How to use "says" in a sentence


It says the same thing over and over again

'I'm Megan,' says the darker girl, 'and this is Kristi.'

You won't get back before dark,' she says.

Stay calm, says the second.

'The police at the carpark told us about you,' he says.

'Keep him talking,' the pilot says to his partner.

In a race, somebody usually says,' One, two, three, go!' But the Dodo didn't do that

'My watch says Monday,' the Mad Hatter said

He says it's obvious that you are very fond of one another.'

"Hello handsome," she always says to me, "another day at the office?" And I never say much, but I do not have to: we understand each other without words

"Don't!" says the man, as if he can see my intention in my eyes, but I have to

"You got him, Detective?" a voice says behind me.

"Yeah, that's him," the tall man says

I'm Robin, you're Little John..." one of the men says to the other

"And you're Marian," he says to me, the only woman, and he gives me a quick smile.

Remember the music, Marian," Robin says.

"We know," Little John says, "we broke it."

"Music, Marian!" Robin says.

"What is this?" he says, and he looks nervous but not nervous enough.

"That's okay," Robin says, and he picks up one of the bags and puts it on the table, "we brought our own money: twenty thousand pounds in small notes

"What?" Hastings says, and then he looks at the bag

"Get it ready," he says, and Little John takes the ladders back down the stairs to the glass doors.

So?" he says, arrogantly.

He looks at the newspaper for a moment but says nothing.

"One minute!" says Little John.

"Then goodbye, Mr Hastings," Robin says, and he moves the gun, but...

"Well?" Robin says.

"And what now?" Hastings says

"Something like that," he says quietly.

"Not if there's a big enough distraction," he says

"Now!" says Robin, and Little John presses the control on the air conditioning

The man laughs, stands up and says nothing.

"Oliver! Here I am!" a loud, cheerful voice says

"Darling," he says, with a smile, "this good man wants to close

"Oh thank you!" Sylvia says, and the attendant helps them into the small rowing boat and passes Oliver the picnic bag

"Bloody idiot," he says to Sylvia as they slowly move away from the jetty onto the dark water

"I don't understand a thing he says."

"Darling?" he says

"Can you pass me over the bag? Then you can come and sit here next to me," he says as casually as he can.

"Of course," Sylvia says, and she stands up, which makes the boat rock

"Don't you dare call me that," she says in a tone as cold as the water

"Sorry, Laddie," he says quietly to the loch

"Follow me," says Detective Branwell with a sigh

"Right," he says, and tries to smile to relax her, "what's all this about, then? The officer at the front desk says you need to speak to someone."

"I do," she says, and her voice is thin and tense.

"I see," he says, "maybe you can tell me your name first

"Not now, no," she says, and she picks up her handbag

"What?" Branwell says

"He wants to kill me." Branwell says nothing but watches the woman's face

"Easily," she says, but again she pauses, and Branwell sees her turn quickly to look over her shoulder

Dead," she says

"And he never says anything threatening? He never says that he wants to hurt you?"

"No, he never says a thing

"What?" she says before he can open the door

"You mean," she continues, "that if I tell you his name, you can help me? You can stop this?" she says desperately.

"Oh I know," she says, and he sees that something in her deep-green eyes, and he thinks that he knows what it is now

"I think you should tell me everything," he says, and he can see clearly now the guilt that fills her deep-green eyes

"Do you have her confession?" the figure says.

William was my brother..." he says as he opens the door to the rain

"Well someone looks bloody happy!" a voice says, and Gerry jumps

"G'day!" says the other one.

"Evening," Gerry says.

"Ha, a bloody pom," says the first and drops the rabbits on the table.

"Nice one!" says the first before he disappears into the bar

"Yeah, sure, I'll be careful," he says

No worries!" says Charles.

They can chop you up into little pieces," says Darwin, and Gerry thinks about Big Jones and the old factory on the Thames.

See you later," he says to the brothers, then he heads for the truck.

"A bloody pom," says Charlie quietly.

"He seems to like that bag very much." says Darwin.

"Who's there?" he says, but there is no answer.

"Well, you can't chop me into little pieces, can you?" he says to the crocodile.

"No," says a terrifyingly familiar voice, "but I can, Gerry

"What?" says Gerry.

And this is the last thing he ever says

"You don't like it here, do you, kid?" he says

"It's okay," Jake says and looks up again

"How dumb are you?" his new friend says, and he looks annoyed

You have to look like them," he says.

You got it?" Nick says.

Nick calls them weekend bags; he says they are the best

"That's mine," the man's voice says behind him

"Give it to me," the man says.

