How to use "screamed" in a sentence


Ned screamed at the locked door, but no one answered his call.

One tried to get in, but when his hand touched the ship, he screamed

Another tried the same thing, and he also screamed

But I pulled her dress, and it came open, and she screamed.

'Gump!' they screamed

The three of us ran out of there fast, and Miss Welch shouted and screamed.

She screamed but not loudly

a young woman screamed 'Murder!' not far away

The kid screamed at first, but they gagged him and tied his hands

Sala had been so surprised she'd almost screamed

At the craps tables, the crowds, primarily men, were more boisterous than the blackjack aficionados; they screamed, howled, cheered, groaned, encouraged the shooter, and prayed loudly to the dice

A dozen times, she passed chinks in the wall, and Death glared out at her from every one of those apertures, screamed and cursed and raged at her, but none of the holes was large enough to allow him through

Hensen screamed.

I screamed again and again but could not stop looking at him

'I want to confess,' a high, nervous voice screamed at me

I screamed and ran

The bells of the local church rang loudly, a carelessly-driven cart smashed, and people screamed and swore

I almost screamed, but I bit my hand