rack, Tina said, "You do that very well."

As he dried his hands on the towel, he said, "Why don't we forget about going out to dinner? Let me cook for you instead."

"I should go home and freshen up," she said.

"It's beautiful," she said

"I didn't realize you'd lost your wife," Tina said

"Interesting," Tina said.

"If I did cook crow," he said, "it would be delicious

"So I spill things," he said

"We hardly know each other," she said.

"You're so sweet," he said.

At last, he said, "What about the father?"

"Ah," Kennebeck said.

"That's right," Elliot said

"As long as there aren't any religious objections, the law requires the permission of only one parent in a case like this," Elliot said.

"If the father has a chance to protest," Elliot said, "we'll probably get involved in a knock-down-drag-out legal battle

"I wouldn't like that," Kennebeck said thoughtfully

"And when the dust finally settled," Elliot said, "my client would win the right to exhume the body anyway."

"Definitely," Elliot said

"Ah," Kennebeck said, frowning slightly.

At last, the judge said, "You're asking me to cut corners."

"Before the father can get a restraining order from another judge," Kennebeck said.

"Ah," Kennebeck said.

In the middle of the block, Kennebeck finally said, "I'll have to chew on it for a while, Elliot."

The judge's hesitation in this relatively simple matter struck Elliot as odd, but he said nothing more

"What the hell?" Elliot said.

"A lock-release gun," the tall man said, smiling cordially and nodding

"Relax," said the tall man.

"No, no," the tall man said

"Yes," Bob said

Putting down the vinegar bottle and picking up the knife, Elliot said, "Get the fuck out of here."

Stryker," the tall one said.

"Yes," Bob said

"That's better," the tall man said.

"Much better," Bob said.

"Down with the knife," said the tall man

Bob said, "Let's get on with it, Vince."

Vince, the tall man, said, "We'll use the breakfast area over there in the corner."

You won't do that," Elliot said, wishing that he felt as confident as he sounded

At last, Vince said, "Be reasonable

Determined not to let them see that he was frightened, aware that any sign of fear would be taken as proof of weakness, Elliot said, "Well, you've got one hell of a weird approach for someone who's just taking a public opinion survey."

"The entire truth," said Bob.

"They're effective and reliable," said Bob.

"No, no," Bob said

"I'm losing my patience with you," Vince said.

Bob said, "For Christ's sake, Vince, tell him

"I'm supposed to ask you every question on this list," Vince said, shaking the folded paper at Elliot

"Never mind," Vince said.

"Yeah," Bob said

"I guess that's just one more question you're not going to get an answer for," Elliot said.

"We'll get the answer," Vince said coldly.

"Now," Vince said, "counselor, are you going to walk over to the table and sit your ass down, or am I going to have to motivate you with this?" He gestured with his pistol again.

"Kennebeck!" Elliot said, startled by a sudden insight

"That's why he stalled me," Elliot said

"The truth is a lot worse," Elliot said

"Goddamn it, I said you were going to answer the questions from now on."

"Relax," Elliot said

Evidently sensing Vince's onrushing blowup and aware that it wouldn't help them accomplish their mission, Bob quickly said, "Listen, Stryker, we can't answer most of your questions because we don't know

"If you're working for a government intelligence agency, then go away and come back with the legal papers," Elliot said

"You know better than that," Vince said harshly.

"The agency we work for doesn't officially exist," Bob said

"Nothing," Vince said.

"Nothing at all," Bob said.

"Cops don't scare us," Vince said arrogantly

"That's not quite the way they explained the system in law school," Elliot said.

"Yeah, well, that's ivory tower stuff," Bob said, nervously straightening his tie.

"Right," Vince said

Stryker," Bob said.

"No," he said again, louder this time

"Emergency crew," the repairman said through the closed door

She said, "Can I see some identification?"

Feeling slightly foolish, like an easily spooked old woman, Tina said, "I'm sorry

"It's relaxing," Tina said.

"The garage is this way," she said.

"Doesn't smell like there's trouble here," she said.

"Well?" she said.

"Well," she said, "I was cleaning the back room

"Oh, certainly," he said

"Wait," Vince said.

"It's going to feel like a freight train ramming straight through you," Vince said

"One good punch in the belly," Vince said, "and you'll be puking your guts out on your shoes."

"And when you're done puking your guts out," Vince said, "I'm going to grab you by your balls and drag you over to the table."

"Last chance to do it the easy way," Vince said.

"I'm finished," he said

She thanked him, and he said he was only doing his job

They both said "Have a nice day," and she locked the door after he left.

"Crazy," he said

But she stared into his dark, expressive eyes, and she knew that he'd meant every word he said.

"Well, there was the gas man," Tina said as she hurried down the short hall toward the master bedroom.

He said-"

"There may not be time," he said.

She said, "My God, you don't think-"

"The latch might cause a spark," Elliot said

Frightened, dazed by the incredible speed at which her world had begun to disintegrate, she did as he said.

"At least we're still alive," he said.

"We're being followed," he said.

"Put on your seat belt," he said

"He can't catch up with us," Elliot said

"Later," he said impatiently.

"Better back out," she said.

"We've got to get off the street and out of sight," Elliot said.

Behind him, Tina said, "Stand back."

Stalling for time, he said, "Oh, hi

"Tom," the big man said

"Nice car," Tom said with an unmistakable trace of reverence in his voice

"Very nice little number," Tom said, nodding, licking his lips as he studied the Mercedes.

Pulling his covetous gaze from the car, Tom said, "What're you doing here?" There was still neither suspicion nor belligerence in his voice.

"We're expected," Elliot said.

about the boat," Elliot said, not even knowing where he was going to go with that line, ready to say anything to keep Tom from putting up the garage door and throwing them out.

"You must be mistaken," Elliot said.

"I figure you've got the wrong place," Tom said, stepping out of the doorway, into the garage, reaching for the button that would raise the big door.

Tina said, "Mr

Appearing to be somewhat amazed herself, Tina hesitated not at all before she said, "Sol Fitzpatrick."

He said the garage door would be open and that we were to pull right inside."

Sol said we were to pull in, out of the driveway, so that he'd have a place to put the boat when he got here with it."

"Never heard of him," Tom said

"We're buying it from him," Tina said.

"Well," Elliot said, "the way we understood it, this was where he lived."

"But he doesn't," Tom said

"Lady," Tom said, "I don't have the foggiest

"We did give him two thousand on deposit," Elliot said.

Tina said, "It was a refundable deposit."

Smiling, Tom said, "I think the deposit might not turn out to be as refundable as you thought."

Pretending surprise, Tina said, "You don't mean Mr

"Damn," Elliot said.

Grinning broadly now, Tom said, "Well, you can look at it that way if you want

"Swindled," Tina said, shaking her head.

"Sure as the sun will come up tomorrow," Tom said.

He said, "I think it's safe to leave."

Elliot said, "I sure hope it is, Tom

"No black van," she said.

She said, "Maybe we should go back to your place

"The only way these people are going to get us," he said, "is if we just give ourselves over to them

As they continued west on Charleston Boulevard, Tina said, "Earlier you told me we couldn't go to the police with this."

You said he was a good judge."

"Once an agent, always an agent," Elliot said

"Remember maybe ten years ago when that Texas elections official revealed how Lyndon Johnson's first local election was fixed? The guy said he was just trying to clear his conscience after all those years

"Oh, Vegas is a very important town," Elliot said

"It isn't hopeless," he said again

"Like the newspapers, for one," Elliot said, accelerating across the intersection, glancing in the rearview mirror

Tina said, "It's just that..

He was aware of her watching him, and after a while she said, "You know what?"

That isn't what I said."

"Being scared - that's part of it," she said

"Anyway," Tina said, "I'm glad I've got you on my side."

"I like it better when you're on top," he said, and he winked at her.

"Joking in the midst of disaster," she said.

"Who said that?" she asked

"I brought it from my place," she said.

"It's a horror-comics magazine," she said

"Wait," she said

"Now," Tina said, "just like Death tried to stop the parents in the story, someone's trying to stop me from opening my son's grave."

"There are similarities," he said.

It's just too much," she said.

Finally, Elliot said, "You're right

"Let's look at it in the caf S 233;," Elliot said

At length she said, "Do you feel it?"

"It's crazy," he said, "but I feel eyes on me."

She said, "Are we both cracking under the strain?"

"Just jumpy," he said, but he wasn't really convinced that their imagination was to blame.

"It's such a strong feeling," she said

When Elvira left the table and they were alone, Tina said, "Let's see the papers you took off that guy."

"Groucho Marx," she said.

"Maybe," Elliot said.

"Maybe," Elliot said again

"Amazing," he said when he finished skimming The Boy Who Was Not Dead.

"You'd think it was even more amazing if you'd suffered those nightmares," she said

"About half the others were buried without viewings," Tina said.

"Damn," Elliot said.

"You said we could go to a reporter, try to get media interest brewing

"I know a couple of local guys," Elliot said

"I thought you said we had enough to interest a good newsman

Chilled, Tina said, "But how much could the kids have seen? You're the one who said security was easy to maintain when one of these installations is located in the wilderness

People might have discounted most of what the boys said about it, but they'd have believed Jaborski and Lincoln

While she thought about what Elliot had said, she dipped one finger in the water and drew a grim mouth, a nose, and a pair of eyes in the circle; she added two horns, transforming the blot of moisture into a little demonic face

"Not to me," Elliot said

"We'd be committing suicide if we went to Kennebeck's place," Elliot said

"Besides," Elliot said, "Kennebeck probably doesn't know the whole story

"You said we ought to come up with more evidence before we go to the newspapers."

If the body were exhumed and reexamined by a top-notch pathologist, we'd almost certainly find proof that the cause of death wasn't what the authorities originally said it was."

"But we can't reopen the grave ourselves," Tina said

maybe we'll skip the coroner," Elliot said

To Tina, Elliot said, "Do you remember the name of the mortician in Reno?"

Elliot said, "What's wrong?"

"But I didn't get a chance to pack that suitcase," Tina said

"I've got some," Elliot said

"And this is Las Vegas," Elliot said

He smiled and asked Elliot if their dinner had been satisfactory, and Elliot said it had been fine, and the old man began to make change with slow, arthritic fingers.