Then someone in the crowd says something, and the man looks around

And a police officer helps him to stand and says something about him being a hero.

"How did you know, kid?" a voice says, but this time it is not Nick.

Sure, there are one or two bigger than her, but none of them has her romance or her luxury," Mrs Carolina Heath says as they enter the dining room.

"It's fantastic," Eleanor says, and again Carolina is very happy to have a new companion.

Well, good evening gentlemen." Carolina says, and the three men stop their conversation and smile.

"Mrs Heath," one says, "how good to see you again

"Please, sit down," Edward says with a smile that shows early signs of infatuation.

"Yes," says Peter, "of different types

"Fascinating," she says, and all three look happy that she thinks so.

Please, tell us about yourself," says Edward.

"I see," says Peter

"And wives," says Michael.

"Well, for them, not for me: I'm not married," says Edward a little too quickly.

"Well, our conversation is about murder," says Peter to fill the silence "the perfect murder."

"I'm sure she's not interested, Pete," says Edward.

"And for me," Edward says as he refills Eleanor's glass, "the important thing is the twist."

"Really?" says Peter, "Well you must tell us."

"Maybe," she says with another shy smile, "but you first: what's your idea for the perfect murder weapon?"

"He always says this," Edward informs Eleanor.

"Normally, yes," says Eleanor, and all three men notice how her smile fades a little, "but she has a plan for that

"My God," says Edward, "she lets the flames burn her."

"Everyone thinks it's an accident and that she is heartbroken," says Peter.

"Yes," Eleanor says, and for a moment more there is silence again.

"All rise!" the court clerk says, and the jury, the lawyers and the family of the defendant all stand

"Please be seated!" says the judge, a woman of about forty years of age with a serious face and tone

She says her husband, the deceased Mr Dawson, hit her there several times

The words she said were 'I will kill him,' but the defendant says she does not remember that

The friend, Mr Harris, says that Miss Lee did not say anything to Mr Dawson and that the only thing Mr Dawson said was 'Hello'

The defence says that this is not murder, but manslaughter

The prosecution says this is not true

"All rise!" the court clerk says again

"Jesus," Nick says before he can stop himself, and the girl sees him and closes the mobile phone in her hand.

"Wait," Mrs Dawson says, and she looks like she might cry

"Look," she says, her voice different now, "I saw you looking at me yesterday

"I think the judge needs to listen to this first," he says, and he looks back at the beautiful Mrs Dawson and sees that she is not sad now, and that she is not victorious, and not angry.

Don't move! Part of you says, the part that feels the sensation of cold water on your skin again.

Don't move! Part of you says again.

Don't move! The scared part of you says.

"Father?" he says, but there is no reply, and he can see no movement behind the grille that separates his small space from the other.

"Hello?" says a voice, and Barry wakes up and looks around in confusion and fear

"Is there someone there?" says the voice.

"Yes, I'm here," he says, and for a moment there is silence before he remembers what to say

my son," the voice says, and Barry thinks that it is a calm and honest voice.

"Any man can listen," says the quiet voice.

"I see," says the voice

"Well..." says the quiet voice, "I understand, my son

"Why? Because I need to know that you aren't going to hurt anyone to get it," the voice says seriously.

"Now, son, I told you that any man can listen, didn't I?" it says

"Jesus!" he says, and he does not feel tired anymore

"Evening, officer," he says, and tries to look sorry

The cop looks at him and nods, but says nothing

"I suppose it's this road: the desert makes it easy to forget to watch your speed," he says, and he thinks he sees the cop look at his hand.

"Yep," the cop says, "these roads are funny like that

"Sir?" the cop says.

"You said it was easy," he says.

"My husband went for the money," says the woman, rifle in one hand, black hat in the other

"I'm sorry," Brandon says, "I really am sorry

"I know," the woman says.

"Look at this place," says Smith.

"Come on," Smith says, and they walk to the entrance.

"Er, a grammar school, Sir." And Smith nods his head and says nothing.

"I don't think so," she says quietly.

"Good," says Bowen

"Jesus," says Smith in the corridor

"Sir, look!" West says and points to the top of a tower.

"I do the thinking," he says

"No, well, not really," the secretary says quietly.

"It's my fault," a voice says, and a young man steps forward

"Look," says Cliff, "it was nothing, really

"Well, we might need to talk to you again at another time," Smith says and turns to go back to the courtyard

"Detective," says the secretary

"Fletcher is worse," says Cliff

"My God! Just look at that, Junior," Owen says with a smile, and he points to the valley and green forest below them

"We saw it last year," Junior says

"Come on, Son, this is going to be great fun," he says, and Junior follows him but says nothing.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" he says

Rhea says that it is just his age, and that all teenage boys prefer computer games and television to walks in the forest.

