How to use "shy" in a sentence


Marius was a handsome young man, but he was also extremely shy

Every day for the next month, Marius went to the Luxembourg Gardens, excited by knowing that the girl was secretly looking at him, but too shy and embarrassed to know what to do

"Maybe," she says with another shy smile, "but you first: what's your idea for the perfect murder weapon?"

Usually, she was shy with boys

I was young and shy

I did not feel shy with de Winter

You haven't any experience and you're too shy

I was young and shy, I knew that

I was suddenly shy and afraid again

She could see that I was awkward and shy, and a little afraid of my new life at Manderley.

When visitors came to Manderley, I was shy and awkward

'I can't help being shy.'

Perhaps he thought I was too shy to want the Ball.

'But you always seemed so unhappy and so shy.'