Someone said, "Shoot the piano player."

Someone else said, "Kick the damn thing."

"Have to unplug it!" the old man said.

"You must have done something to it," Al said

Elliot, I know exactly what it is! Come on," she said excitedly

In the Mercedes, in the darkness, with the doors locked, she said, "No wonder we haven't been able to figure it out!"

"Listen," she said excitedly, "we thought someone was sending me messages about Danny being alive just to rub my face in the fact that he was actually dead - or to let me know, in a roundabout fashion, that the way he died wasn't anything like what I'd been told

Confused, he said, "And to your way of thinking, what do they appear to be?"

"I'm with you that far," Elliot said

"I'm only telling you what I know, what I feel," she said

"It's proof enough for me," she said

"First of all," Elliot said, "before he went into the mountains with Jaborski, in all the years you knew him and lived in the same house with him, did Danny ever show any signs of being psychic?"

"The game must have been rigged," Elliot said

Danny said he was sure Elmer wasn't going to come back because he'd been hit and killed by a truck

I said we'd find Elmer safe and sound

"Winning a few hands at blackjack - that's luck, just like you said

"Calm down," he said

"No," she said

"Telekinesis," Elliot said.

"No," Elliot said

"No," he said

At last Tina said, "I'm right, Elliot

He seemed to find this new statement more outrageous than what she'd said before

"But if he can send dreams to you," Elliot said, "why wouldn't he simply transmit a neat, clear message telling you what's happened to him and where he is? Wouldn't that get him the help he wants a lot faster? Why would he be so unclear and indirect? He should send a concise mental message, psychic E-mail from the Twilight Zone, make it a lot easier for you to understand."

"Don't get sarcastic," she said.

"I've been listening," she said.

it's not exactly levelheaded stuff," Elliot said.

Damn it, I can't," he said, sounding like a priest whose faith had been deeply shaken

"Stop thinking like an attorney," she said

"I know," she said sympathetically

Elliot said, "If Danny has this incredible power, why is he sending messages just to you? Why doesn't he at least contact Michael too?"

"And if you come up with one," Tina said, "I'll give it very serious consideration."

He said, "I don't want to see your heart broken."

Evans turned, and Bruckster said, "I think maybe you dropped this back there."

As Bruckster pocketed the miniature aerosol device, he said, "We have a sick man here."

"Give the man room," Bruckster said

"I'm no doctor," Bruckster said, "but it sure looks like a heart attack to me, the way he dropped like a stone, same way my uncle Ned went down last Fourth of July right in the middle of the fireworks display."

"I just spoke with the men who're watching Stryker's house," Alexander said

"If he thought he could get any help from the cops, he'd have been there already," Kennebeck said

He wants my hide," Kennebeck said

"That was a long time ago," Alexander said impatiently

"But that's what I've been trying to tell you," Kennebeck said, pushing a lock of snow-white hair back from his forehead

"That's a waste of time," Kennebeck said

"I'm fully aware of the complexity of the task," Alexander said

"You don't have enough manpower to follow up all those possibilities," the judge said

"I'll make those decisions," Alexander said icily.

"Ridiculous," Kennebeck said sourly

"I know human nature," Alexander said, though he was one of the least observant and least analytical men that Kennebeck had ever known.

"Ah," he said.

"He'd have had to take off in the dark," Alexander said

"Better get hold of your men at the airport," Kennebeck said

"You're really something else," she said.

"A great cook but a lousy pilot," she said.

"They probably didn't," Kennebeck said

"If they actually headed for Flagstaff," Alexander said, "they ought to have landed by now

"Unless he crashed between here and there," Alexander said hopefully.

"Probably in the opposite direction," Alexander said

Then Kennebeck said, "Reno

"You were so sure they didn't know a thing about the Sierra labs," Alexander said

Pacing, Kennebeck said, "Now that we've tried to kill them, they know the story of the Sierra accident was entirely contrived

He issued the death certificate," Alexander said.

"Luciano Bellicosti," Alexander said

"That's Stryker's military-intelligence training taking hold," Kennebeck said

"I don't know," Alexander said uneasily

"This is a hell of an important matter," Kennebeck said

"Terminate the bastard," Alexander said.

"That's a bit sloppy of him," Kennebeck said, "considering how clever he's been so far."

"It's still sloppy," Kennebeck said, disappointed

"So it's like I said." Alexander's crooked smile appeared

"Let's not start crowing too soon," Kennebeck said

"We will," Alexander said, his composure restored

"I don't even think we should put a tail on them as soon as they get there," Alexander said

"We'll try it," Alexander said

"My blood's turning to ice," she said.

"Here we go," Tina said.

"It's Danny," Tina said.

She said, "We're coming, Danny

Elliot said, "Why does it get cold every time he uses his..

"Yeah," Elliot said, still mildly amazed by his own change of heart and mind

"But at least he's not dead," Tina said.

"Hey," he said worriedly, "better keep a tight rein on your hopes

"The temperature's dropped thirty-five degrees in there during the past minute and a half," Zachariah said worriedly

"Every time it's happened, it's never seemed to bother him," Dombey said.

"As there always is during these cold snaps," Dombey said

"If it stays cold in there for long, we'll have to suit up, go in, and move him to another chamber," Zachariah said.

"There isn't one available," Dombey said

Instead, Dombey said, "We won't have to move him

Dombey said, "They insist the system checks out perfectly."

"I hear they're bringing in the original design team," Dombey said

"Bozos," Zachariah said.

"Surely you can't mean that," Zachariah said

"I really don't think I want to hear your opinions on either subject," Dombey said

"I'm just trying to be conscientious," Zachariah said, almost pouting

"Even if I were in charge of making policy," Zachariah said, "I'd take the same course Dr

I know," Dombey said wearily, pushing one hand through his bush of curly hair

"Maybe," Dombey said, though he was sure of it.

"Look," Zachariah said.

Zachariah said, "Those damn eyes."

"You're just feeling guilty," Dombey said.

"There's pain in them now," Dombey said sadly

"More than that," Zachariah said

"We should almost be there," Tina said.

"Hey," Tina said, "that was it."

"We will approach it from the rear," she said.

Although he realized that he was going to lose the argument, Elliot said, "Be reasonable

"Then you might need my help," she said

"Yeah," he said softly

But like you said, that was in the army

They embraced, and then she said, "If they knew we were flying to Reno, why didn't they follow us from the airport? Then they would have known we weren't going to walk in the front door of Bellicosti's place."

"We have been followed," Tina said.

"Not until we've gotten rid of those clowns on our tail," he said

When they had gone two blocks, he said, "Turn right at the next corner." After two more turns and another three blocks, he said, "Pull it to the curb

"But they can't follow us now," she said.

Eventually Tina said, "My God, they move fast!"

"We're still one step ahead of them," Elliot said shakily.

"Somehow," he said vaguely.

"We can't work it out tonight," he said wearily

"We'll try the purloined letter trick," Elliot said

"I wish we didn't have to give up the car," Tina said as he took their only suitcase out of the trunk.

"It's like a prison," Tina said.

After a few minutes he said, "You were right."

"About what you said last night, in Vegas."

"You said I was enjoying the chase."

"I know it is," he said

"I don't think you do need or want them," Tina said

"It's more than that," Elliot said

"You should be glad you killed that bastard," she said softly, squeezing his hand.

Then he said, "Thank you."

She said, "I was scared." And Danny said, "I made the holes in the walls smaller

Taking in her broad smile, he said, "Obviously, it wasn't the nightmare."

"Danny's going to make it safe for us," she said confidently

"You said you believed."

"I do," Elliot said, yawning and stretching elaborately

"But even if Danny could somehow get us in," he said, "we don't know where they're keeping him

"It exists, and that's where he is," she said, trying to sound more certain than she actually was.

"Okay," Elliot said, wiping at the corners of his sleep-matted eyes

"No," she said

"Maps!" she said suddenly.

"I want them found before another day passes," Alexander said

Back in the hotel room, they opened one of the maps on the bed, and Elliot said, "Now what?"

She said, "People who believe in the occult have a thing they call 'automatic writing.' Ever hear of it?"

"Give me another map," she said.

"No good," she said.

"Jesus," he said softly

"Billy Sandstone," she said.

Billy said, "Automatic writing is bunk, Christina

"You're a levelheaded person, Tina," Billy said

"I know," she said.

"Billy," she said, "if I tried to explain, we would be here all afternoon."

"Longer," Elliot said.

"And we don't have much time," Tina said

Elliot said, "I'm sure this seems ridiculous, Billy

"Which definitely isn't the case," Tina said.

"Right," Elliot said

Elliot said, "I assure you, Billy, we haven't lost our marbles

"It really is," Tina said.

"Okay," Billy said

"Absolutely," Tina said

"All right," Billy Sandstone said.

"Wait a second," she said.

Putting the point of the pen to the paper, Tina said, "Okay, Billy

"Telephone," she said thickly.

He looked at Elliot and said, "I don't think this spirit writing stuff is-"

Elliot said, "Don't bother checking the air-conditioning

spirit," Elliot said, deciding to stick with the occult terminology, not wanting to get bogged down in the real story about Danny.

"It's not going to be easy getting into country like that," Elliot said.

"Hold on," Elliot said

Based on what you said happened in it, I don't see how you reach the conclusion that Danny's going to help us get into the installation

Tina said, "Elliot, it wasn't only what happened in the dream that led me to this conclusion

From the head of the table, Billy said, "But isn't Danny-"

Tina said, "Elliot, listen, I told you he would show us where he's being kept, and he drew that route for us

we'd be walking into their arms," Elliot said.

Tina said, "Elliot, what happens if we stay here, hiding out until we can think of an alternative? How much time do we have? Not much

"We've gotten this far because we've kept moving and we've been aggressive," Tina said

"You two sound like you're in a war," Billy Sandstone said uneasily.

To Tina, Elliot said, "What else will we need besides thermal clothing, boots, and snowshoes?"

"A Jeep," she said.

