How to use "scream" in a sentence


I pull it back with a scream of pain

I scream and pull hard to try and free myself

I scream as I push down with the knife.

The daughter, taking her father's words seriously, began to scream with fear

And Gerry opens his mouth to scream...

But the scream he hears is not his own.

The scream comes from Big Jones, who suddenly lets go of the knife.

"If they scare you, just scream, and I can rescue you."

You think that if you scream, someone will hear you.

And before Barry Brennan begins to shout and scream to the empty church, he hears the soft voice one more time.

One moment they were running; the next there was the sound of the gun and a scream

But then the second is over, and he kicks Jimmy in the back, and Jimmy falls into the pool with a scream.

If he follows me, I will shout and scream for help.

She tries to scream, but it is too late.

She wanted to scream at his parents

Just a long, agonized scream.

Danny's cry escalated into a scream of terror; he was being buried alive

Elliot Stryker halted on the threshold, surprised by her scream, and for an instant, she was relieved to see him.

She wanted to scream, but she couldn't make a sound.

If she tried to scream now, she would be able to do so, but she no longer wanted to scream.

I do not scream or argue; I am a polite boy

There was a loud scream from a woman behind

Then he disappeared, and I thought I heard a faint scream

Then we heard him scream and the sound of long and cheerful calling from the Martians.