"What?" Junior says, a scared look in his eyes

"Right then, Son," he says feeling extremely happy and enjoying the excitement in his boy's eyes

"Exactly!" says Owen, and he feels full of pride and thinks what a wonderful day this is: out in the beauty of the Welsh countryside with his son.

Wait one moment," Hank says, and he puts his hand on Jimmy's head, and Jimmy tries to move away

"Scare you? You think we want to scare you? Clive, let them out," he says.

"Come on," he says to Clive and Kenny, and they move back to the stairs.

"Idiot! I always take the aces out of the pack and make sure that I get the kings," he says, and he goes back into his casino to play another game

But then he slowly says something as if he does not himself believe what he is saying

"No, of course not," Sarah says and smiles

"Yeah, he killed another one, didn't he? Last Friday, they reckon," the tallest of the kids says.

"Yeah, but the weird thing is none of them tried to fight," says the tall kid.

"I'm sorry, dear," the old woman says, and Sarah sees that the woman's cloth bag is touching her arm

"It's okay," Sarah says and smiles

"No, you relax," the old woman says, and Sarah thinks the old lady has a kind smile

"Help me." she says in a weak voice.

"My mom says the packing equipment is broken," said Sala

"Mom says the equipment will soon be fixed

And if, like Eston says, they really live freely in the outside world, you wouldn't want to stay here, would you?" Mom nodded

But we don't know that what this woman says is true - and nothing can happen right now anyway."

But he says that it could be from anyone."

"So he says it's for your own protection," said Gran bitterly.

They say he never talks about it, never says her name

Everyone says he adored her.'

'Beatrice is very kind-hearted, but she always says the wrong thing.'

She says that Robert must have taken it or broken it

Robert says he knows nothing about it.'

He says it's very important.'

'OK, Natalie,' Zak says

'OK!' says Zak

'Good luck, Nathan!' says Natalie.

'Thanks, Miss Nevons,' says Nathan.

Brad says nothing to Bud.

'I like your hair, Nathan!' says Bud, laughing

Nathan is angry, but he says nothing

'Sorry, Natalie,' says Zak

'Yes, Mr Wakeman,' says Natalie.

'Me, too,' says Brad.

'I can give you twenty dollars to park the cars at my party tonight, Nathan,' he says

'Yes, please, Mr Wakeman,' says Nathan.

'Hi, Miss Nevons,' says Nathan.

'Hi, Nathan,' says Natalie

'Yes,' says Nathan

'I have a drink for you, Nathan,' she says.

'Oh - thanks, Miss Nevons,' says Nathan.

'You're a good stand-in, Nathan,' she says

Mr Wakeman says "no" but I...'

'Look!' she says

'It's The Cat!' says Nathan

'Quick!' says Natalie

'Be careful, Miss Nevons,' says Nathan

'It's OK, I'm a good driver,' she says

'OK,' he says.

'We're getting near to him!' says Natalie.

'Yes, but look! There's a train coming!' says Nathan.

'It's OK!' she says

'We aren't going to do it!' says Nathan.

'Wow! That was close!' says Nathan.

Natalie laughs, and says nothing.

'Look at them!' says one policeman

'Too fast, Sam,' says Joe

'It's not going to be easy,' says Sam, 'but let's go!'

'Er, Natalie,' he says.

'There's a police car behind us,' says Nathan

'I'm not stopping,' she says

'Oh, no!' he says

'I don't know,' says Sam

'There he is!' says Natalie

'He's running to that building,' says Nathan.

'Let's go!' says Natalie, and she runs after The Cat.

'He's going up to the roof!' he says.

'I'm OK,' says Nathan.

'Got you!' says Natalie, and she jumps on him

'You!' she says.

'It's Bud!' says Nathan.

'It's the movie star, Natalie Nevons!' says Joe.

'Yes!' says Sam

'That's right,' says Natalie.

'And you want to be Brad's new stand-in?' Zak says to Nathan

'Natalie doesn't need a stand-in!' says Nathan, laughing

In fact, Joel says it isn't healthy for a producer to be backstage every night..

He says I'd just make the performers nervous and cause the technicians to look over their shoulders for the boss when they should have their eyes on their work."

But there's a lot of sense in what Joel says, so I'm going to try to play it cool."

"Your ad in the Yellow Pages says you can have a man here to change my locks in one hour."