Tina said, "Don't be silly, Billy

"I have an Explorer," Billy said.

"I guess I could have some money transferred from my Vegas bank," Elliot said

"It sounds crazy," Elliot said

"I have an Explorer," Billy Sandstone said.

"Let's get the address of the local dealership," Tina said

"I have an Explorer!" Billy said.

"I take my act to Lake Tahoe a few weeks every winter," Billy said

"Maybe things are breaking right for us," Elliot said

"We will," Tina said

"We didn't," Tina said.

"Not a ghost," Billy said adamantly.

"Not a ghost either," Elliot said.

Billy said, "You can borrow the Explorer

Elliot said, "Billy, you might be better off not knowing."

"Look," Billy said, "I'm not just a hypnotist

Elliot said, "Billy, do you have a tape recorder?"

"It doesn't have to be fancy," Elliot said

"I'll get the recorder," Billy said, hurrying out of the dining room.

"It's nice to see you smiling again," Elliot said.

"I must be crazy," she said

"You feel good," Elliot said, "because we're not running anymore

"Well," Elliot said, "I happen to believe that individuals are more apt to act responsibly and morally than institutions ever do, which at least puts us on the side of justice

"He's not stupid," Alexander said

"Better do that," Alexander said

"Soon now," Tina said, glancing at the map that was open on her knees.

"Thanks," she said.

After a while he said, "Did you see the pictures they took of the kid's brain this morning?"

"Yes," Dombey said

"Maybe," Dombey said

"Don't keep me in suspense," Zachariah said, moving over to the table to examine the tests.

Dombey said, "According to the computer-assigned analysis, the growth is consistent with the nature of normal brain tissue."

"They did that this afternoon," Dombey said, tapping a pile of printouts that lay on the table

"Just like the heating system in that isolation chamber is functioning properly," Zachariah said.

Still poring through the test results, stroking his mustache with one hand, Dombey said, "Listen to this..

"Then it must be a tumor," Zachariah said.

He said, "You know something? That problem with the window..

"I don't know," Dombey said again.

"It doesn't make any sense," Zachariah said

"No," she said

"We've gone almost five miles since we left the county road," Elliot said.

"It hasn't been plowed," he said.

"This is it," Tina said confidently

"Heat coils embedded in the surface," Elliot said.

"We can still turn back," Tina said.

"They make it sound like someone's hunting lodge," Tina said.

"Danny will help," she said

"Not long," she said as the gate swung inward.

"We're coming, Danny," Tina said quietly.

"He's trying to figure out who the devil we are," Elliot said

"Damn!" Elliot said

Elliot said, "Did Danny do all of that?"

After a minute of thought Tina said, "I don't know

They're going to try to get into the laboratory," Alexander said

"Something's happened up there," Alexander said as he slammed the handset into the cradle

"Supposed to be a new storm moving in," Hensen said

"He'll need half an hour anyway," Hensen said.

"I don't care if it's hailing iron basketballs," Alexander said

"If Morgan wants to take it easy," Alexander said, "then he should be flying one of the aerial rides at Disneyland."

"And if you want it easy," Alexander said, "you shouldn't have come to work for me

"I'll call Morgan," he said.

"The security people must be watching us on video monitors right now," Elliot said glumly.

"Unless Danny screwed up their cameras," Tina said

"That must be where they're holding him," Elliot said.

"Doesn't look like there's a lot of people inside," Tina said

I'm sure you're right about that too," Elliot said

"Well," Tina said, unsuccessfully trying to conceal her own anxiety, "we didn't need the snowshoes after all."

"But we might find a use for that coil of rope," Elliot said

"If we have a choice," Tina said, "I'd rather use rope than bullets."

"Your guns are useless," he said

"Never mind," Elliot said

"Justice," Tina said.

Jack Morgan, the pilot, glanced at George Alexander and said, "This will be hairy." He was wearing night-vision goggles, and his eyes were invisible.

"Just a little snow," Alexander said.

"We'll make it," Alexander said grimly.

"Maybe, maybe not," Morgan said

"You're crazy," Hensen said from his seat behind the pilot.

"When we were running operations against the drug lords down in Colombia," Morgan said, "they called me 'Bats,' meaning I had bats in the belfry." He laughed.

"You'll live," Elliot said.

"Shit," the guard said shakily.

"I'll be all right," he said.

"No," he said

With a sigh of relief, Tina said, "It's Danny

Laughter pealed from the nearby room again, and Elliot said softly, "Where now?"

Covering the strangers with the menacing, silencer-equipped pistol, Elliot said, "Tina, close the door behind us

"Done," she said.

"I'm the one who has the gun," Elliot said sharply

"All right," Elliot said, addressing the two men

"I work here," Dombey said, puzzled by the question.

"What about me?" the younger one said sullenly.

Zachariah," the younger man said.

To Dombey, she said, "We want to know what you've done to him, where he is."

She could not have said anything else that would have had a fraction as much impact on them as the words she'd spoken

"My God," Dombey said.

"It seems possible to me," Dombey said

"Oh, no?" Dombey said

"You took a loyalty oath," Zachariah said

"No," Dombey said

Zachariah said, as if genuinely offended.

"Of course he is," Dombey said

"No," Zachariah said

"Don't worry," she said

"You're not going to tie me," Zachariah said.

"Whoooooooeeeee!" the pilot said

"This is crazy," Hensen said

Ignoring Hensen, Alexander said, "Morgan, goddamn you, I know you can do it."

"Maybe," Morgan said

"You'll want to see your boy first," Dombey said

"Danny," she said softly

She had the irrational fear that, if she said his name loudly, the spell would be broken and he would vanish forever.

Dombey, sensing her shock, said, "He's emaciated

Her voice quivering, she said to Dombey, "I want to be with my boy

As the three of them moved to the airtight steel door that led into the room beyond the window, Elliot said, "Why is he in an isolation chamber? Is he ill?"

"Not now," Dombey said, stopping at the door, turning to them, evidently disturbed by what he had to tell them

Dombey said, "Although he gets weaker every day, for some reason he wins out over the virus faster each time

"My God," Elliot said softly

"Brace yourself," Dombey said grimly

"Danny," she said wonderingly

"It's all right," she said.

Maybe fifteen," Morgan said

"It's certainly something to think about," Morgan said

"You won't," Alexander said

"Well," Morgan said, "there's always the chance I'll screw up

"Yes," Dombey said.

"For the public record, we did," Dombey said

Elliot said, "But if racing to keep up with the Chinese - or the Russians or the Iraqis - can create situations like the one we've got here, where an innocent child gets ground up in the machine, then aren't we just becoming monsters too? Aren't we letting our fears of the enemy turn us into them? And isn't that just another way of losing the war?"

"I'm not interested in the philosophy or morality of biological warfare," Tina said

"To understand that," Dombey said, "you have to go back twenty months

Tina was too busy with Danny to think about what Carl Dombey had said, but Elliot knew what the scientist meant

"Exactly," Dombey said

"And that's the disease Danny survived," Elliot said.

"Yes," Dombey said

Now she looked up from the task of bundling the child, and she said to Dombey, "But why was he infected in the first place?"

"It was an accident," Dombey said.

"This time it's true," Dombey said

"And someone got careless," Elliot said.

"Worse," Dombey said

To Dombey, she said, "Surely you have safeguards, procedures to follow when and if-"

"Of course," Dombey said

"Except this Larry Bollinger didn't see it that way," Tina said bitterly

He just went right off the rails," Dombey said, obviously embarrassed that one of his colleagues would lose control of himself under those circumstances

Jaborski and the scouts," Elliot said.

"And by then he was able to pass the disease on to them," Tina said as she finished bundling Danny into the blanket.

"Yeah," Dombey said

"The spacemen," Danny said.

"Yeah," Dombey said

"Not long now," Jack Morgan said.

To Kurt Hensen, Alexander said, "Kill Stryker on sight

In the isolation chamber, when Dombey finished speaking, Tina said, "Danny looks so awful

"I think so," Dombey said

He couldn't keep anything in his stomach because recently they've been reinfecting him, testing him to destruction, like I said

"But apparently it isn't life-threatening," Dombey said quickly

Apparently afraid that she would voice her thoughts and alert Dombey to the incredible truth of the situation, Elliot consulted his wristwatch and said, "We ought to get out of here."

"When you leave," Dombey said, "you should take some files on Danny's case

Tina said, "Elliot, you'll have to carry Danny

"But after everything you said to Zachariah about this place being run by megalomaniacs, and after you've made it so clear you don't agree with everything that goes on here, why do you want to stay?"

"The hermit's life agrees with me, and the pay is good," Dombey said

"But once our story breaks in the papers," Tina said, "they'll probably just shut this place down."

"No way," Dombey said

"All right," Elliot said

As Elliot used the last of the rope to tie Dombey, the scientist said, "Satisfy my curiosity."

"Okay, okay," Dombey said

"Good," Dombey said

"I don't know," Tina said

"Thank God!" Elliot said.

Tina realized what the boy was going to do, and she said, "Danny, wait!"

Leaning forward to view the Explorer through the bubble window of the chopper, George Alexander said, "Put us down right in front of them, Jack."

"Will do," Morgan said.

To Hensen, who had the submachine gun, Alexander said, "Like I told you, waste Stryker right away, but not the woman."

Alexander said, "What's happening?"

"The stick," Morgan said

"What the hell?" Morgan said.

As they drove off the plateau, around the burning wreckage of the helicopter, Danny said, "They were bad people

I simply said, "Well, a red-hot glowing road is a great visual." In fact, it would be such a fantastic visual that it would be visible at night from orbiting satellites, like a neon arrow pointing toward the secret installation that it served.

'If he comes on business in this weather, it's important,' said Sherlock Holmes

'I've come to ask for help,' he said

'Well, sit down,' said Holmes, 'and tell me about yourself.'

"I don't know anyone in Pondicherry!" he said, but when he opened the envelope, five little orange pips fell on to his plate

He burnt all the papers in the box, and said to me, "John, I know that I'm going to die soon

The police said he killed himself, but I knew he was afraid to die, so I didn't think that was true.'

'Tell me,' he said

Please go on,' said Holmes.

