How to use "sending" in a sentence


The Thenardiers did not feel guilty about treating Cosette badly because Fantine had stopped sending them regular payments.

Madeleine sent the money, but the Thenardiers found even more dishonest excuses for not sending Cosette back.

"Are you the ones who keep sending her messages?"

"Someone's sending messages about the kid?" Bob asked.

"Listen," she said excitedly, "we thought someone was sending me messages about Danny being alive just to rub my face in the fact that he was actually dead - or to let me know, in a roundabout fashion, that the way he died wasn't anything like what I'd been told

He's been sending me nightmares for the past few weeks

If Danny's sending me messages in dreams, it's only natural he'd use images he was familiar with - like a monster out of a favorite horror story."

Elliot said, "If Danny has this incredible power, why is he sending messages just to you? Why doesn't he at least contact Michael too?"

He crashed into a desk, sending a pile of white and pink papers onto the floor, and then he fell on top of the mess that he had made.

'I'm sending the pips, not from the K.K.K., but from me, Sherlock Holmes, to Captain James Calhoun

Because it was so small, I did not see the Thing they were sending us, which was flying quickly towards me across that great distance

Areas of bush and a few trees still smoked, and the houses towards Woking station were sending up tongues of flame into the stillness of the evening air.

Down on the left a busy little digging-machine could be seen, sending out small clouds of green smoke and working its way round the pit, making it bigger and piling the earth up over the top