"He says I never should have let him go with Jaborski

It says the heat's on and set at seventy

"The next time I read a story in the newspaper about some guy, who says he was picked up in a flying saucer and taken on a tour of the universe, I won't be so quick to laugh

"The current analysis says the new growth is consistent with the structure of normal brain tissue

"Yes, and this time it says 'Put the papers in the garden'."

'It comes from East London, and it says "Put the papers in the garden"

Look, it says:

Put this paper into your uncle's box, put in a letter which says that your uncle burnt all the other papers, and put the box outside in the garden

"I like that hat!" he says.

"I can put it in a bag for you," the woman says.

"No, it's OK," Bernardo says

"Hello, Natalie," he says to his wife

She thinks, "No!" But she says, "Why do you want another hat, Bernardo? You have twenty!"

"I like hats," Bernardo says

"I can't find my hat, Natalie," he says.

"I can buy you a new hat, Bernardo," Natalie says

"Hi," Mitch says

"Thank you," Anna says

"I'm Mitch," Mitch says.

"I'm Anna," Anna says

"It's a good place for hats!" she says.

"A beautiful hat for a beautiful girl," he says.

"Thank you," she says.

"Come to the movies with me tomorrow, Anna," Mitch says.

"OK," Anna says

"My hat!" Anna says.

"It's OK," Mitch says

"Yes, I do," Anna says

"Look, Sunny," he says

"Look at this money, Sunny!" Cal says

In the morning, Cal says to Sunny, "Where's my lucky hat?"

"Give me the money!" Rod says

"OK, OK," the woman says.

"He's tall and thin," she says

"He's wearing a green and yellow hat!" one policeman says.

"And he's tall and thin!" his friend says

"I love hats!" Bernardo says.

About ten o'clock last night, Redding comes in, throws down a pistol, and says to the police, "Here I am

So Anne Protheroe says she killed her husband

'It's strange,' I said, 'that everyone says the shot came from the woods.'

And if he says he did it, well, then he did.

Miss Hartnell says she stayed there until seven o'clock, and Redding went with Stone to the Blue Boar for a drink

'But the doctor says that Protheroe was shot before six-thirty.'

And yet at twenty past six he sits down and says he "can't wait any longer".'

'There is a police inspector here, and he says he must see you.' Mrs Lestrange said calmly, 'Show him in, Hilda.'

But perhaps this time he says he will go to the police

Whatever Dr Haydock says, I don't believe it."'

'Mrs Clement says that you wish to leave us,' I said

And then, before he's even been buried, his daughter comes here and says I don't do my work properly.'

"I'm looking for my little yellow hat," she says

'We know everything that Redding was doing up to 6.50 and Dr Haydock says Protheroe could not have been shot then.'

Whenever I think I am ill, he examines me and says I am fine

It only says that the place is a good fishing area

Connie says, 'He says to Auntie Mercy he is fine.'

He says that she'll get better

Marian, she looks like a paler, thinner version of myself! She says that she's dying

'We must bring them to justice! We must give Laura back her true identity! Mr Kyrle says we can't prove that she is Lady Glyde, so we must force one of them to confess it

The vicar says hello to me! But back then, when Anne was a child, my life was very hard

Educated women have better health and they work more, says the World Bank

"Zorro! Don't say that name! He is a bandit and a criminal,'' says Sergeant Gonzales.

"He is the terror of southern California,'' says another soldier.

He punishes dishonest people," says an old man.

He is very good with his sword," says the Sergeant.

"Yes, and he leaves his mark - the Z - everywhere," says the old man.

The Governor of California offers a big reward for the capture of Zorro," says one soldier.

"Don Diego Vega, my friend!" says Sergeant Gonzales

Don Diego smiles and says, "I am going home, but I am cold and wet

"Come and stand near the fire," says the Sergeant

"Thank you, my friend," says Don Diego.

Many people say good things about him," says Don Diego.

"I want to fight him and capture him! I want the big reward," says Sergeant Gonzales.

Let Zorro do his work," says Don Diego.

You are rich and noble," says the Sergeant.

Don Diego smiles and says, "It's 6 p.m

"Good evening! My name is Zorro!" says the masked man.

Sergeant Gonzales looks at him carefully and says, "What do you want, bandit?"

He looks at Sergeant Gonzales and says," I am here to punish you, Sergeant!"

"What do you mean?" says the Sergeant.

"You idiot! The governor wants you dead or alive!" says Sergeant Gonzales

Sergeant Gonzales looks at the pistol and says, "Courageous men don't use pistols

Everyone must go near the fire and stay there!" says Zorro

"Fight, senor!" says the Sergeant.

Zorro slaps his face and says, "This is your punishment." Then he makes a Z on the Sergeant's shirt with his sword.

