How to use "slept" in a sentence


'You slept for a long time!'

They lived and slept in squalid lodging houses

The poorest lived in the streets and slept in doorways.

Mrs Purkiss was awake most of the night, and Mr Purkiss slept badly and was awake between one and two o'clock, but they heard nothing

She slept in a police cell for three hours

She slept badly in a chair until 3.30, when she heard the clock strike, and was awake until nearly five o'clock

'I've slept for nineteen years on a piece of wood

He had woken because the bed was too comfortable; he had not slept in a proper bed for twenty years

'How is she?' he asked the nurse, who was watching her as she slept.

Madeleine sat by the bedside and watched Fantine while she slept

He lit a candle and sat by the bed, watching her while she slept

I had slept well and came downstairs a little after nine o'clock

She slept in the cottage sometimes

I had slept badly

'He often slept on the beach

Maxim slept on and I did not wake him

'You've slept for two hours,' Maxim told me

She fluffed her pillows, rearranged the covers, and tugged at the short nightgown in which she slept

Except, of course, that the boy who had once slept here had been dead for a year

Because of the sleeping pill I slept heavily, without dreaming

I had only slept a little and I got up early

I do not remember the arrival of the curate, so probably I slept for some time

Then he slept for some time and began again with even more strength, so loudly that I had to try to stop him.

Whenever I slept, I dreamed either of the death of the curate or of wonderful dinners.

I slept little

I was tired after eating and went into the room behind the bar and slept on a black leather sofa that I found there.

This man had slept on the river in a wet boat, like ours