'Everything went well until a year later,' said John Openshaw

"Look!" I said

"Which papers? The papers in Uncle Elias's box? He burnt them!" I said.

"And where has this letter come from?" my father said

"Father, you must tell the police," I said

The police said that he was walking home in the dark when he fell down a hill

'You see?' he said

'Well,' I've talked to the police,' said Openshaw unhappily

'Well, I found this in the locked room,' said John Openshaw

'Thank you,' said Sherlock Holmes

'Thank you, Mr Holmes,' said Openshaw

Then he said to me, 'John Openshaw is in real danger

'Very good, Watson,' said Holmes

'Well, I hope they won't kill young Openshaw,' I said.

The police said it was an accident, but Holmes was very angry about it.

'He came to me for help and those men murdered him! I'm going to find them, if it's the last thing I do!' he said to me, and he hurried out of the house.

'Watson!' he said, 'I know the names of Openshaw's enemies! And now I'm going to send them a surprise! This will frighten them!' He took five pips from an orange and put them in an envelope

'Ship's papers,' he said

However, I had become expert at overcoming this fear and had trained myself to speak calmly, no matter what said to me

'Maybe 1 had better see you first, Helene?' I said.

but who are you? What is your name? Where do you live? I said, where do you live!'

He at least seemed to understand what I said, and told me he would pick me up and take me to my brother's house.

'No, he hasn't,' I said

No,' I said

'I have a strange feeling that this business with the flies holds the answer to the whole mystery, Monsieur Delambre,' he said.

'But why?' I said

'Have you noticed that she never catches flies when the boy is there?' he said.

'The doctors seem to think there is no hope of that,' I said.

'I can understand that,' I said.

'You are very fortunate to understand anything, Monsieur Delambre,' he said

Why do you ask?' I said cautiously.

'I didn't know your mother was looking for a fly,' I said.

'I think that fly must have died long ago, Henri,' I said, getting up and walking to the door.

Helene, as I have said, had shown the commissaire that she knew how to operate the steam hammer

'Let me show you my garden,' she said.

'Francois, I want to ask you something,' she said

She opened her mouth, but said nothing; only her eyes seemed to be screaming with fear.

Was she really mad, or was she pretending again? 'Tell me everything, Helene,' I said

'Because I must and will know how and why my brother died,' I said.

'All right, take me back to the house,' she said

'All I ask is that you read this alone,' she said

'I'll read it tonight,' I said, taking the precious envelope

'Just as you like,' said my sister-in-law

'Yes,' I said

'Are you saying that you have disintegrated that ashtray, then put it together again after pushing it through something?' I said.

'I'm sorry, my dear,' he said

Yes,' he said, unhappily

I was quite angry, but my husband was so miserable that I said nothing.

I've got everything perfect at last!' he said

'Wonderful, Andre!' I said

'We'll celebrate with reintegrated champagne!' he said, landing the way down to the laboratory.

He put a chair inside the booth, then said:

'Don't take your glasses off until I tell you,' he said.

'Now you can take off your glasses, Helene,' Andre said.

'Absolutely sure, Helene,' he said, giving me a glass

'Oh, Andre!' I said

'I hope so,' he said

'She seemed to enjoy the experience,' Andre said.

'There are some parts I do not yet fully understand myself,' he said

'But it has such a funny white head!' he said.

'My dear, you can rely on me,' I said gently

'Andre, there is no fly here,' I said, trying to speak calmly

'May I come to you?' I said

'Andre, we'll make a thorough search tomorrow,' I said

And then I said, 'Henri caught a fly this morning, but I made him release it

He said its head was white

'Andre, may I come in?' I said.

They said so to the police later, and that hunt for a fly probably saved me from the guillotine.

'I want to know exactly what happened,' I said as he closed the door after me

'But why don't you tell the other professors about your discovery?' I said

'Please try, Andrei' I said.

'You heard about my poor sister-in-law?' I said.

'Yes, soon after you telephoned me this morning,' he said

'Without a doubt,' he said

'I would like to show you a very strange document after dinner, Charas,' I said.

'I would like you to read this, Charas,' I said

When it was burning, he said, 'I think it proves beyond all doubt that Madame Delambre was quite insane.'

'Not quite, Monsieur Delambre,' he said

'A fly, I suppose,' he said.

I had just finished cutting some meat, which was very tough, and said, waving the knife in a way that was not at all appropriate for a vicar, that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a favour.

My young nephew, Dennis, said, 'We'll all remember that when the old man is found covered in blood

'I am sorry that I am so useless at taking care of the house,' said my wife, whose name is Griselda

'My dear,' I said, 'if you would only try...'

'Unpleasant man,' said Dennis

'Darling,' said Griselda, 'Why were you so angry with Colonel Protheroe? Was it anything to do with Mr Hawes?'

'He wants to look at all the Church accounts,' I said

'I rather like Miss Marple,' I said

'And she always knows every single thing that happens in the village,' said Griselda

'Well, don't expect me in for tea,' said Dennis

'I wonder what we will talk about at tea,' said Griselda

'You read too many detective stories,' I said

'Do you know,' said Griselda, 'I could have married a politician, a lord, a rich businessman, but instead I chose you? Didn't that surprise you?'

'Oh! Len, you adore me,' Griselda said

She came through the glass door, pulled off her little yellow hat and said, 'Is Dennis about?'

'Dennis said he was going to play tennis at your place

He said you had asked him.'

'It's Wednesday,' I said.

'There's been some trouble about him,' said Lettice

I said I would look at Dr Stone's barrow.' And she wandered out again, and across the garden.

'We were just talking', said Griselda, 'about Dr Stone and Miss Cram.'

'No nice girl would do it,' Miss Wetherby said.

'Oh, my dear,' said Miss Marple

'Don't you think,' said my wife, 'that Miss Cram might just like having an interesting job?'

'But do you really think she is attracted to that boring old man?' Griselda said.

'He got angry with Colonel Protheroe the other day,' said Miss Marple

'How like Colonel Protheroe, and what nonsense,' said Mrs Price Ridley.

'Very like Colonel Protheroe, but perhaps it was not nonsense,' said Miss Marple

'There has also been some talk about that young artist, Mr Redding, hasn't there?' said Miss Wetherby.

'No,' said Miss Hartnell

'She and Dr Haydock may be old friends,' said Mrs Price Ridley.

I do know...' said Griselda.

The excitement rose, then Miss Marple said, 'Bad girl! If you make things up, people often believe them, and sometimes that leads to problems.'

'I wonder if there is a romance between the artist Lawrence Redding and Lettice Protheroe,' said Miss Wetherby.

'Don't you think, Miss Marple,' I said, 'that problems may be caused by careless talk?'

'Dear Vicar,' said Miss Marple, 'careless talk is often unkind, but it is also often true.'

'Awful old woman,' said Griselda, when the ladies had gone

'Lawrence never even tries to kiss to me,' she said

'Not really,' said Griselda

Griselda paused, then said, 'You do believe me, don't you? When I say there's nothing between Lawrence and me.'

'My dear,' I said

'You'd believe me whatever I said, wouldn't you?' And then she left the room.

'These windows are beautiful,' she said.

When we reached her gate, she said, 'Please, come in and tell me what you think of my new home.'

'If there is anything I can do...' I said.

'You - you saw just now?' she said.

I said nothing.

I said the things to her that it was my duty to say, remembering all the time how that morning I had said that a world without Colonel Protheroe would be a better place.

'I've thought about what you said at lunch,' she told me, 'and I've found some good things to eat.'

Sadly, our dinner only proved Griselda had been right when she'd said that the more she tried, the worse things went

At that moment, Griselda and Dennis came in and said I must not stop Lawrence from enjoying himself.

'Oh, how I would like some excitement,' Griselda said

'I don't suppose there's anything worth stealing,' said Lawrence

'They do make an awful noise,' said Griselda

'The old man would probably shoot you,' said Dennis.

'Oh, we'd get in first and tell him to put his hands up!' said Griselda

'I've got a Mauser,' said Lawrence.

'Protheroe was showing the silver to Dr Stone today,' said Dennis

'Well,' Lawrence said, 'I must go

'You forget,' I said

'I think you have made the right decision,' I said.

'Hello,' I said

He said he'd wait too

'No, he isn't,' I said

'There's one rather strange thing,' I said

The man was much better, and his wife said she had not telephoned me.'

'So, someone wanted to get you out of the vicarage,' Haydock said

'Ah!' he said

'I said about half an hour, but...'

'Silence!' said the Inspector

'It's obvious,' said Inspector Slack

'I think you ought to know...' I said.

'Well,' said Haydock

Finally, I said, 'The letter is headed 6.20

'Yes,' said Griselda

'No,' I said

'But, Len,' Griselda said, 'that is extraordinary

Because when that clock said twenty past six it was really only five minutes past, and at five minutes past I don't suppose Colonel Protheroe had even arrived at the house.'

Then Griselda said she would go to Old Hall

'I've always wanted to be right in the middle of a murder,' he said, and went out into the garden to look for footprints

'No mistake,' said Mary

He went in, threw down the pistol, and said, "I did it." Just like that.' Satisfied, she left the room.

'It can't be true,' Griselda said

There's the clock, too,' I said

'You don't know, my dear,' I said

'You've never done one.' Before Griselda could reply, a shadow fell across the table, and a very gentle voice said, 'Please forgive me

'Is Dennis not with you this morning?' said Miss Marple

'Dennis', said Griselda, 'is very excited about a footprint he found, and has gone to tell the police about it.'

'Dear, dear,' said Miss Marple

Inspector Slack said he was coming to see me this morning, but has just phoned to say it won't be necessary.'

'I suppose, that is because of the arrest,' I said.

I said, 'Yes, Lawrence Redding.'

'Confessed?' said Miss Marple

'He gave himself up,' said Griselda.

'Oh!' said Miss Marple

'It does show he is truly sorry, I suppose,' I said.

'No,' I said

'Oh, of course, there's a reason!' said Miss Marple

'Tell me,' said Miss Marple

When I had finished she said, 'I know that I am very often rather stupid, but I really do not understand your point

Your maid said that Mr Redding was only in the house for two minutes

'Yes,' said Griselda.

