How to use "scared" in a sentence


It was scared of something

I begin to feel more than nervous now: I begin to feel scared

I remember Catherine's face, but she is not smiling like she is in the picture, and her blue eyes look scared and desperate

I am scared now because I know that I am near, and in the dark I begin to see large, grey stones standing like giants on the top of the hill

He looks scared.

She is scared, very scared.

Jake holds up the bag, but he is scared, so scared, though he has to do it.

Jake wants to give it to the man because he is so scared.

The scared cries now become angry shouts.

Yes, he thinks Mrs Dawson looks best when she is scared.

Don't move! The scared part of you says.

"What?" Junior says, a scared look in his eyes

"Dad?" Junior whispers, and he looks scared "what's that noise? Is it the police?" And Owen signals him to be quiet

Behind him he can hear Junior, who sounds like he is very scared.

The cat pounced, missed its prey, stumbled, scared itself, and flashed lightning-quick into another yard.

The pistol still frightened him, but he was now thinking of something else that scared him more than the gun

Such a possibility scared the hell out of Elliot

"The only thing new about me is that I wasn't scared stiff this morning, and now I am."

"Being scared - that's part of it," she said

Sure, I'm scared of those creeps

The only thing that scared her now was the possibility that they might find Danny - and then be unable to rescue him

She knew from experience that fate had countless nasty tricks up its voluminous sleeve, and that was why she was scared shitless.

She said, "I was scared." And Danny said, "I made the holes in the walls smaller

Who were these two people? Why weren't they hiding in a dark corner somewhere? Why weren't they scared witless? Christina Evans was only an ordinary woman

Everyone is scared of him, but I am not! I am ready to fight Zorro and win! I am a champion with the sword

The men in the tavern are very surprised and scared.

He is scared

They are scared.

"Don't be scared! You are an honest man, Don Carlos

"I'm not scared."