How to use "scheduled" in a sentence


At ten o'clock in the morning, she was scheduled to meet with two tour-booking agents who were considering reserving eight thousand tickets to Magyck! During the first three months of its run

Vivienne had been scheduled to work this afternoon, but she'd canceled

But even if Vivienne had kept her scheduled appointment, she never would have written those words on the chalkboard

Some people for whom she cleaned house insisted that she keep regularly scheduled appointments, and they did a slow burn if she showed up more than a few minutes late

Although no second show was scheduled this evening, as would be the case every night henceforth, busboys and waitresses were busily clearing tables, resetting them with fresh linen and silverware for the following night's eight o'clock performance.

Just scheduled airliners and charters."

He was scheduled to take possession of it shortly before midnight.

He wasn't scheduled for R and R, and on the spur of the moment he couldn't think of an excuse to sign out one of the Range Rovers, so he tried to escape on foot