'Have you seen my hat here - a little yellow one?' said Lettice

'If you did, it's there still,' said Griselda.

'I'll go and see,' said Lettice.

'I'm afraid you can't get it now,' I said

'Colonel Melchett's here,' Mary said

'Poor old Protheroe,' he said

'No,' I said

'Yes,' said Melchett.

'The kitchen is on the other side of the house,' I said

'But it's strange,' said Melchett

'Perhaps she did,' said Haydock.

'No,' I said

At first Redding didn't seem to know what he was talking about, and then said he didn't use one

'Well, I shall never forget his face when I met him outside my gate, or the way he said, "Oh, you'll see Protheroe all right!" That should have made me suspect what had just happened.' Haydock stared at me

'But, Haydock,' The colonel said, 'if Redding admits shooting him at a quarter to seven...'

'Now,' Melchett said, 'You say you went to the vicarage at about a quarter to seven

'Good morning,' said Melchett

'Now,' said Melchett

'But Mr Redding did not come to the house yesterday?' said Melchett.

'A lady?' Melchett said

'Thank you for coming so quickly,' she said

Colonel Melchett said, 'My dear Mrs Protheroe...'

After he had left a message at the police station, the Chief Constable said he was going to visit Miss Marple.

'Please can you come with me, Vicar,' he said

When I had introduced Colonel Melchett to Miss Marple, he said, 'I want to talk to you about Colonel Protheroe's death

She said she was meeting her husband at the vicarage

'I didn't hear a shot then,' said Miss Marple.

'So, Mrs Protheroe went down to the studio?' said Colonel Melchett.

'Well then,' said Colonel Melchett, 'did you also see Mrs Protheroe's and Mr Redding's expressions as they walked along the road?'

'They were smiling and talking,' said Miss Marple

'Strange,' said the Colonel.

Then Miss Marple gave us both a shock as she said, 'Has Mrs Protheroe confessed to the crime now?'

'Well!' said the Colonel

'Well, I thought she might,' said Miss Marple

'No,' said Miss Marple

'But it all fits together,' Melchett said

'Colonel Melchett,' Miss Marple said, 'why don't you tell Mr Redding what Mrs Protheroe has done and explain that you don't believe her

'Oh, yes!' said Miss Marple

'Seven people? In St Mary Mead?' Melchett said.

'Good morning, Mr Clement,' she said

'So Gladys came round to find out all about it,' Griselda said.

'There's Lettice Protheroe,' I said.

'Ah! But you're strong,' said Griselda.

'Well,' I said, 'things are a little uncertain.'

'Mr Redding came in and confessed,' I said.

'Is that all?' said Mary

'It's strange,' I said, 'that everyone says the shot came from the woods.'

'It's not strange at all,' said Griselda

'Colonel Melchett's back,' said Mary

As soon as I went in, Melchett said, 'Inspector Slack does not believe that Redding is innocent.'

'If he didn't do it, why did he say that he did?' said Slack

Mary told him that Colonel Protheroe was there, so he went in - and shot him - just as he said he did!'

'But I touched the body and it was cold,' I said.

'And why should I believe you?' said Slack

'I tried to tell you several times,' I said

'It is supposed,' I said, 'to help me to be on time.'

'Inspector,' said Colonel Melchett

'I'll call the station,' said Slack, 'and then we'll get to work on this room.'

'I wish you could solve the crime, Miss Marple,' Griselda said

'You are laughing at me,' said Miss Marple, 'but that is a very good way of finding the truth

'Yes,' I said

'I wish you would tell me,' I said, 'who your seven suspects are.'

'I don't believe that it was Lawrence or Anne, or Lettice,' Griselda said

'There is the note, of course,' said Miss Marple.

'It seems to fix the time of his death exactly,' I said

What I find strange is what it said.'

'I don't understand,' I said

'At twenty minutes past six?' said Miss Marple

'Imagine,' I said, 'that at about 6.30 Colonel Protheroe sat down to write that he couldn't wait any longer

'Then there was that shot I heard,' said Miss Marple, 'Yes, the sound was different from the usual sort of shot.'

Then she got up and said she really must get home.

'We want to ask you a few questions, here where it happened,' Colonel Melchett said

'Mrs Protheroe,' said Colonel Melchett.

'Well, we do not believe her story either,' said Melchett

'I've been a fool,' Lawrence said

'We know all about that,' said Melchett.

So I said I'd wait, too.' He stopped.

'Well?' said Colonel Melchett.

He said something nice and normal about seeing Protheroe - and I just started shouting

The colonel said, 'Did you touch the body?'

'Forgive me, Anne,' Lawrence said

He said that he was going to see the vicar

'Thank you, Mrs Protheroe, for answering my questions,' he said.

'Oh,' Slack said, 'I believe the old lady's right

'You've examined the note for fingerprints, of course,' said Melchett.

'What about that footprint I found?' he said to the Inspector.

'It was the gardener's,' said Inspector Slack.

'Because only the day before the crime he said that anyone who murdered Colonel Protheroe would be doing the world a favour.'

'Ah!' said Inspector Slack, 'that explains something Mary said when I spoke to her

'No, you can't,' I said

As we left, Melchett said, 'If she's gone to confess to the murder, too, I really shall go mad.'

'Were doing our best, Mrs Price Ridley,' said the Chief Constable.

'The lady was called on the telephone,' he said

'Oh! I see,' Colonel Melchett said

'It was an unpleasant voice,' said Mrs Price Ridley

'Probably a joke,' said the colonel

'But can you tell me exactly what was said?'

'Of course, you were upset,' said Melchett, trying not to smile.

'Shocking,' said Melchett

'Well,' said Melchett

'Just think of the call as a joke, and don't worry, Mrs Price Ridley,' I said.

'So, that is three people who heard the shot,' said Inspector Slack

'That clears Anne Protheroe,' he said

Suddenly he said, 'I meant to tell you about your curate, Hawes

'No,' I said

'Haydock,' I said, 'if you knew that someone was a murderer, would you tell the police, or would you stay silent?'

'Well, I must be going,' I said

I told him he should be in bed but he said that he was perfectly well

'No,' I said

'No,' I said

'Don't you,' I said

I remembered what Dr Haydock had said about his illness and supposed that explained it

'There is a police inspector here, and he says he must see you.' Mrs Lestrange said calmly, 'Show him in, Hilda.'

So, you will have to trust me,' said Mrs Lestrange, smiling.

'You said between six and seven, Inspector

'Then if a lady - Miss Hartnell perhaps - said that she came here about six o'clock, rang the bell, but got no answer - you would say she was mistaken?'

'Miss Hartnell is very boring,' said Mrs Lestrange

'So if anyone said that they'd seen you out and about then...'

Mrs Lestrange said nothing.

There was a pause before she said, 'I had not seen him for several years.'

When we had finished, I said goodbye and took the private path towards the vicarage

'No,' he said, 'it's not a clue, it's a gift.'

'True,' I said

For Anne's sake.' He paused, then said, 'What are you doing in the woods, Vicar?' I didn't know what to say.

'And that shot,' I said

'Yes,' Lawrence said

'I only heard one,' said Miss Marple.

'I can't remember it very well,' said Lawrence

'Then it couldn't have been Dr Stone,' said Lawrence.

'Ah!' said Miss Marple

'Well then,' said Lawrence

'I'll go and try this evening,' said Lawrence

'But first, the vicar and I have a little job to do.' So we said goodbye to Miss Marple and walked back to the woods.

'So it's you,' he said

'Exactly,' said the Inspector

'Yes,' I said.

'Why impossible?' he said

'Well, Sir,' he said

'What?' I said.

'There were not,' said the Inspector crossly

'Yes,' the Inspector said

I said, 'Inspector, Mrs Lestrange is not the kind of person to blackmail someone

'Well, Sir, you are a vicar,' he said

'Miss Marple wants to see you,' said Griselda, appearing at the door

'Gladys Cram,' said Miss Marple

'She didn't,' said Miss Marple

Mrs Protheroe said that she had last seen her husband at about a quarter to six when they parted in the village street

She said she hadn't heard anything

Mrs Lestrange had been asked to give evidence, but a medical certificate, signed by Dr Haydock, said that she was too ill to attend.

'Newspaper reporters,' I said

'It must be very interesting,' I said.

'He was lucky not to miss his train,' he said

'Annoying,' I said

'I am very glad to see you,' said Lawrence

'You keep the door locked now,' I said.

'It's about Colonel Protheroe's death,' he had said to her

'Well, Gladdie said...'

'Of course,' said Lawrence, 'She couldn't avoid overhearing

"After all these years" - that's what he said - "you dare to come here -" Then he said, "I refuse

'He said, "I don't believe it

She said, "By this time tomorrow night, you may be dead." So when I heard about the murder, I said to Rose, "It's her who did it!"'

But something in me said, 'It can't be her!' Why? And then something else replied, 'Because she's a very attractive woman

'Well,' I said, 'we'll get another servant.'

'Len,' Griselda said

'I suppose,' I said, 'that someone else has asked her to work for them.'

'No,' said Griselda

'Mrs Clement says that you wish to leave us,' I said

'I have never been in a house where they had a murder,' Mary said

"Well," I said, "There was no hat here when I cleaned the room on Thursday morning." And she said, "But I don't expect you would have seen it

So I said, "If the vicar and his wife are satisfied, that is all that matters." And she laughed and said, "Oh! But are they?"'

'Mary,' I said

'Then that's all right,' I said

'She's staying,' I said, and told them what had upset Mary.

'How like Lettice,' said Dennis lovingly

'Not Lawrence Redding,' I said.

'Oh, but Lawrence is very attractive himself,' said Griselda

'But she doesn't,' said Dennis

I said we'd go.'

'Poor Mrs Protheroe,' Miss Marple said

'Stone?' said Raymond

'He's just gone to London,' I said

'I don't understand,' I said.

'The suitcase, of course!' said Miss Marple

'Now this really is interesting,' said Raymond West.

'It is,' Miss Marple said, 'another Strange Thing.'