He opens it and says, "Good evening, gentlemen!" He jumps out of the window and disappears.

I am here to say something very important," says Don Diego

With your permission ', I want to marry your daughter," says Don Diego.

There is something I must tell you," says Don Diego smiling

You are young and rich, but you are not strong or romantic! Do you have a heart?" says Lolita

Doha Catalina says, "You are lucky, Lolita

You are in great danger," says Lolita.

"You are beautiful and kind, Lolita," says Zorro

"Good evening," says Zorro

"I want to arrest you, Zorro," says Captain Ramon

"You cannot arrest me!" says Zorro.

"Please help the Captain!" Zorro says to Don Carlos

"Don Carlos,'' says the Captain, "I like Lolita very much

"First, I must explain something," says Don Carlos

Don Carlos receives the letter and says, "What a generous invitation! Don Diego wants to protect Lolita

"Lolita! Marry Don Diego and this beautiful home is yours!" says Doha Catalina.

"I don't love Don Diego! I don't want to marry him!" says Lolita.

"Lolita, tonight your mother and I must visit our old friends," says Don Carlos

"I am alone,'' says Lolita

Captain Ramon takes her hand and says, "Don't run away, Lolita

Lolita pushes him away and says, "I don't want to kiss you

At that moment Zorro appears in the library and says, "Captain Ramon, you are a villain

"I cannot forget this terrible insult," says the Captain

I love you!" Lolita says.

"Dear Lolita, I love you too!" says Zorro.

He smiles and says, "I want to see the Pulido family in prison!"

"I want to see you in prison!" says a man's voice

Fight me but don't hurt the Pulido family!" says Zorro.

"Sergeant Gonzales, come quickly!" says the Captain

"I am here, Captain," says Sergeant Gonzales.

"I am not a thief," says the old friar

I know him," says Don Diego.

"No, you are wrong," says the cruel magistrate.

He calls two soldiers and says, "Whip this friar 15 times."

"Good afternoon, my son," says his father, Don Alejandro Vega

Wake up, Diego!" says Don Alejandro.

"How ridiculous! I cannot do these stupid things," says Don Diego.

Lolita is a lovely girl," says Don Alejandro.

I want to rest and meditate," says Don Diego.

"Magistrate! I am here to punish you," says Zorro

Zorro gives a whip to the magistrate's friend and says, "Now whip this corrupt magistrate 15 times."

"But I cannot do this," says the friend.

"Whip him or I whip you!" says Zorro.

''This is how I punish dishonest people,'' says Zorro.

When Don Alejandro sees them he says, "Why are you all here?"

You can put your swords and pistols near the door," says Don Alejandro

Don Diego says, "Please excuse me

You are young but you are always tired," says Don Alejandro.

"Look, it is Zorro!" says one of the young men.

"We want to help the poor, the natives and the friars too," says one young man.

"Our principles are the same," says another.

"Come with me and we can fight together! We can make California a better place to live," says Zorro.

It's a secret,'' says Zorro.

Our new name is The Avengers!" says a young man

"Good! We now fight together!" says Zorro and leaves.

The Governor of California is here today, says Sergeant Gonzales.

"Good!" says Captain Ramon

"Good morning, Captain Ramon," says the Governor."

"What a good idea! My soldiers can arrest them today," says the Captain.

They don't help bandits," says Don Diego.

The punishment for traitors is death," says the Governor.

The message says:

Zorro says, "We are here to rescue Don Pulido and his family

Zorro says, "Can Lolita stay here with you for a few days? She is in danger."

"Yes, I can protect her," says Friar Felipe

Zorro kisses Lolita and says, "Always remember that I love you." Then he rides away on his horse.

Zorro enters and says, "Don't move and don't make a noise

"You are here to die!" says Captain Ramon.

Your friends are my enemies,'' says the Governor.

They are not my friends," he says.

It accuses them," says the Governor.

Zorro reads the letter and says, "It is Captain Ramon's letter

He accuses the Pulido family." Zorro looks at the Captain and says, "Captain, you are a liar but I am here to punish you

Zorro puts his pistol to Captain Ramon's head and says, "Tell the Governor the truth or I shoot!"

"Tell the truth, you liar,'' says Zorro.

"This is terrible!" says the Governor

"The Captain is dead," says Zorro to the Governor.

"I'm happy to be with you Zorro," says Lolita

The Governor says, "Now that you are free, show us your face!"

Lolita looks at him and says, "Is this true or is it a dream? Are you really Don Diego?"

I am your Don Diego and your Zorro!" he says embracing Lolita.