How to use "skin" in a sentence


It feels warm against my skin

As soon as I put the knife against the skin of my arm, I feel ill

When everything is ready, I try to cut through the skin of my arm with the longer knife

I push hard but the skin doesn't break

As I'm removing these with the knife I push too hard and the blade goes through the skin near my wrist

I push the knife through the skin of my thumb

'Wait!' I say as she goes to put it into my skin

The two men wore black hats and shoes made from seal skin

Then, when it got light, an American plane came and used fire-throwers on the enemy - and almost on us! Suddenly the trees were on fire, and men were running out of the jungle with burned skin and clothes.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

She had soft brown hair, pale, smooth skin, deep blue eyes and a lovely smile that lit up her face like sunshine.

His skin is pale and his eyes cold

The man's dark hair is wet from the rain outside, his skin pale and his eyes cold and dead

And they are both dirty: their skin, boots and clothes all covered in red sand.

It cannot be burnt skin under the elegant white scarf.

Don't move! Part of you says, the part that feels the sensation of cold water on your skin again.

The skin is raw, and he tries to remember exactly what happened last night, but he cannot

His clothes are wet and his skin frozen

As he lies there shouting and screaming and trying to pull the pieces of shot from his skin, he looks up at the beautiful blue sky and green trees and magnificent forest.

He has a short beard and pale, unhealthy skin, and she thinks that his eyes are probably unkind.

On the front there is a picture of a man with a short beard and pale skin and unkind eyes

Her arm hurts, so she takes her jacket off, and in the mirror she can see a small drop of blood on her skin.

Because the Oil Wars left the city short of energy, everyone has a small chip buried under the skin on their wrists, which measures how many units of energy they use

The little chip under her skin lit up for a second, showing how many energy units she had left

Gran had a chip buried under her skin like everyone else, but she wore a bracelet to hide it as a small way of protesting about the government's tight control over everyone.

The screen was red, but as her skin touched it, it changed to orange, and then green

Underneath it, metal, rubber, and plastic attachments lay on the surface of her skin

Her skin was very white

I knew her tall, slim figure, her small face and clear white skin

She spread a thin skin of peanut butter on them, poured a glass of nonfat milk, and sat at the table.

By the time she reached the closed door, her skin was goose-pimpled, and her teeth were chattering.

Her skin almost stuck to the knob

She would have been lovely enough if her eyes had been dark, in harmony with the shade of her hair and skin, but they were crystalline blue

When she thought of clubbing him, he looked at her, and she saw his face: a fleshless skull with rotting skin stretched over the bones, burning red eyes, a yellow-toothed grin

The smell of her, the vibrant blue of her eyes, the feel of her supple skin as he put a hand to her face - those things generated waves of affection and longing within him.

But an image of crimson eyes, yellow skin - the leering face of death - flashed through her mind, and she kept moving.

But they were sunken, ringed by unhealthy dark skin, which was not the way they had always been

His arm was skin and bones, a pathetic stick

Shaking violently, snuffling, he put his face against her neck, and she felt his scalding tears on her skin

When she pulled him into her lap, he trailed wires that led from electrodes on his skin to the monitoring machines around the bed, like an abandoned marionette

When she gingerly pulled off the adhesive tape, he whimpered, and she winced when she saw the rawness of his skin under the bandage

Tina removed an electrode from Danny's neck, carefully peeling the tape off his skin.

His skin was cold

It was covered with a thick burnt skin, which softened its edges

Then suddenly, he noticed that some of the burnt skin was falling off the round edge at the end

But that night it was all very strange and I was physically exhausted, wet to the skin, deafened and blinded by the storm

In the back of the head, or body - I do not really know what to call it - there was a flat surface like the skin of a drum, which we now know worked as an ear

I could see the oily shine of its skin and the brightness of its eyes

The stair carpet was discolored where I had sat, wet to the skin from the thunderstorm on that first terrible night

He held her arm so tightly that he left dark bruises on her white skin