'Yes,' I said

'You know,' I said gently, 'not all girls are like Lettice Protheroe.'

I wanted to leave, too, but she said, no, because it would upset the Napiers

We said goodnight and he went up to bed.

'We must go, of course,' said Griselda

'Well,' I said, 'the funeral is tomorrow morning

'I saw a reporter at the inquest,' Anne said

'He asked me if I wanted to find my husband's murderer, and I said, "Yes." And then he asked me whether I suspected anyone, and I said, "No." And then he said, did I think the person who committed the crime knew the village, and I said they certainly seemed to

'It doesn't sound like me, does it?' said Anne.

After we had had coffee, Anne said, 'I want to have a little talk with the vicar.'

'What a shocking thing,' I said

'I thought', I said, 'that you would.'

'I, too, am thankful,' I said.

'Then the very night she arrives, that picture is cut,' I said.

I said goodbye to Anne, but there was one more thing I needed to do

'Lettice,' I said, and held out the earring, 'Why did you drop this in my study?'

'I never dropped anything in your study,' she said

'I know,' I said

'Thursday,' I said, 'was the day of the murder

'Then it looks,' said Lettice, 'as though she didn't speak the truth?'

I said gently, 'Lettice, why did you do it?'

'Nothing yet, Sir,' Hurst said

'I must investigate this,' said the inspector

When he had gone, I said, 'Well, that's one mystery solved

'It would seem so,' said Miss Marple

'I don't quite understand.' I said.

'Exactly,' I said.

'Then there was a reason for the murder,' said Miss Marple softly.

'Yes,' said Miss Marple

'My dear fellow,' I said

'I hope you don't take too many of those,' I said.

Finally, he said, 'Mr Redding came to see me last night

'He just said he was a bit lonely in the evenings

They all looked as though they had been written by the same person, and they all said, 'Urgent'

'They came by hand after lunch,' she said 'All except one

The first one said:

'Rubbish,' I said

'Len,' she said.

'You're very clever at hiding things,' I said.

'Yes,' I said, 'I understand.'

'Well,' said Slack

'She may,' I said, 'but Miss Marple is usually right

I said goodbye and walked into the village to see the old ladies

But I have heard that she has said she was at home all the time and that she didn't answer the door because - well, she didn't want to see me!'

'She has been ill,' I said.

Well, this person said they saw a certain lady walk up the road that goes to the vicarage

'Begins with an L,' said Miss Wetherby.

And the first thing she said was, 'I will not say anything at all to the police

I said no more.

'But,' I said, 'why is that strange?'

Mrs Price Ridley said very slowly, 'She heard a sneeze on the day of the murder at a time when there was no one in your house

'It was a man's sneeze,' said Mrs Price Ridley

'You couldn't hear anyone sneezing in my study from your gate,' I said.

'But the man might have been hiding in the bushes,' said Mrs Price Ridley

I said goodbye, and as I left, I asked Clara about the sneeze.

'How good to see you,' he said

He paused, then said, 'It's true

I believed him but I suspected that he knew more than he said

That evening, as I sat down to dinner, Griselda said, 'Oh, I forgot to tell you, Len, this note arrived for you when you were out.'

'This,' I said, 'must be from Miss Marple

If I do not hear, I will come at the time I have said.

'Oh, we'll go!' she said cheerfully.

'You usually are,' I said, smiling

'Dr Haydock said it was picric acid.' I then asked her the question that I had wanted to ask her for some time

'Miss Marple, who do you suspect? You said that there were seven people.'

'At least, yes,' said Miss Marple

'But,' I said, 'it has been explained

'But even so,' said Miss Marple, 'it's all wrong.'

'Because he was writing at the desk,' I said.

'I never thought of that,' I said.

'Yes?' I said.

'Thank you,' I said

If only that note had said something different.' She moved towards the window and on her way put her hand into the pot of a rather tired houseplant

'I'm not sure that "looks after" are the right words for anything that Mary does,' I said

'Really? Miss Marple said this evening that the note was all wrong.'

'You once said that you would go mad if anyone else confessed to the crime.'

'Do,' I said

'Why, it's the vicar!' she said.

I read it once - twice - but I still could not believe what it said.

'I don't know,' I said

'I think so,' I said

As Dr Haydock climbed into the driving seat, he said, 'You won't be able to put him in prison

'Very kind of you, Miss Marple,' Melchett said

'Well, anyway, there is nothing you can do,' Melchett said

'I think you should read this,' I said, and gave her Protheroe's unfinished letter

'Don't you think,' I said, 'that it might be better if Hawes didn't recover? We know the truth now and...'

'Of course,' Miss Marple said

'But the telephone call,' I said

'Who do you mean,' I said, 'by "he"?'

'I mean the murderer,' said Miss Marple

We looked at her and said nothing

'Of course,' said Miss Marple

'No,' said Colonel Melchett

'Yes,' said Miss Marple

'Me?' I said.

'That's what she told you,' said Miss Marple

It said that Griselda had been seen leaving Lawrence Redding's cottage at twenty past six on the day of the murder

'But the shot?' said Melchett

Because if they had really said goodbye to each other they would have been sad

'But what about Hawes?' Melchett said

'As I said, Mr Redding kept Colonel Protheroe's letter, and he realized that the colonel was saying that Mr Hawes was the thief

'Ah!' said Miss Marple

'Your explanation is a very good one, Miss Marple,' Melchett said

'I know,' said Miss Marple

'What if someone telephoned Mr Redding and warned him,' Miss Marple said

'He might do something stupid,' I said.

'And prove he's guilty,' said Melchett

'You may think differently,' said Melchett, 'when you have heard what we now know.' And he quickly told him about Miss Marple's explanation of the crime

'If this is true,' he said

Nothing at all was said about Miss Marple's part in solving the crime

He said I thought she was dead!

'Do I really?' she said, with a little laugh

'I don't need to,' said Griselda

'Nothing,' I said.

'Griselda,' I said, 'Not only that, but I worship you!'

'Griselda', I said, 'has gone to play tennis.'

Then Miss Marple said, 'I hope dear Griselda is not doing too much

'I wonder,' I said, 'if you were to commit a murder whether you would ever be found out.'

'What an awful idea,' said Miss Marple

Denning, our greatest astronomer, said that the height of its first appearance was about one hundred and fifty kilometres

'Good heavens!' said Ogilvy

'Yes,' said Henderson

'Fallen meteorite!' said Henderson

The growing crowd, he said, was now becoming a serious problem, especially the boys

'It's moving,' he said to me as he passed, '- unscrewing and unscrewing

'Keep those fools back,' said Ogilvy

'What news from the common?' I said.

'Eh?' said one of the men, turning.

'People seem fairly silly about the common,' the woman said over the gate

'Haven't you heard of the men from Mars?' I said

'Quite enough,' said the woman

'You'll hear more soon," I said, and went on to my home.

'There is one good thing,' I said, to calm her fears

'Don't, dear!' said my wife, putting her hand on mine.

'Poor Ogilvy!' I said

Both The Times and the Daily Telegraph, for example, said this very confidently the next morning

'We have to try not to kill them,' he said, 'if it can possibly be avoided.'

I got back to lunch at about two, very tired because, as I have said, the day was extremely hot and dull

'We can't stay here,' I said, and as I spoke the firing started again for a moment on the common.

'But where can we go?' said my wife in terror.

'Wait here,' I said

'Psst!' I said, in a whisper.

'Who's there?' he said, also whispering.

'Come into the house,' I said.

'We didn't have a chance.' he said

'Have a drink,' I said, pouring one for him.

'It's no kindness to your wife,' he said, 'for you to get killed.' In the end I agreed to go north with him under cover of the woods

'You are the first people I've seen coming this way this morning,' the officer said

'What nonsense!' said the officer.

'Did you see it?' he said.

'Well,' he said

Listen,' he said to my new friend, 'you'd better go to Weybridge and report to the highest officer.'

'Do you know what's over there?' I said, pointing towards the woods that hid the Martians.

'Eh?' he said

A man, knee-deep in the water, shouted to me and pointed, although I could not hear what he said

'You have been asking for water for the last hour,' he said.

'What does it mean? he said

'Are we far from Sunbury?' I said, very quietly.

'Things have changed!' I said, quietly

'We had better follow this path,' I said

The Martians, alarmed by the approach of a crowd, had killed a number of people with a quick-firing gun, the story said

'There are lots of people coming into Kingston in carts and things, with boxes and cases,' he said

'They come from Weybridge and Walton, and they said guns have been heard at Chertsey, heavy firing, and that soldiers told them to move out at once because the Martians are corning

The advertising boards said, 'Terrible tragedy! Fighting at Weybridge! Defeat of the Martians! London in danger!' He bought a paper.

Many field-guns, the report said, had been hidden around the country near Horsell Common, and especially between the Woking district and London

No doubt, said the report, the situation was strange and serious, but the public was asked to avoid and discourage panic

My brother spoke to several of the refugees but none could give him any news of Woking, except one man who said that it had been totally destroyed the previous night.

'What's happened?' said the curate, standing up.

'Take this!' the younger lady said, and she gave my brother the gun.

'Let's go back to the cart,' said my brother, wiping the blood from his lip.

'I'll sit here,' he said, 'if I may,' and he got up on the front seat

He said he would catch up with them by about half-past four in the morning, but it was now nearly nine and there was no sign of him.

When they came out of it Mrs Elphinstone said

'Go on! Go on!' the voices said

'We must go that way,' he said, and turned the horse round again.

'Point the gun at the man behind,' he said, giving it to her, 'it he pushes us too hard

It is said that many who swam out to these ships were pushed away and drowned

There was also a notice which said that within twenty-four hours bread would be given to the hungry people

The steamboat was going, these men said, to the Belgian port of Ostend.

When we got to Sheen, the curate said that he felt unwell and we decided to try one of the houses.

'Don't move,' he said

'A Martian!' said the curate.

For a time the curate was silent, then he said, 'God help us!'

'I have been still too long,' he said, loud enough for the Martians to hear, 'and now I must tell the world

'Shut up!' I said, getting to my feet

'Where have you come from?' he said.

