How to use "slid" in a sentence


Holding the pistol in front of her, she approached the closet, hesitated, then slid the door back

She quickly slid the door shut and put her back against it.

Tina slid out of her booth to meet him.

As Tina slid into the booth beside Mainway, a tuxedoed captain appeared and filled her glass with Dom PS 233; rignon.

As Vivienne reached the back of the house, the crescent moon slid out from behind one of the few thin clouds, like a scimitar being drawn from a scabbard, and the pale shadows of palms and melaleucas shivered on the lunar-silvered concrete patio.

She put them back where they belonged, then slid the sofa into place.

She slid a hand between them, squeezed and stroked him.

The tires squealed, and the car slid sideways, but the superb suspension and responsive steering held the Mercedes firmly on four wheels all the way through the arc.

The ashtray slid out of its niche.

The drapes drew open, slid shut, drew open, slid shut, even though no one was near the draw cords.

The outer door slid shut behind them - whoosh - making an airtight seal.

Even before Elliot had lowered the pistol, the same set of elevator doors slid open again

Then slid shut

The doors slid open three floors below the surface, on the next to the last level.

They ran to the Explorer, where Tina took Danny out of Elliot's arms and slid him into the backseat

I touched the curate's leg, and he moved so suddenly that some bricks slid down outside with a loud crash

She sat down and the door closed with a smooth little sound as the car slid away.