How to use "shared" in a sentence


They must have been full of the life they had shared.

Most of his friends had shared his avid interest in ghosts and ghouls; besides, the grotesque hadn't been his only interest, so she had decided not to worry about it.

The jukebox played a country tune by Garth Brooks, and the music shared the air with the delicious aromas of fried eggs, bacon, and sausages

Harry had been surprised to discover that not all of the people in the espionage business shared his ultraconservative political views

Eventually Harry realized that the extreme left and the extreme right shared the same two basic goals: They wanted to make society more orderly than it naturally was, and they wanted to centralize control of the population in a strong government

They shared a premonition that someone decidedly unfriendly was waiting in their room.

He made a sudden movement backwards and for a moment I shared his panic

Because the Nobel Prize can only be shared between three living scientists, Rosalind's work was not spoken about when the prize was given to James, Francis and Maurice