'I have come from Sheen,' I said

'There is no food around here,' he said

'I don't know,' I said.

'It's you,' he said,'- the man from Woking

'What luck!' he said

'I hid,' he said

'Only a bird,' he said

'They've gone away across London,' he said

'Yes,' he said, 'fly!'

'If they manage to do that, we haven't got a chance,' I said

'It's finished,' he said

'How do you know?' said the soldier

'Something wrong with the gun?' he said

'And what will they do with us?' I said.

'That's what I've been thinking.' he said

'But if that's true,' I said, 'what is there to live for?'

'Good God!' I said

'Go on,' I said.

'What's the good of going on with such lies?' said the soldier

'What plans do you have?' I said.

'We're working well,' he said

'Taking the air,' he said

'Oh, one can't always work,' he said, and in a flash I understood the man clearly.

After I had said goodbye to the soldier, I went down the hill, along the High Street and across the bridge to Fulham

Among other things, the newspaper said that the 'Secret of Flying' had been discovered

'The house is deserted,' said a voice

'I came here,' she said

'I beg your pardon, sir,' said our page-boy, as we entered, 'there was a man waiting for you

'You see,' Holmes said to me, 'I needed a case, and now I have lost this one because we went for a walk in the park.'

'I beg your pardon,' said the man, 'I should have knocked, but I am very upset, and I need help.'

'If you want to preserve your incognito,' said Holmes smiling, 'then you should not write your name on the inside of your hat, or else you should turn the inside of your hat away from the person whom you are addressing.'

'The facts are these, Mr Holmes,' he said

'Please let me have the facts, Mr Munro,' said Holmes, with some impatience.

'"Jack," she said, "when you took my money you said that if I ever wanted some, I should just ask you."

'"Certainly," I said, "it's your money

'"One hundred pounds," I she said.

'"Oh," she said playfully, "you said that you were only my banker, and bankers never ask questions, you know."

'"If we need any help, we'll call you," she said and shut the door in my face.

'"Oh, Jack!" she said, "I came here to see if our new neighbours needed anything

'"So," I said, "this is where you went during the night?"

"I will trust you," I said, "if you promise never to come here again."

Then he said, 'Are you sure that the yellow face was a man's face?'

'I am afraid that this is a case of blackmail,' said Holmes.

Mr Munro said he was sure and we went to the door of the cottage

'This is John Hebron, of Atlanta,' said Mrs Munro, 'and he was a very noble man

'We can talk it over more comfortably at home,' he said

'Watson,' he said, 'if you should ever think that I am becoming too confident in my powers, or that I am not working hard enough on a particular case, please whisper "Norbury" in my ear, and I will be infinitely obliged to you.'

Harris said he felt dizzy sometimes

I said, 'If I tell you what is wrong with me, you will die before I finish

He said, 'I don't have the things on the prescription.'

He said, 'You're right, sir

It said:

People called me 'a lazy little devil', and said, 'go and do your work.' They did not know I was ill with liver disease

'We need a rest,' said Harris.

'Let's go to the countryside!' I said

Harris said, 'Oh, how boring! In the country everyone goes to bed at eight o'clock

'What a terrible idea!' I said

So George said, 'Let's go up the river

Harris said, 'You don't have any trouble sleeping, George

'You like the idea, but I don't,' his face said

'Harris, you and I will go to get the boat at Kingston,' I said

'How beautiful,' we said, 'sleeping in the country, under the stars, by the river!'

'I can imagine it all!' I said

As we all sat there dreaming, Harris said, 'What happens if it rains?'

Harris said, 'Now, we must decide what to take with us

I'll do it all,' Uncle Podger said.

She said, 'The next time you put a picture on the wall, please tell me

Uncle Podger looked at the picture and said, 'It was such an easy job!'

'In order to travel to the north part of the River Thames, we need a small boat,' George said

George said he knew everything about the right clothes for a trip

George said, 'Let's continue with breakfast

'That's quite difficult to eat,' Harris said, smiling.

'Stop being stupid, Harris,' I said.

'Let's continue,' said George

This good food will keep us healthy,' George said.

'Oh, no, not a paraffin oil stove!' I said

'I'll organise the packing,' I said to George and Harris

'Why didn't you tell me before?' I said

Harris said nothing

George said, 'What time shall I wake you up?'

Harris said, 'Seven o'clock.'

I said, 'Six o'clock.'

'Wake us up at half past six, George,' we said.

When we passed Hampton Court Palace, Harris asked, 'Have you ever visited the maze here?' He said he had gone into the maze once to show a friend

Harris said to his friend, 'We'll go in and walk around for ten minutes

Harris said, 'Follow me! I'm going out in ten minutes.' The people thanked him and started following him

Harris said, 'Let's ask George to try the maze, on our return trip.'

'Not a bad idea,' I said.

I said, 'We must be at Shepperton at five o'clock to meet George.'

Harris said, 'George! Why can't George be here to do some work? Why doesn't he help us with this heavy boat? What does he do at the bank? He sits behind a piece of glass all day and does nothing

The nearest pub is far away,' I said.

'If you're thirsty, we have water in the boat.' I said.

'Water! Water makes people ill!' he said

'I had a bad day at the bank,' George said.

Harris, who is a little cruel, said, 'Now you're going to have a bad day on the river

After a moment, he said, 'It's better if I stay here and prepare tea

The young lady said, 'Oh, Henry, where is Aunt Mary?'

However, George said, 'No, let's put the canvas cover on the boat first

Harris moved a bit and said, 'I'll be downstairs in a minute

'Good heavens! Old J is in the water!' Harris said.

'I don't see anything to laugh at,' I said.

'Aren't you going to get it out?' said George, who continued laughing.

At last I said, 'it isn't my shirt

Harris said, 'I'm cooking scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning

'Now you can start,' we said.

'The problem is the frying pan,' Harris said

George came over and said, 'When you finish resting and dreaming, please help me wash the dishes and other things.'

'The mustard?' Harris said.

'How boring life is without mustard!' said George.

'Look at the picture on the tin!' said Harris.

'Ah, I can't wait!' I said.

'I'm dreaming about the sweet juice,' George said.

Harris stood up and said, 'Be thankful for a bit of excitement in your lives! Your lives must be so boring, just sitting and fishing all day

'I'll steer the boat now, J,' said George

'Certainly,' said the old lock-keeper

'Thank you very much,' said George, looking around

'It's where it always is,' said the lock-keeper

'What! Where are your eyes?' the lock-keeper said

'Oh!' George said

'No, but you can drink some of it,' said the lock-keeper

But thank you anyway,' George said.

'I need a spoon,' said Harris.

'Angels don't take meat pies to heaven,' George said.

'Then there has been an earthquake,' George said

George said, 'Let's have a special supper tonight

'What a wonderful idea!' Harris and I said.

'I'll get the wood and make a fire,' George said

George looked at it and said, 'No, no, no! There's no potato left

Harris said, 'It's all right to add the dead rat

George said, 'Well, I don't want to try anything new

Harris said, 'If you never try anything new, you'll never discover things

'Swans!' he said.

'Thirty-two,' said Harris, who was sleepy.

'But you said eighteen before,' George said.

I said twelve

He said, 'What swans?' He thought that George and I were dreaming.

'Why do you need your trousers? It's the middle of the night!' George said.

Harris said, 'George, you and J can row

I didn't like this idea, and I said, 'No, Harris

Harris said, 'On this boat, I'm the only one who works.'

George said, 'You do nothing but eat and sleep, Harris

Harris laughed and said, 'George! Work! Have you ever seen George work?'

'Oh, please! I do more work than old J,' Harris said.

'Old J thinks he's a passenger and doesn't need to work,' Harris said.

After this discussion, I said to Harris, 'You and George row the boat up to Reading

She looked at them and said, 'This will cost you three times the usual price.'

Nature is beautiful even when it rains,' I said.

'Yes,' Harris said, 'it's good to see the river in all kinds of weather

George said, 'Please don't talk about good food, until I finish this cold meat.'

After a while, I Harris said, 'I've got an awful headache

'Well, I've got a bad backache,' I said.

'It's only two more days,' Harris said

Or, we can have dinner and spend an hour in a pub,' I said.

'That's not very exciting,' said George.

'It's much more interesting to go to the Alhambra Theatre in London,' said Harris.

'But we have decided to stay and die on this boat,' said George

'If something happens, we'll write to you,' we said, telling him a big lie.

The man at the ticket office of the theatre said, 'Oh, you're the famous acrobats from the Himalaya Mountains

Harris took his glass and said, 'Well, we had a good trip, and I say thank you to Old Father Thames

Is typing the only job there is in this world? You are a teacher, are you not?' said Mercy.

'Mercy, what is the matter?' said Connie

Look at all these people who are running after you,' said Connie.

'Which of them could I marry?' said Mercy

And she said only last week that she didn't have a penny on her, thought Connie

'Sissie, you look worried,' said Mercy.

'Well, if I had the chance to behave the same way,' said Connie, 'I wouldn't make use of it.'

'I am going out with Mensar-Arthur,' Mercy said.

'Do you mean that politician?' she said.

'What?' said Mercy.

Your private life is not my business, but you just said yourself that you wanted a man of your own

'I am well.' But everything about her said bad news.

A very foolish idea, as he said sharply to her the first time she mentioned it

'We are here,' he said.

'I have told my sister about you,' said Mercy.

She is not your mother,' he said.

'Don't be silly,' he said

'I see,' she said, and for the first time in the one month since she agreed to be this man's lover, the tears which suddenly rose into her eyes came there naturally.

oh,' she said, pleased for the first time since this awful day had begun.

She had wanted this thing for a long time, and yet one side of her said that accepting it was wrong

'What do you mean, nothing new?' said Connie

And Connie wondered why he said that with so much bitterness

'If I were you, I would stop worrying because it seems Mercy can take care of herself quite well,' said James.

'Wasn't there a picture in The Crystal over the weekend of his daughter's wedding? And another one of him with his wife and children and grandchildren?' said James.

'Yes,' said Mercy.

As we walked together down the London road, looking for a carriage, she said, 'Do you know any aristocrats?'

'I can't talk about it,' she said.

'Thank you!' she said, then the carriage drove off, and the woman in white was gone.

When I had finished, she said, 'Mrs Fairlie was my mother

'Laura,' said Miss Halcombe, 'you have your drawing book with you

'No, I'm afraid to begin,' said Laura gently

'Well,' said Miss Halcombe, 'I'm sure that Mr Hartright will pay us compliments even if our drawings are horrible.'

'I hope he won't pay me any compliments,' said Miss Fairlie.

'After the story you told me this morning, I've been reading my mother's old letters,' said Miss Halcombe

She kissed my hand and said, 'I'll always wear white! It'll help me to remember how kind you've been to me!' Poor little soul!'"

'The woman in white must be Anne Catherick!' she said.

'Listen to the last sentences of the letter,' said Miss Halcombe

'I know your secret,' she said

'You must leave Limmeridge at once,' she said

'I've never heard anything bad about Sir Percival., she said

Sir Percival then turned to Miss Halcombe and said, 'My lawyer sent me the copy of that letter

'Please, Miss Halcombe,' said Sir Percival, 'write to Mrs Catherick and ask her to confirm my explanation.'

'Yes, there is someone,' she said in a trembling voice, and she burst into tears.

'Don't cry, my dear,' I said

This morning he spoke to me, and this afternoon I told Laura what he had said: 'He was very generous

He said that if you want to break your engagement, you can.'

'I can never break my engagement,' said Laura

'After what you've just said, I want to marry you more than ever,' said Sir Percival

'If you insist on our marriage, I'll be your faithful wife,' she said, 'but I'll never love you!'

'I'll be satisfied with that,' he said gently, and left the room.

'Marian, you must keep it now,' she said

'Don't worry,' said the lawyer

'Of course she'll sign the document,' said Sir Percival angrily.

'I know that Percival has debts,' she said, 'but I won't sign anythin without reading it first.'

After lunch, Sir Percival said, 'Will you sign this, Laura? It's just a formality

'Sign your name here,' he said.

'I've no time to explain,' said Sir Percival

'It's not fair to say I don't trust you,' said Laura

'It's none of Miss Halcombe's business!' said Sir Percival.

'Excuse me,' I said, 'but, as a witness to the signature, it is my business

'Percival!' said the Count

'I don't want to offend anybody,' he said

'I'll happily sign when I know what's in it,' said Laura

'Who said anything about sacrifice?' cried Sir Percival, furious again

'One moment!' said the Count.

'Percival,' said the Count

'All right,' said Sir Percival

'I can tell you everything now, Marian,' she said

'After what Percival said to me this morning, I don't feel any obligation to him

She said that her favourite drawing teacher was Mr Hartright

Later, the Count came to me and said, 'Miss Halcombe, Sir Percival has changed his mind

'Marian!' she said

She spoke of how kind Mother had been to her and said that she wanted to die and be buried beside Mother

How she hates him! She said that her mother had told her a secret - Percival's secret - and when he discovered that Anne knew it, he put her in the asylum.-'

Then she said, 'Someone is nearby

I walked up to Percival and said, 'You can't keep your wife as a prisoner in her own house! There are laws in England to protect women from cruelty and injustice!'

She came to my side and said, 'Sir Percival, I must leave

The Count took his wife's arm and said, 'She is simply wonderful! I'm at your service, Eleanor

'All right! Do what you want!' said Sir Percival, and he left the room.

'We've won,' said the Count

'Laura, dear,' I said

'You dropped this downstairs,' she said

When she was gone, I said, 'Oh, Laura! You shouldn't have called the Count a spy!'

'There are no secrets between my husband and me,' she said

'Certainly!' said the Count's voice behind me

'Let's forget about it,' he said, then he took my hand and put it to his lips

After dinner, Percival said to the Count, 'I want to talk to you in private

The Count replied, 'Later, when the ladies are asleep.' I said that I had a headache and went up to my room earlier than usual

'Percival, we are now at a financial crisis,' said the Count

Sir Percival said, 'It's very simple

'Ah!' said the Count

'Really?' said the Count in surprise

One day, Sir Percival called me into his study and said, 'I plan to leave Blackwater Park

As we walked along the corridor, Sir Percival came up the stairs and said, 'She's not there

'You must wait till tomorrow,' said Sir Percival

'I don't want to sleep in London,' she said.

'I don't want to go alone!' she said

She looked so lonely as she said those words that my eyes filled with tears

When I returned to Blackwater Park, Sir Percival said to me, 'Go and see if Miss Halcombe is all right

'Yes,' said Sir Percival

'Sir Percival,' I said firmly

Dr Goodricke examined her and said, 'This is a serious case of heart disease

Miss Halcombe said, 'Walter, we must all go to London immediately! We're probably being followed!'

'When I woke up from my illness,' she said, 'I found myself in a strange room

We came to Limmeridge and explained everything to my uncle, but he said that I was a fool

I took one, using a false name, and Marian and Laura lived in the other under the same name; I said they were my sisters

My one hope now was to prove Laura's identity, but Mr Kyrle, having heard the whole story, said that it would be impossible

'Marian,' I said

'But we don't know it.' 'Anne's mother, Mrs Catherick, knows it,' I said, 'and I'll find out what it is

'Say what you've come to say and then leave,' she said in a cold, aggressive voice.

'I can't tell you, but it's true,' I said

'A very aristocratic family! Especially on his mother's side!' She stopped speaking suddenly, as if she had said something she did not mean to say.

So! Sir Percival's secret was something to do with his mother! Mrs Catherick said no more

'Those registers are full of important documents,' I said

'That's just what the old parish clerk said,' the man replied

As the parish clerk put the register back on its shelf, I said, 'You spoke of old copies of the register

A man close to me said, 'It's my master, Sir Percival Glyde.'

At the inquest the next day, the parish clerk said that the key to the vestry had gone missing just before the fire

'By giving me the key to the vestry, you became my partner in the forgery,' he said

Then he said, 'You've been very helpful to me, so now I'll help you

No one in Hampshire knew anything about her marriage, so when Sir F said that he had married her, no one suspected anything

As I read it I became so angry that I insulted him out loud in front of Anne - I said he was a miserable impostor

Anne turned to him and said, 'You're a miserable impostor.' She had no idea what it meant - she was just repeating my words - but Sir P was terrified

'Count Fosco,' said Marian

He said he'd come for two reasons: first, to express his feelings for me (I refused to listen to them) and secondly, to repeat the warning in his letter

The Count had contacted the asylum doctor and said he knew where Anne Catherick was

He said, "Tell Mr Hartright to stay away from me! If I must put your pretty sister back in the asylum to stop Mr Hartright from investigating me, I shall do so

Anne had said that she wanted to die and to be buried beside Mrs Fairlie

A little more than a year had passed since she had said that, and now her wish had come true

'I agree,' said Marian, kissing me on the forehead

'My dear friend,' I said

After a few minutes of intense thought, he sat down again and said, 'What I'm going to tell you now is a secret, and I could be killed for telling it to you

'It's Fosco,' I said

'I don't believe you,' he said.

'Roll up the left sleeve of your shirt,' I said

'Perhaps I should kill you,' he said.

'I want a full confession, written and signed, of your conspiracy with Sir Percival Glyde against Laura Fairlie,' I said, 'and I want proof of your story so that everyone knows the truth at last.'

'I agree,' said the Count

The letter said, 'Lady Glyde will arrive in London this evening

This was the proof I needed! The death certificate said that Lady Glyde had died on 25 July, and here was a letter from Sir Percival proving that she was still alive on 26 July!

I said to Percival, 'We'll simply exchange their identities: Lady Glyde and Anne will exchange names, places, and destinies

I said that Lady Glyde had gone to London and wanted Anne to go there too to meet her

He did not listen to what she said

After having read them all, Mr Kyrle said that Laura's identity was now proved

The newspaper said that the murderer was believed to be a member of the Brotherhood

Women could not do well, she said, because of their bad education.

With real education, she said, women could be good wives and mothers, but also good workers in many jobs.

Let's have a statue of this famous woman!" they said.

They said, "People cannot have a television or play music." In January 2008, the Taliban said, "Girls cannot go to school."

Malala has said, "I tell my story, not because it is unique, but because it is not

As Malala has said, "One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world."

From a young age, Rosa knew that "there was a black world and a white world," as she said later

The Nobel Committee said she was a brave person who never worried that she was in danger

The suffragettes said, "Emily died for women."

She said, "The men who are against us have to choose between giving us freedom, or giving us death."

"It feels great," she said as she came out, with a very big smile

In it, she said, "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman." With this famous sentence, Simone was the first thinker to write about sex and gender

We are born as a sex - either as a boy or girl, she said

Women, said Simone, are always described as "The Other" - she means that women do not act like men, and, because of this, men believe that women are not as important as them.

Nancy was very strong, and she always said what she thought

She said to the BBC, "I wanted the world to get better, and I knew it could not get better if it was going to be ruled by men." Nancy was an MP until 1945.

"She only knows about the kitchen," said her friends.

In a talk in 1995, she said, "Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights." She said that a country cannot be great if its women are not free

In countries where women do well, she said, everyone does well.

Jacinda Ardern has said, "I hope that one day this will not be interesting anymore." She wants it to be normal for women to be in politics and to be mothers.

"It looked not at all interesting," she said

"I did not understand it at the time," she said later, "but I believe that little red aeroplane said something to me as it went by." In 1920, a pilot took her up in an aeroplane, and that changed her life

She said later, "When I was two or three hundred feet off the ground, I knew I had to fly."

She said there was cloudy weather

Other people said she had to look after her husband and her children! But Fanny started the 1948 Games by winning two races - one of them was the 100 metres

She would not go to the US Open in 1973 because of that, she said

The women's game was much worse than the men's game, he said

She said, "I wanted to stay in school but he refused

The law was bad, they said - the lowest age for boys to marry was eighteen, but the lowest age for girls was sixteen.

Many famous women said "Me Too" - Hollywood actors like Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashley Judd, Jennifer Lawrence and Uma Thurman have all said it